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VW Concept T...


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Return Of The Bug

Volkswagen is joining Land Rover in the new 'off-road coupe' market niche with this, the Concept T. Unveiled at the Detroit show, it's based on the running gear (3.2-litre V6, four-wheel drive, DSG transmission) of the Golf R32. VW reckons that the Concept T fills a gap in the market for 'highly capable off-roaders which also offer outstanding sports characteristics in on-road driving'. On the other hand, many will regard the T as a revival of the Beach Buggy. Bizarrely, it also uses the same forward-pivoting doors as the Range Stormer. The T can be run as a either a two-seater or a 2+2. It's also targa-roofed with a rear soft top.

(Fonte: AutoExpress)

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In questo prototipo non vedo nessuna utilità. Viaggio tutti i giorni in strade intasate dal traffico, dove ogni dm^2 è prezioso. A cosa serve?.......Piuttosto....è importante notare come il design VW stia per cambiare finalmente rotta, rendendosi un filo meno teutonico e noioso.

Un saluto ragazzi!

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