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The biggest Matteo B. FAIL ever

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Anche perché Vaio ormai sarà solo più un "marchio":

In an exclusive interview with PC Pro, the deputy president of Sony VAIO’s Business Group announced a two-tier strategy for the company’s laptop division, with “division one” for the VAIO laptops designed and built by Sony, and a “division two” for VAIO models built by its partners.

We need a certain market share. And if we don’t have a certain market share, it’s tough to survive

Even though these “division two” laptops won’t be built by Sony, Ryosuke Akahane claimed that they would have a “taste of VAIO, the style of VAIO”. The laptops will still bear Sony's name, and the company will put the models through the same quality assurance tests as "division one" VAIOs before approving any third-party designs.

Sony announces "division two" VAIO laptops | News | PC Pro


Alonso, come ha detto Kimi, è il primo top driver che si fa pagare il posto a Maranello.

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