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Spyker compra Saab [era: GM chiuderà Saab?]

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DETROIT (Reuters) -- General Motors Co. sent its clearest signal yet today that none of the bidders for Saab had submitted an offer that would prompt the automaker to reverse a decision to shut down the Swedish brand.

"We're closing down Saab," GM Chairman and acting CEO Ed Whitacre told reporters on the sidelines of the Detroit auto show. "We're winding it down."

GM Vice Chairman Bob Lutz said that the U.S. automaker would press ahead with closing down Saab unless a new bid emerged that was "financially better for us than the wind-down."

GM hired AlixPartners, the restructuring firm that assisted in its U.S.-government backed bankruptcy last year, to handle the wind-down of Saab.

"The offers we've received so far in terms of risk and financing up-front have been just as good as winding it down," Lutz told reporters.

Lutz said that any bidder now has a limited time to come forward with an offer that would cause GM to reverse its decision. "We're listening," he said.

GM says it has received several bids for Saab.

Dutch luxury sports car maker Spyker and a consortium of Formula One supremo Bernie Ecclestone and European investment company Genii Capital are among Saab bidders.

le offerte ricevute non soddisfano i requisiti imposti da GM (non aver bisogno dell'approvazione della BEI)

La saab continua in liquidazione, e il tempo per presentare ulteriori offerete è limitato (anche se non specificano quanto)

Modificato da RS6plus
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Possibile che sia più conveniente la liquidazione volontaria di una società abbastanza indebitata piuttosto che venderla ricavando anche le royalties per la concessione delle tecnologie? Credo che si tratti di strategie di vendita ma che alla fine arriverà il sospirato si

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Resta da chiedersi che ne faranno della 9-5 già bella pronta e ampiamente vista sul web, e su cui c'hanno speso comunque dei bei soldini.

Sembrano averi sentito. :D

A quanto dice il nuovo responsabile GM per l'Europa, la 9-5 non verrebbe recuperata. :|

“If Saab closes, the new 9-5 and 9-3 will go, and the cost absorbed in the winding-down charge,” says Nick Reilly, boss of GM’s new Opel/Vauxhall operation in Europe.

That charge is estimated at around 50m–100 million euros (£49-98m), Reilly says. Avoiding that charge is one of the driving forces behind continuing last-minute attempts to sell Saab.

Modificato da Regazzoni
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Il che tradotto in soldoni: Obama caccia i soldi per questa ulteriore perdita che noi nel frattempo ristiliziamo un pochino e li/lo presentiamo nuovo nuovo magari con il marchio Holden (giusto per cambiare continente):mirror:

E poi dicono di noi italiani :lol::lol::lol:

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  • 2 settimane fa...

GM is on the brink of selling Saab to Spyker, according to reports.

The Bloomberg news agency is reporting that financial terms have been agreed in principle between the two sides, and that ongoing production and management issues are the only remaining stumbling blocks.

One of these unresolved issues is the role of Vladimir Antonov, Spyker's Russian backer and company chairman, in Saab, who GM is reported to want to stand down. Another issue is the need for the Swedish government to guarantee a 400 million euro loan (£351m) from the European Investment Bank.

The report suggets Spyker will give GM $75 million (£47m) for Saab, while GM will keep another $100m (£62m) in current Saab liquidity, and $325m (£210m) in preferred shares from the new, Spyker-owned Saab company.

Reports suggest a deal could be announced this week.


A quanto pare è stata ceduta a Spyker..

 News al 02/12/2015: Mazda 2.

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