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Touareg 2.5

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La Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution, la “Evo” per gli appassionati, diventerà ibrida nel 2014 e, sopratutto, avrà un motore a gasolio. Una affermazione del genere potrebbe sembrare un pesce d’aprile fuori stagione, eppure la conferma proviene dal presidente Osamu Masuko, intervistato da Autocar in merito alla attesissima EVO XI: l’ibrido è cosa certa e la motorizzazione a gasolio viene data per certa dalla autorevole testata inglese. Abbinare diesel ed elettrico permetterà di mantenere molto basse le emissioni senza perdere in prestazione pura, rimanendo sotto i 200 g/km. La robusta coppia assicurata dai due propulsori dovrebbe inoltre mantenere l’accelerazione 0-100 km/h sotto ai 5 secondi, grazie anche all’evoluta trazione integrale S-AWC a controllo elettronico. Mancano conferme circa il sistema Plug-in, vista la parentela tra la Evo e la piattaforma della concept PX-MiEV.

La Evolution, lo ricordiamo, era ormai data per spacciata, cancellata dai programmi e destinata a trasformarsi in un fantasma del passato, ora che Mitsubishi ha deciso di voltare pagina e focalizzare l’attenzione su modelli più rispettosi dell’ambiente. E’ stato lo stesso presidente Masuko ad insistere per mantenere a listino una Evo, anche se “rivoluzionata”, come modello dall’immagine trainante per tutta la gamma grazie ai suoi successi nei rally: viene da chiedersi se una Evo ibrida con il sound di un 4 cilindri diesel sia ancora capace di emozionare gli appassionati..

 News al 02/12/2015: Mazda 2.

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  • 8 mesi fa...
Inviato (modificato)
The Mitsubishi Evo X will 
be axed from the UK price list once the last 10 units left in stock have been sold.

Imports have now ceased due to the strength of the Japanese yen. Mitsubishi UK looked at ways to keep the car on UK sale — including with no profit margin — but decided to discontinue it.

Lance Bradley, Mitsubishi UK’s managing director, told Autocar: “We used to sell the Evo for £30k; now we would have to charge £60k.”

Bradley revealed that attention has now turned to the Evo X’s successor, and the UK is keen to become involved in 
its development.

The standard Lancer will be launched in 2014, but the Evo performance version is still not signed off for production.

“The UK is an exceptionally important market for the Evo,” said Bradley. “In our peak year we sold 1400 units.”

Should it be signed off, the next Evo is set to ditch its famed high-revving turbo petrol engine in favour of a hybrid drivetrain, and possibly even feature a diesel engine.

It is likely to remain a four-door rather than switch to a hatchback, Bradley confirmed.

Fondamentalmente nessuna news, se non il fatto che ancora non ha ricevuto l' Ok per la produzione . Dovrebbe arrivare nel 2014, sempre in formato 3 volumi.

Modificato da Touareg 2.5

 News al 02/12/2015: Mazda 2.

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Ma il problema del cambio come lo affronteranno in Inghilterra e in Europa?


Il mio sito "Gruppo Hainz": - I miei articoli su Automotivespace - E quando ci sarà il nuovo sito di Autopareri anche su - I video del salone di Ginevra 2012

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  • 1 anno fa...
[h=2]Model could adopt a new name[/h] New details are starting to emerge about the highly-anticipated Mitsubishi Evo successor.

According to Motor Trend's sources, the next-generation Lancer will ride on the Renault Megane platform while the Evo successor will get its own specially developed architecture that promises to have "uncompromised handling with state-of-the-art plug-in hybrid EV technology."

Additional information is limited but the model could have an enhanced version of the turbocharged 1.1-liter three-cylinder diesel engine that debuted in the XR-PHEV concept. This sounds a tad bizarre but it could be backed up by front and rear electric motors that are powered by a battery pack that is located underneath the rear seat. If that hasn't left your head spinning, the model is also slated to feature an improved Super All-Wheel Control system.


1.1 tre cilindri diesel? :attorno:

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  • 1 anno fa...

Non se ne parla da un bel po':

Mitsubishi’s EVO performance brand won’t be used on future saloon models, says company chairman and CEO Osamu Masuko. However, it is highly likely it will appear again on a high-performance plug-in hybrid SUV.Masuko insists the company has no concrete development plan for such a model because it has “lots to do” developing its new mainstream hybrid SUV line-up, but says the company “would like to utilise PHEV technology for high performance”.

Mitsubishi showed one direction of its thinking with the XR-PHEV II concept, revealed in March at the Geneva motor show.

The company has been building an Evolution series of saloons on its long-lived Lancer model since 1993, but it believes small sales and environmental concerns make this the time to stop. It has been testing a high-performance Outlander PHEV off-roader and will enter it in cross-country rallies, starting with a Portuguese event later this year.

“If we can use EV or PHEV technologies for high-performance cars, we could certainly continue,” says Masuko.

As Autocar reported earlier this year, the Evo badge is likely to returnfirst on a high-performance version of the ASX SUV, which could appear as early as 2016. The car would use lessons learnt both from the XR-PHEV II concept and from Mitsubishi's Pikes Peak racer, theMiEV Evolution.



  • Sicuramente non sarà sedan;
  • Probabilmente sarà Hybrid;
  • Probabilmente sarà un crossover;
  • Al momento non è prevista :lol: .

Comunque 'sto thread è la fiera delle soluzioni improbabili :lol::disp2:

 News al 02/12/2015: Mazda 2.

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  • 1 mese fa...

Che Evo è sempre stato uno dei miei sogni erotici, la amavo.

Noi la ricorderemo così:



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