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Opel: Berlino boccia aiuti pubblici

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Germany will probably reject General Motors Co.'s aid request for its money-losing Opel/Vauxhall unit because the U.S. carmaker can afford to fund the reorganization itself, a lawmaker in Chancellor Angela Merkel's ruling party said.

With Merkel's cabinet holding a special two-day meeting starting June 6 in Berlin to single out further budget cuts after helping to bail out Greece, politicians see little room for helping Opel.

“We cannot possibly tell the people, ‘You have to put up with higher costs while we're propping up a company like GM that is perfectly able to cope by itself,'” said Michael Fuchs, deputy member of parliament's economics committee, which the Economy Ministry regularly updates on GM's request. “I don't expect the government to grant aid.”

GM is pursuing aid from Germany and other European nations, even after posting first-quarter net income of $865 million.

The automaker received a setback in its effort to secure 1.1 billion euros ($1.3 billion) in German loan guarantees to help turnaround Opel after a government panel declined to endorse the request.

The government-appointed group of outside advisers took a “very critical attitude” on GM's application, Economy Minister Rainer Bruederle said Tuesday at a press briefing in Berlin. The advisory panel's recommendation will carry major weight for the further decision-making process.

The government's steering committee for aid assistance, led by Deputy Economy Minister Bernhard Heitzer, will meet on June 4 to study the recommendation, with a final decision on GM's petition to be made late this week or early next week, Bruederle said.

“It's an open secret that I have viewed the whole matter with skepticism from the beginning,” Bruederle said.

Stefan Weinmann, a spokesman for Opel told Bloomberg: “At the end of the day, it's a decision by the government steering committee. We're going through the process.”

U.S.-German relations

German business daily Financial Times Deutschland earlier said, without citing sources, that the advisory panel found no financial reasons to extend loan guarantees to Opel. That means any decision in favor of aid would be based on political rather than financial factors, such as a desire to preserve good U.S.-German relations, the paper said.

Opel labor leader Klaus Franz said to his knowledge the article was speculative and wrong. "There was no negative recommendation," he said.

The advisers to the rescue fund are mainly former captains of German industry, such as ex-Schering CEO Hubertus Erlen and industry lobby group BDI's former head Michael Rogowski.

Labor agree deal

In a positive step for Opel's turnaround efforts, labor and management signed a restructuring deal on Monday that aims to save 265 million euros in annual wage costs through 2014.

European union and workforce representatives from countries hosting Opel's major factories signed the deal with Opel CEO Nick Reilly.

Franz said the signatures meant neither side can now withdraw from the contract, eliminating concerns that it might only be valid if Germany agrees to loan guarantees.

"In the unlikely event that Germany doesn't grant state aid, we can no longer be extorted," Franz told Reuters, adding that all the conditions and terms agreed earlier had been adopted into a final binding agreement.

All parties to the deal had signed apart from representatives from the Opel plant in Bochum, Franz said, adding he expected them to sign soon.

GM plans to eliminate 8,300 of Opel's 48,000 positions. European governments are seeking to avoid factory closures and minimize the job cuts. GM has already said it will close a plant in Antwerp, Belgium, if it doesn't find a buyer for the site by the end of September.

fonte: autonews

Il governo tedesco sarebbe orientato a negare gli aiuti economici, perchè i risultati finanziari positivi di GM permetterebbero la ristrutturazione, necessaria, tutta a carico del gruppo USA.

Non si vuole caricare i cittadini, dopo la Grecia, anche di questo fardello; altri paesi più disponibili (UK, Spagna; Rep Ceca) o si allineeranno all'austerità oppure avranno maggior forza nelle trattative.

Per quanto i sindacati tedeschi hanno già firmato l'accordo con Opel e lo definiscono vincolante, indipendente dai finanziamenti.

La decisione è prevista per i primi di giugno, mentre nei mesi scorsi Gm dichiarava di avere findo per opel fino a fine giugno.

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  • 2 settimane fa...

dubbi sciolti:

Opel: Berlino boccia aiuti pubblici

Per governo porterebbero problemi per concorrenza settore auto

(ANSA) - BERLINO, 9 GIU - Il governo tedesco ha respinto la richiesta di aiuti pubblici per la Opel: lo ha annunciato il ministro dell'Economia Bruederle. 'Lo Stato non e' il migliore imprenditore', ha detto il ministro, sottolineando che gli aiuti pubblici porterebbero a seri problemi per la concorrenza nel settore automobilistico. Bruederle ha quindi affermato che la casa madre della Opel, la General Motors, ha a disposizione almeno 10 mld di euro e quindi puo' ristrutturare da sola la controllata tedesca.

ora gli scenari che si aprono sono 2:

-I paesi come UK, Spagna, Polonia.. confermano la loro disponbilità e quindi eventuali ulteriori tagli vedranno le fabbriche tedesche più deboli

- la situazione di crisi è comune a tutti, si taglia ovunque, e se pure la Germania che è indubbiamente la meglio posizionata non concede una lira, gli altri si adegueranno, anche per questione di opportunità

I programmi futiri di opel, chiaramente saranno da rivedere, nell'ottica di questi costi ingenti da sopportare

PS:chiedo ai moderatori di cambiare il titolo. grazie

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Opel/Vauxhall CEO Nick Reilly said he doesn't expect to change a restructuring plan for the General Motors Co. unit significantly after the German government rejected a request for state aid toward a 3.7 billion euro revamp to make the carmaker profitable again.

