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Inviato (modificato)
ma porcotuttololimpoedisuoiinquilini sei TU a decidere COME fare i prodotti, e li fai non consoni... ziocantante!!

Se ha proferito quella frase è da internare seduta stante senza passare dal via. Questi hanno vinto una partitina al monopoli e pensano di essere la reincanazione di Giulio Cesare per davvero.

Ha preso lezione ad Arcore su come imbonire il pubblico e far passare per rosso qualcosa che è bianco...

Davvero, non ho più parole.

Per la verità io l'ho detto fin dall'inizio che ha qualche problema encefal(l)ico. :lol::lol::lol: Forse pensa di essere ancora al tempo delle business unit di Bandiera? :lol::clap:D

Modificato da Felis

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in effetti queste frasi lasciano basiti.

se Alfa non è capace di fare un buon prodotto... e chi lo progetta? io?

se Alfa non va utili non va in USA... ma proprio in USA potrebbe trovare i volumi necessari per avere redditività globale. o no?

non può essere così insensato.

per la prima volta nella vita mi sento di abbondarni alla teoria del complotto.. beh, la seconda dopo l'affaire Moggi.



Inviato (modificato)

Dopo i vari pezzi di dichiarazioni "riportate", ecco un intervista completa a Marchionne.

Qui riporto solo la parte relativa ad Alfa.


Is it true you’ve delayed the launch of Alfa Romeo in the US?

Alfa has been underperforming for a long time. It has been the most difficult part of Fiat’s recovery, even though on paper it looks so attractive. The marque isn’t for sale, or anything like that. It’s our problem. But we do have to rethink our objectives and be realistic with ourselves before we we do anything else.

Does that mean the US plans are off?

No, they’re being worked on diligently. But I want to see us achieve two things before we proceed. First, I want to see how well we do launching the Giulietta. From the technical point of view it’s a huge step forward, but I want to see how it fares. And I want to see how we can take advantage of that through the company. It’ll take about a year to make that assessment.

Modificato da Regazzoni

Cercando tutt'altro, mi sono imbattuto in un altra intervista a Marchionne, questa volta fatta dai canadesi del Financial Post e che risale a ieri.

Parla estesamente di cosa si aspetta da Chrysler nell'immediato futuro, ma c'è una parentesi anche su Alfa.

Meanwhile, Mr. Marchionne confirmed that if the automaker does decide to build its new Alfa Romeo 169, it will do so at its plant in Brampton, Ont.

But he added that a business case will have to be made for the car before it is launched. Mr. Marchionne said he would make a decision by the end on the year whether to launch the new luxury sedan or not.

"If we build it, it is likely that it will be built [in Brampton]," he said. "Alfa, historically, has been a drag on the resources of the Fiat group. It has never delivered on its promises."

He said if the right business case could be build for it, Alfa could become a good brand for the company.


house of M(archionne)

no more alfa...

piccola citazione che saprà cogliere che legge fumetti:lol:

i'm the Doctor, but beyond that, I.. I just don't know. I literally do not know who I am. It's all untested. Am I funny? Am I sarcastic? Sexy? Right old misery? Life and soul? Right-handed? Left-handed? A gambler? A fighter? A coward? A traitor or a liar? A nervous wreck? I mean, judging by the evidence, I've certainly got a gob.

quante ne vende???

cala cala

il 2009 bmw l'ha chiuso negli USA con 219mila pezzi.

Forse quello è quante ne vorrebbe vendere (nel 2008 si è fermata a 249mila pezzi)

l'avessi detto io! Invece no! Sono parole di Black Sweater pronunciate nel 2007! :lol:

BMW M135i xDrive 306 cv

Marchionne: 'Alfa has to improve'

12 January 2010

Autocar's Steve Cropley caught up with Fiat CEO Sergio Marchionne at the Detroit motor show to discuss the future of Alfa Romeo, his hopes for 2010 and whether he plans on committing to selling cars in the UK long term.

Steve Cropley blog - Why the Chrysler-Fiat deal will work out

Is it true you’ve delayed the launch of Alfa Romeo in the US?

Alfa has been underperforming for a long time. It has been the most difficult part of Fiat’s recovery, even though on paper it looks so attractive. The marque isn’t for sale, or anything like that. It’s our problem. But we do have to rethink our objectives and be realistic with ourselves before we we do anything else.

Does that mean the US plans are off?

No, they’re being worked on diligently. But I want to see us achieve two things before we proceed. First, I want to see how well we do launching the Giulietta. From the technical point of view it’s a huge step forward, but I want to see how it fares. And I want to see how we can take advantage of that through the company. It’ll take about a year to make that assessment.

You showed a Lancia Delta with Chrysler badges and a Chrysler grille. Is that a real project?

The rebadged Delta could quite possibly make a Chrysler vehicle. Not far from now we may see an even stronger convergence of the two marques. In Europe, Lancia is an undersized, underdeveloped brand, with nothing bigger than the Delta. Chrysler, which has a true global reach, has nothing smaller. Put them together and you have a full lineup.

Doesn’t that damage the Delta?

Let’s get this straight. I’m not selling any Lancia in the US. There’s no structural conflict. We could have designed that car here. We could see the two converge as early as the end of the year.

What will the relationship between Dodge and Alfa Romeo be like?

That’s very different. These are two distinctive brands. Dodge is an American brand and must stay that way. Where the two have similarities is through their reputations for great dynamics. They might co-operate, but they’ll stay separate.

Why didn’t you have a big press conference in Detroit?

Because we don’t have anything to show yet. There’s been a habit at Chrysler of showing stuff very early. But if I’m going to battle, I don’t want to threaten my enemy with a weapon I won’t have for 18 months.

What do you expect from 2010?

In Europe, the market will be a million lower than 2009, but I still think it’s on the way back now. Chrysler will have a tough year, because we’re waiting for a lot of new products. In 2011 we’’ll have 11 new vehicles and five that have been heavily refreshed. This year, we’re shooting for 1.1 million sales in the US and about 1.6-1.7 milion in total, and not worrying much about market share. Those numbers are where we can more or less break even. But we’ve just come out of bankruptcy; we need to have a little humility.

Are you sorry your move to acquire Opel didn’t come off?

Personally I am. But I do think Opel finished up in the right hands, though I don’t think the journey it took to get there was very helpful. But General Motors has the industrial muscle needed to make Opel work. The proposal wasn’t right. There was no future the way it was proposed. Ask any CEO of a big European company and he’ll tell you the same.

The UK currency has fallen in value. Is it hard selling cars there?

It’s tough for any manufacturer to make money in the UK at present. Sometimes I wake up and ask myself why I’m there at all, apart from the fact that I love the place. But an emotional attachment only goes so far…


"The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt." -Bertrand Russell

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