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auto cubane


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credevo che a Cuba avessero solo automobile americane di mezzo secolo fa ma in un documentario ho visto girare x l'avana tantissime saxò e molte altre vetture francesi recenti!c'erano anche auto coreane.

ma non c'era l'embargo?? qualcuno mi spiega qualcosa?? :?:

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l'embargo è americano e di fatto di "Made in Usa" non c'è nulla...o quasi... Comunque dal Canada, Messico, Europa... arriva un po di tutto (dal 94 c'è perfino BENETTON !!! :shock: ), mancono solo i soldi (cubani) per farli arrivare... poi manca la benzina... e quindi è razionata per i cubani... Prima c'era "mamma" URSS che provvedeva, ma dopo lo scoppio sovietico hanno avuto 10 anni di "turbolenze"... Da qualche anno hanno l'amico Hugo Rafael Chavez Frias, che li aiuta (per quanto riguarda il petrolio... con prestiti agevolati, che in realtà sono vere e proprie DONAZIONI !!!), in cambio Castro gli manda medici, biciclette (di pessima qualità !!) e last but not least...parecchie spie... !!! :shock::shock::shock:

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FIAT ELECTS GENERAL ELECTRIC CHAIRMAN TO BOARD OF DIRECTORS- Mr. Jack F. Welch, Jr., Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Fairfield, Connecticut-based General Electric Company (1998 revenue exceeded US$100 billion), has been elected to the Board of Directors of Turin, Italy-based Fiat S.p.A. The Chairman of Fiat S.p.A. is Mr. Paolo Fresco, a former long serving Vice Chairman of General Electric Company. The government of the Republic of Cuba, through various Republic of Cuba government-operated entities, has purchased hundreds of Fiat S.p.A.-manufactured vehicles during the last four years, specifically vans, trucks, and rice harvesters. Republic of Cuba government-operated Cubalse S.A. reported that the company will purchase up to 1,000 vehicles manufactured by Fiat S.p.A. throughout 1999 for use by Micar, a vehicle-renting subsidiary of Cubalse. Mr. Lazaro Rodriguez, General Manager of Micar, reported that 500 Fiat vehicles were already in use, and that by limiting the rental fleet to Fiat vehicles, Micar had secured substantial discounts on the vehicles and on parts. Customers of Micar can obtain free vehicle service throughout the Republic of Cuba at Oro-Negro service stations. Oro-Negro is a subsidiary of Cubalse S.A.

En un espacio privilegiado por su ubicación en la urbe capitalina cubana y por la visión impresionante

que ofrece ante ella el Malecón Habanero,

la Agencia FIAT alza sus 1700 metros cuadrados

de moderna instalación para satisfacer los gustos

y necesidades de aquellos conductores que han elegido la reconocida firma italiana como distribuidor favorito. Esta agencia, que tiene entre sus divisas clientes satisfechos, clientes confiados, clientes en FIAT, no solo puede realizar encargos de autos a Italia, acordes al gusto del cliente más exigente,

sino que, además, ofrece un esmerado servicio de solicitudes urgentes de piezas y accesorios requeridos o deseados.

Si vendono a CUBA: Fiat 600, Uno, Brava, Punto nuova, Doblò, Fiorino, Strada, Ducato, Ducato Panorama e... udite udite... Lancia Kappa 2400 JTD e Alfa Romeo GTV 3000 V6 !

Nel 1995, l'Ambasciata d'Italia usava una Lancia Thema... ora sarà una Kappa, I suppose...


The Havana seawall (Malecon) could be baptized as the Malecon of hope, or the wall of dreams. A place of magical encounters where couples kiss without prejudices and many lessen their hunger, pains and shortages accompanied by the sea breezes of a sea which has silently witnessed many screams.

Close to the Tower of San Lazaro, in Malecon Avenue, a new agency and automotive shop for the Fiat corporation has opened its doors (even if opened its doors is not exactly the appropriate term). They are in partnership with the enterprise CUBALSE. Their main economic objective: to sell Fiat cars to foreigners, in Havana seasonally or as residents in Cuba. For the Cubans? Well, for the Cubans there's the consolation of salivating at the showroom which comprises an entire wall between the sidewalk and the cars being exhibited. The Cubans who are amazed and don't even dare to go through the crystal doors, fearing that they'll be treated as dogs.

It is hard to acknowledge the harm to the psyche which the regime has caused with their policy, sustained over many years of economic "apartheid". Large sectors of society lack in self worth and are not aware that they have certain inalienable rights, and thus, put up with the differences and even the disdain with a certain amount of resignation.

