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Marchionne e il futuro della Lancia

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Sergio Marchionne, the omnipotent chief of the Fiat Auto and Chrysler groups, will soon announce the detailed long-term product strategy for all seven brands now under his aegis. While Alfa Romeo is expected to be subject to several cutbacks, Lancia will be twinned with Chrysler in an effort to revive the ailing up-market Italian nameplate and Marchionne's product-starved American flagship.

GM's Opel/Vauxhall partnership is said to be the role model for the collaboration between Chrysler and Lancia. This would mean that the two brands won't compete in the same markets, which should also apply to the pending Fiat-Dodge alliance. That would mean that eventually, the Dodge and Chrysler brands will no longer be sold in Europe.

The success of Marchionne's game plan in Europe depends a lot on whether Lancia's loyal and conservative customers will continue to buy Lancias even if they are blatantly rebadged Chryslers.

Longer term, both Chrysler and Lancia would seek to leverage cost savings from pooled R&D with greater design differentiation and additional unique bodystyles. Together, the two brands are gearing up to push the output of the group's A/B and C/D platforms to over one million units each.

The future product program mapped out in Turin and Detroit is believed to look like this:


An all-new Lancia Ypisilon (B-segment) appears. The car may be badged Appia (Lancia is thinking about reusing a host of storied names from its back catalogue) and will be a four door hatch instead of the current two door, based on the Fiat Panda platform. The Appia will be sold only in Europe, and no immediate Chrysler counterpart is planned at this point. The Lancia Delta (the hatch shown with a Chrysler grille at the Detroit auto show) will be facelifted. Changes will be limited to mild cosmetic tweaks, and a rearranged engine line-up. The Chrysler 300C will provide the mechanicals for the replacement for Lancia's Thesis. This large four door sedan, reportedly to take the name Aurelia, will be made in the USA and exported to Europe. Lancia sources say there is potential for wagon and AWD Aurelia derivatives. The Aurelia will be equipped with a revised Chrysler V-6 featuring direct-injection Multiair cylinder heads for improved performance and economy


A badge-engineered Chrysler Sebring spin-off will debut as a new mid-size Lancia, which may be called Aprilia. The car will be sold in four-seat convertible and four door sedan variants, and also imported from the USA. The Aprilia/Sebring will be followed in 2015 by all-new version based on Fiat's own C/D-segment platform matrix.

New Lancia Musa (small minivan) debuts. May be called Flavia, and is based on the Fiat Grande Punto B-architecture. This is a Europe-only model and there is no Chrysler variant planned at this time, although this could change as soon as Detroit needs additional fuel-efficient products.

A modified Chrysler Town & Country components set will form the basis for the next-generation Lancia Phedra minivan. The Phedra will be made in the USA and exported to Europe.


Tentative plans call for a new Lancia sports car, which may resurrect the name Flaminia. It would be based on a new mid-size, rear-wheel-drive platform to be shared with a proposed Alfa Romeo 4C, a Chrysler Crossfire replacement and a baby Viper that Dodge chief Ralph Gilles hints could adopt the Copperhead name from the 1997 Dodge concept. For now, though, the program is in limbo due to financial constraints.

A new jointly developed global C-platform that will underpin a replacement for the Dodge Journey and provide a new small Chrylser model in the U.S. will also be used for a Lancia Delta replacement. The program, which is expected to spawn innovative bodystyles like a sporty crossover and a five-door coupe may be pushed back to 2014, however.

The Chrysler 300-based Aurelia facelift will be handled by Chrysler.


"The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt." -Bertrand Russell

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che si cambino nome a modelli che vendono e hanno sempre venduto come ypsilon e musa, non ci credo neanche se lo vedo.

300c a grugliasco (ex bertone), come recita repubblica e come si mormorava da tempo, e ora variante lancia direttamente dagli usa? bha

l'unica cosa sensata e mettersi comodi e attendere il 21\4

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Ottimistico, ma suggestivo.

Ma le spider 2 posti secchi negli USA vendono? Perché se sì, tutto sommato, potrebbe anche avere un senso relativamente a breve termine (poi son sempre 3 anni!). Comunque anche Repubblica parla di produzione di qualche Alfa Romeo negli States: e lì va una tra 169 e nuova Spider.

Alfa Romeo MiTo 1.4 MultiAir TB 135 CV TCT Distinctive, 2012

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Dovessimo dare credibilità all'articolo in base alla cultura e mercato della Lancia che esprimono nell'indicare nomi dando come fine del nome Ypsilon e Musa in luogo a Appia.... e Flavia (LOL.. ma sanno di cosa parlano, una ex ammiraglia trasformata in uun mini-monolume??) e magari con l'aggiunta che una minisportiva Lancia su base 4c... dovrebbe avere il nome di Flaminia... (straLOL... una ex Classe S.. che ora diventa una Tigra.. :)) ... potremmo dire che sto articolo puo valere come il 2 di picche...

un peccato perche a parte i nomi, ci son belle cose.. soprattutto questa frase sarebbe fantastico se descrivesse una realta...

That would mean that eventually, the Dodge and Chrysler brands will no longer be sold in Europe.
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un peccato perche a parte i nomi, ci son belle cose.. soprattutto questa frase sarebbe fantastico se descrivesse una realta...

ecco, se c'e' una certezza in questo articolo , sta proprio in questo... ma al contrario

uno dei vincoli all' aumento della quota azionaria e' proprio basato sull' aumento delle quote di vendita extra usa. Quindi figuriamoci se smettono di venderle in europa.

Piu' facile che si mettano a vendere lancia con marchi americani e magari pure prodotte negli usa

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Guest EC2277

Per essere pignoli l'accordo prevede che tale aumento delle vendite al di fuori degli Stati Uniti sia ottenuto con vetture prodotte negli USA percui, paradossalmente, potrebbe essere più facile conteggiare una Lancia 300C prodotta negli Stati Uniti che una Chrysler Delta prodotta a Cassino.

Ad ogni modo, se ho capito il Marchionne-pensiero, avremo dei concessionari dove l'attuale gamma della Chrysler coesisterà con quella della Lancia e, man mano che i modelli di quest'ultima dovranno essere sostituiti, avremo un'espansione verso il basso della gamma della Chrysler.

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