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JAPAN: DaimlerChrysler plans to launch Dodge brand in Europe next year - reports

16 Dec 2003

Source: editorial team

DaimlerChrysler plans to launch the Dodge brand in Europe, Dow Jones reported, citing the Financial Times.

The move to sell Dodge vehicles in Europe was made at a meeting of the DaimlerChrysler board last week, the FT reportedly said, citing company sources.

The Dow Jones report said the launch is scheduled for the second quarter of next year and details about precise timing, vehicle cost and marketing campaigns will be announced either at the Detroit Motor Show in January or the Geneva Autosalon in February.

A spokesman for DaimlerChrysler US headquarters in Michigan would not confirm the decision to launch Dodge in Europe to Dow Jones. "We will announce in the not too distant future whether Dodge will go international," he reportedly said.

Dow Jones said the decision reflects a belief that there is a market for Dodge vehicles in a region where the carmaker already sells Chrysler vehicles such as the retro-styled PT Cruiser and Voyager minivan.

Dodge is DaimlerChrysler's best-selling brand in the US, shifting1.42 million units in North America, with 1.26 million of those in the US alone, Dow Jones noted.


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