Faced with a business enterprise of such peculiar characteristics certain questions arise. Can an enterprise prosper when it can't sell its merchandize to the inhabitants of the country where it is established? Are the owners of Fiat aware of such absurd and antidemocratic restrictions? Isn't such a business endeabor unethical?

Concerning the last question, many could reply that economic interests don't have ideals, or that in the business world the most important thing is to sell, make profits, the market, doesn't matter who it is, or the circumnstances, or morals, or human rights.

That's why, in the future, I hope to open a business in Rome. My agency would sell any products from my beautiful Cuba: the exquisite Havana cigars, or the excellent rum, or all the nickel they can wish for. But, to be sure: to the Romans I would not sell even a pound of goods. No. Even if we sell in their land, only the citizens from anywhere else, from the Philipines to far away Australia, would be able to buy from us. But not the Romans, no.

Of course, under those circumnstances, we shall wait and see if the Romans would put up with such disrespect. Well, after all, it is possible that the one who authorized that deal with Fiat thought: "If Cubans don't have bread, why would they want a Fiat?"

If truth be known, we must say that some Cubans would be able to buy Fiat cars. It will be the privileged few, who work in foreign firms, or other special cases, always personally authorized by Mr. Carlos Lage Davila, Vice President of the Council of State and Ministers, no doubt a glory to the fortunate ones, if we take into account that in the modern world it is not an act of governmental importance, and in our country this high government official is in charge of such menial duties.

A country of contradictions, the owners of cars sold by the socialist state are only half owners of them, since they cannot sell their cars to anyone, not even other Cubans. In October, 1994, massive confiscations in Cuba took place, from all those Cubans who had dared sell or lend their cars to a third party without the permission from the State. Faced with these arbitrary reposessions, I asked the Council of State and the Supreme Tribunal in my country to order the restitution, suspend the processes of confiscations and to abolish the humiliating provision which prohibited Cubans from freely selling their cars, thereby trampling on the civil rights, the ones concerned with the free disposition of goods. This paper, which went on to be signed by 10 colleagues, some of them eminent citizens, was never replied to, in spite of the response from the top, this provision, which prohibits car owners from selling their cars freely, still exists.

Finally, since Cubans don't have credits, no Cuban worker, or professional, will be able to drive a Fiat through the countryside. I guess we'll have to wait for a foreigner to fall in love with a Cuban, or vice versa, and give them a Fiat as a present. Something not impossible, but esporadic. Meanwhile, I've sworn to myself that, when the day comes in which a citizen of this country has the right to buy a car, independent of where he/she works or thinks, without having to go through a crisis, when that day comes, I won't be buying a Fiat.


Translated for CubaNet by Lourdes Arriete

e si lamentano pure....

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Distribuido por CubaNet


por Carlos Manuel González, Agencia Patria

CAMAGUEY, diciembre de 1996 (Agencia Patria).- En la

popular revista cubana Bohemia, editada con fecha 7 de

junio de 1996 aparece un articulo titulado "Alemania, los

Grandes Duermen Mal", en el que se habla del desempleo

que existe actualmente en ese país. Aparece además, una

foto en la que se ve una agencia Fíat de automóviles y muy

cerca de uno, un individuo de pie, mirando su precio, debajo

de la foto un pie que dice "las exhibiciones del consumo

comienzan a tornarse escurridizas para algunos alemanes".

Preguntemos entonces, luego de haber valorado este

escrito, ?por que presentar en esta revista artículos como

estos cuando todo el pueblo cubano esta viendo como una

pequeña minoría tiene acceso a medios iguales que son

presentados en la agencia Fíat en la capital de la Isla?

Se esta criticando una sociedad de consumo, según los

editores. Sin embargo, el gobierno que dice ser justo no

valora que el pueblo cubano no tiene acceso a precios tan

altos en dólares para esos automóviles que se exponen en

iguales agencias que en Alemania, cuando en Cuba el salario

que devengan los trabajadores es muy bajo, en moneda

nacional y apenas alcanza para alimentarse.

Basta ya de criticar sistemas ajenos si el de nuestro país no

funciona y trae problemas de gran envergadura y no se dan

a conocer a la luz publica, o se dan con otro matiz,

engañando de esta manera a la población. Cabria señalar

en esta reflexión a otras tantas agencias y empresas mixtas

capitalistas radicadas dentro del país y que no deberían

existir en una revolución como esta, ya que con ellas es solo

el gobierno quien se favorece, no el pueblo que sufre los

apagones constantes, falta de alimentos y medicinas y

también un desempleo que se comienza a sentir.

Entendemos que el gobierno no debería recurrir a estos

métodos para tratar de demostrar que el capitalismo es un

sistema caduco, ya que lo mismo que demuestra este

articulo lo podemos palpar en Cuba en condiciones peores.


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