Reilly said Opel will continue to invest in new products, including a long-awaited minicar below the Corsa subcompact. "Some things may be delayed but not major products," Reilly told reporters on a conference call after Germany announced it had turned down GM's request for 1.1 billion euros in loan guarantees for Opel.

"We are working hard on a small car in the mini segment. We still intend to do it, there will be no delay," he said, adding that the car will be developed in Germany and be sold alongside the Agila small minivan.

Reilly said he would now discuss with parent GM about possible funding options for the restructuring plan that will cut Opel's capacity and work force by a fifth. "I am confident our parent company will see us through," he said.

Going forward, Opel expects to submit new applications for loan guarantees at a regional level with four state governments in Germany that Reilly believes would likely contribute between 25 percent and 50 percent of the 1.1 billion euros required.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel is meeting the premiers of Hesse, North-Rhine Westphalia, Thueringia and Rheinland-Palatinate, which all have Opel plants, on Thursday to discuss how Germany can still support Opel despite the government's rejection of state aid.

Merkel said the "last word had not been spoken" over Opel and that she would "do everything" she could to ensure support to Opel's 25,000-strong German work force.

Reilly said he believed the UK and Spain will still be willing to give Opel promised financial guarantees and that Poland had given "positive signals." Talks are being held with Austria's government, he said. All of those countries have plants that produce cars or parts for Opel and UK-based sister brand Vauxhall.

GM may now be forced to contribute more than the planned 1.9 billion euros of U.S. taxpayer funding to keep Opel afloat.

Reilly said "in theory, it is possible" that GM could fund Opel's restructuring entirely, but that may reduce investments elsewhere. Reilly said that he did not anticipate running into any dramatic liquidity problems for the remainder of the year.

He added that other state aid programs outside of the German rescue fund still existed as options, but conceded that if those were easier solutions, Opel would have already tapped the facilities.

In rejecting Opel's bid for aid, German Economy Minister Rainer Bruederle said GM has about 10 billion euros in free liquidity after fully paying back credits from the U.S. and Canadian governments and he is convinced that GM can finance its European division's restructuring from its own resources.

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Nick Reilly ceo Opel afferma che non ci saranno cancellazioni sui prodotti, ma forse ritardi per quelli non indispensabili.

I colloqui con Uk, Spagna e Polonia continuano pr gli 800ml di € promessi, ma ora in bilico dopo la mossa tedesca, mentre si cerca di prendere dal 25% al 50 dei 1,1ml di € tramite i land tedeschi.

Reilly assicura che la ristrutturazione andrà avanti e sarà Gm nel caso a tagliare altrove risorse: ma dopo la cessione e la chiusura dei marchi in perdita, l'unico fardello rimasto è opel. Se siu taglia non sarà ceramente altrove.

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Guest EC2277

Tagliare gli investimenti sulla Opel significa tagliare anche i modelli che la Buick e la Vauxall metterano sul mercato in futuro percui, se ci saranno tali tagli (come io credo), allora andranno ad incidere sulla capacità produttiva della Opel stessa. Ergo meno posti di lavoro ed/o meno fabbriche.

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Guest EC2277

Come volevasi dimostrare i tagli vanno bene; purché siano fatti da un'altra parte.

Opel: Germania, regioni pronte ad aiuti.

Dopo il 'no' del governo di Berlino.

(ANSA) - BERLINO, 10 GIU -Le quattro regioni tedesche che ospitano gli impianti della Opel sono pronte ad aiutare la casa automobilistica dopo il 'no' del governo. Lo hanno detto i governatori dei Lander al termine di un incontro a Berlino con la cancelliera Angela Merkel (Cdu). All'incontro hanno partecipato i governatori di Renania Palatinato, Nord Reno-Westafalia, Turingia e Assia. Il governo aveva risposto negativamente alla richiesta di aiuti pubblici fatta ieri dalla controllata della General Motors (Gm).


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FRANCOFORTE 16 giugno (Reuters) - Opel ha voltato le spalle agli aiuti pubblici, abbandonando mesi di trattative con i governi europei e lasciando alla casa madre General Motors [GM.UL] il compito di finanziare la riorganizzazione.

La divisione europea di GM ha detto che le sue necessità sul fronte finanziario sono immutate, ma che il processo per ottenere gli aiuti di Stato è troppo lento e complesso.

"Non possiamo permetterci di avere incertezze sui piani di finanziamento e di spendere altro tempo in complessi negoziati in questo momento in cui dobbiamo investire in nuovi prodotti e nuove tecnologie", dice in una nota l'AD Opel, Nick Reilly.

La decisione arriva a sorpresa dopo mesi nei quali GM ha insistito sulla necessità di aiuti governativi per sostenere la ristrutturazione del marchio in Europea.

Una settimana fa il governo federale tedesco ha rifiutato la richiesta di sottoscrivere 1,1 miliardi di euro di debito Opel.

Opel rinuncia a richieste per aiuti governi Europa | Notizie | Società Estere | Reuters

da 1,9milirdi che doveva mettere comunque mettere Gm si passerà secondo automotive news a 3,3ml, anche se mesi fa il piano di ristruturazione era dato a 3,7ml

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