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Mazda MX-5 IV - Prj. ND (Spy da Pag. 25 e 56)

Matteo B.

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Next Mazda MX-5 uncovered

02 November 2010

"Mazda’s next-generation MX-5 roadster is set to adopt principles from the RX-8, in a bid to trump the current car’s kerb weight and balance, according to well placed sources in Japan.

The new car, scheduled to appear at next year’s Tokyo motor show, will use layout ideas first previewed by the Ibuki (pictured), a concept that was revealed at the same event in 2003. That show car was believed to be a preview for the current MX-5 and little else — particularly since it used the RX-8’s twin-backbone frame.

See pics of Mazda's Ibuki concept

But a Mazda insider has told Autocar that the next MX-5 will use a revised version of that construction, and build on the RX-8’s philosophy to adopt a “super front-midship four-cylinder layout”. That means placing the powerplant behind the front axle for optimum weight distribution, and mounting the fuel tank and main exhaust in front of the rear axle, so all critical components sit inside the wheelbase.

By employing a revised version of the twin-backbone frame, Mazda engineers believe they can deliver an open-top car with the chassis rigidity of a regular coupé. The firm has been patenting elements of the Ibuki’s construction in the US and Japan in recent months.

One Mazda engineer said, “The Ibuki was not a one-off future concept car. It contains crucial aspects of the next-generation roadster.”

See Autocar's exclusive rendering of the next Mazda MX-5

It’s unlikely to influence its styling directly, however; instead, the new MX-5 will incorporate elements from the Shinari concept that was revealed in Milan in August. Power for the next MX-5 is likely to come from one of Mazda’s all-new Skyactiv powerplants. “It’ll probably be a 1.5 litre,” said our source. That should be enough for sprightly performance, given that the car is on track to weigh less than 1000kg.

Takao Kijima, the man behind the second and third generations of the iconic roadster, said, “The MX-5 must always be lightweight sports. The car has got bigger and heavier over the past decade, but it’s now time to reverse the process and get back to basics.”


che titolone esagerato!

una sub - 1000kg in un mondo in sovrappeso non e' male...poi comunque non e' che quella attuale sia un tank

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Se pesa meno di una tonnellata accendo un cero a San Mazda.

La teoria è quando si conosce il funzionamento di qualcosa ma quel qualcosa non funziona.

La pratica è quando tutto funziona ma non si sa come.

Spesso si finisce con il coniugare la teoria con la pratica: non funziona niente e non si sa il perché.

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Veramente il multiair è diverso soprattutto perchè ad ogni ciclo può variare l'alzata, l'istante di apertura e di chiusura valvola (indipendentemente) ed effettuare più aperture per ciclo.

Avevo riportato la maggior differenza tra il Multiair e il Valvetronic (che non può differenziare l'alzata tra i vari cilindri)....

Come dici giustamente il Multiair ha anche i vantaggi che riporti tu.


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