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Hyundai i-Flow Concept (Foto Ufficiali)

Messaggi Raccomandati:

Forse gli è scappato di mano lo strumento "tampone" di PS per il frontale...

Ma quante bocche ha???

Cmq è molto bello il montante posteriore...

Le linee di fiancata son carine ma obbiettivamente già viste... Giusto il fatto che la nervatura è veramente "estrema" può renderla interessante...

Il resto fa schifo... e nemmeno poco... Causa "troppo troppismo"

Però se la immaginiamo ripulita ed in versione produzione magari vien fuori qualcosa di dignitoso...

Son possibilista...

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a me, me piace

i'm the Doctor, but beyond that, I.. I just don't know. I literally do not know who I am. It's all untested. Am I funny? Am I sarcastic? Sexy? Right old misery? Life and soul? Right-handed? Left-handed? A gambler? A fighter? A coward? A traitor or a liar? A nervous wreck? I mean, judging by the evidence, I've certainly got a gob.

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Un pò di Info tecniche:

As well as publishing a second photograph of the Geneva-bound i-Flow concept car, Hyundai also released new information on its sport saloon study that is said to hint at a future Ford Mondeo rivaling, D-segment mid-size sedan.

The European penned i-Flow features all the typical design cues of the new Hyundai style with the company claiming a drag coefficient of only 0.25Cd.

Equally important, the concept study is the first ever Hyundai model to feature a diesel-electric hybrid powetrain. Previous reports stated that the Hyundai-Kia Group plans to have such a hybrid system on the road by 2012.

In the i-Flow, Hyundai has used its new 1.7-liter "U2" diesel unit augmented by two-stage turbocharging and a Lithium Ion-Polymer battery motivated electric unit. Power is transferred to the wheels through a six-speed, dual-clutch transmission.

According to the Koreans, the i-Flow is capable of returning an average fuel consumption of just 3.0lt/100km - equal to 78.4mpg US and 94.2 mpg UK- with CO2 emissions of just 85g/km.

We'll have all the details and pictures on the i-Flow straight from the Geneva Show next week




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