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Mazda MX-5 IV - Prj. ND (Spy da Pag. 25 e 56)

Matteo B.

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ritorna il PS di inizio topic (il più bello IMHO) più alcune caratteristiche tecniche di rilievo (se affidabili)

la data di agosto 2012 parrebbe plausibile (io penso anche prima)



Mazda is a company that I admire and I really look forward for the new MX-5 to come. The MX-5 successor (earlier post), according to the latest report coming from Japan, will be powered by a 1.5L SKYACTIV G engine with a power output of 150 PS and maximum torque of 16.0 kgm. An estimated fuel efficiency of 20.0 km/L (!) is claimed. In terms of how big is going to be, total length is expected to be 3,990 mm, width 1,695 mm and height 1,245 mm. The wheelbase should be 2,330 mm. The new MX-5 is expected to be launched in August 2012.

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Mazda is a company that I admire and I really look forward for the new MX-5 to come. The MX-5 successor (earlier post), according to the latest report coming from Japan, will be powered by a 1.5L SKYACTIV G engine with a power output of 150 PS and maximum torque of 16.0 kgm. An estimated fuel efficiency of 20.0 km/L (!) is claimed. In terms of how big is going to be, total length is expected to be 3,990 mm, width 1,695 mm and height 1,245 mm. The wheelbase should be 2,330 mm. The new MX-5 is expected to be launched in August 2012.

Se questo motore spinge un pelo meglio in basso rispetto agli attuali e poi sale allegro con una bella tonalita', ci sono tutte le premesse perche' non venga perso lo spirito della mitica.

Sull'esteica invece, pur on avendosi certezze, non ci spero molto, mi sa che lo spitito un po' vintage adra' a quel paese, speriamo non sia troppo jappa...

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no rigà, adesso deve passare almeno un anno e mezzo dalla futura versione e quando esce deve essere almeno controversa. :D

Scherzi a parte, che motore è per consumare così poco? buono che le dimensioni scendono tutte un po'.

Mazda MX-5 20th anniversary "barbone edition" - Tutto quello che scrivo è IMHO


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a leggere i consumi e a vedere il PS mi è venuto spontaneo chiedermi: ma vuoi vedere che questi la fanno ibrida e la propongono come rivale della Crz :mrgreen::§ ?

comunque, incrocio le dita pure io. a livello di design, ma soprattutto di guida. che non gli venga in testa di seguire l'esempio delle tedesche (e dell'Alfa Spider), di un'altra berlina 2 posti decappottabile non c'è assolutamente bisogno.

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  • 4 mesi fa...

Qualche altra voce...

Lighter MX-5 gets turbo power

04 July 2011

Mazda’s next-generation Mazda MX-5 will combine a small-capacity turbocharged four with lightweight engineering to return the two-seater in 2012/13 to its original agile sports car concept.

According to a senior insider, Mazda’s engineers have been tasked with cutting 275kg from the 1075kg ‘empty’ kerb weight (the weight without a driver) of today’s MX-5 to hit an ambitious target of 800kg.

See Autocar's rendering of the next Mazda MX-5

This would be a significant step forward for a volume-production sports car. In its leanest form, the MX-5 weighed just 955kg at its 1989 debut.

That was an era before comparative crash-testing added weight through heavy body structures, side-impact bars and airbags, and extensive, luxury specs became standard.

Autocar’s product planning source doubts that the highly ambitious 800kg target will be met. However, progress is described as “not bad”.

Weight-saving will be fought on many fronts, starting with lightening as many mechanical components as possible, adopting lightweight materials and deleting features to create a more minimalist spec.

This downsizing of components will then lead to a ‘virtuous circle’ in which a lighter car allows a lighter transmission, smaller brakes, less hefty suspension and so on.

In place of today’s 1.8 and 2.0-litre engines, the next MX-5 will use a small direct-injection four-cylinder turbocharged engine of around 1.5 litres. It will feature variable cam phasing, lighter, low-friction reciprocating parts, and possibly a new exhaust manifold design that achieves more effective exhaust gas evacuation.

Many of these developments are part of Mazda’s SkyActiv engineering campaign, which aims to improve the efficiency of every aspect of its cars.

Expect a lighter, reduced-friction transmission as Mazda tries to make the manual shift action as mechanically precise and satisfyingly short-throw as the original’s. A highly efficient paddle-shift torque-converter auto, with a lock-up clutch, is likely as well.

The new MX-5 will be more compact than today’s design, particularly narrower in width, which will also reduce the frontal area. And the styling will almost certainly be an evolution of the previous three generations of the MX-5.

The design language will be the new Kodo theme first seen on the Shinari concept at Paris last year and interpreted on our artist’s impression.

The body structure will probably remain all steel for cost reasons, but there will be a sizeable content of high-strength panels, and some ingenious structural solutions, such as a twin-backbone frame, to solve the problem of open-top rigidity. Mazda is believed to have taken out patents on some of these innovations.

The biggest crash challenge is side-impact protection, says our source, while protecting pedestrians during frontal impacts has also necessitated a pyrotechnic bonnet.

There is much debate about the features it might be possible to leave out. The dashboard’s glovebox will likely disappear, for example, in favour of other storage compartments, and the owner’s manual will probably be supplied on a USB stick. And lightweight neodymium-magnet stereo speakers will replace heavy, ceramic-magnet-based conventional units.

But what’s not yet clear is whether Mazda will dare to remove the option of a metal folding roof on the MX-5 coupé cabriolet, which makes an MX-5 easier to own but adds 80kg.


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Quel rendering è semplicemente raccapricciante....... :oddio:


Sai che cosa diceva quel tale? In Italia sotto i Borgia, per trent'anni, hanno avuto assassinii, guerre, terrore e massacri, ma hanno prodotto Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci e il Rinascimento. In Svizzera hanno avuto amore fraterno, cinquecento anni di pace e democrazia, e che cos' hanno prodotto? Gli orologi a cucù.( O.Welles)

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