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Yes, but the Mercedes-Benz W125 Rekordwagen wasn't a street legal car, it's a land speed record car like the Thrust SSC or the next BloodhoundSSC... the Veyron has the record as the fastest street legal car. Anyway during the record the Veyron SS reached the speed of 434,211 km/h ;)

Inviato (modificato)

But Bugatti speed was not at public road))))

And who tell you MB W25R with MD 25 DAB engine not street legal?)))

Modificato da max_pershin

'92 155 1.8 TS 8v Super

  • 11 mesi fa...

La SuperSport in versione Cina a ben guardare mi sembra la stessa postata da Reggiani



La Casa di Molsheim ha presentato al Salone di Shanghai (22-28 aprile) una versione ancora più esclusiva della Super Sport, destinata al mercato cinese e riconoscibile per la finitura esterna in fibra di carbonio completamente nera.


L’esemplare esposto a Shanghai è già stato venduto ad un ricco cliente cinese ed ha le stesse superlative caratteristiche tecniche della vettura da record: 1.200 CV e 1.500 Nm ottenuti con quattro turbocompressori maggiorati, velocità massima limitata elettronicamente a 415 km/h per non distruggere le gomme e accelerazione laterale fino a 1,4 g. Le prese d’aria sul tetto sono anche qui sostituite da condotti tipo NACA, mentre il cofano motore e il diffusore di coda hanno una forma che favorisce l’aerodinamica alle alte velocità. I principali elementi distintivi della Bugatti Veyron 16.4 Super Sport “for China” sono la già citata carrozzeria totalmente in fibra di carbonio nera a vista e l’utilizzo dell’alluminio anodizzato lucido per coprimozzi, tappo serbatoio e profili posteriori. All’interno ci sono spettacolari inserti in fibra di carbonio e rivestimenti in pelle bicolore Snow Beige/Beluga Black.

By Omniauto

  • 11 mesi fa...

Ci provano :mrgreen:

Bugatti brings Veyron SuperSport to the 'Ring


A laptime at the Nürburgring Nordschleife seems de rigeur for any supercar, but Bugatti seem to have avoided the whole 'ring laptime' question. Until today, at least. Whether they like it or not, the arrival of this Veyron Super Sport has set tongues in the village wagging. Wearing the Wolfsburg plates of parent company Volkswagen, this Veyron has been feeling its way around the Nordschleife all morning. And it's getting faster. See the video below to see what I mean...

It's over six years since Bugatti allegedly did a 7m40s lap of the 'Ring with the standard Veyron. Since then we've seen the new Super Sport model arrive with a ridiculous figure of 1183hp stuffed under the rear hood. That's 182hp more than the previous model! And on the Top Gear test track, the SS model improved over the previous car's laptime by 1.5s, posting a 1m16.8s lap around the Dunsfold course. Enough to beat the Gumpert Apollo on the airfield track, dominated by straights.

But that's only a 1.9% decrease in laptime over the older 1001hp model and if you apply the same improvement to the old 7m40s lap (never officially verified) then we'll only be seeing a 7m31s full laptime from the nearly-1200hp supercar. The Gumpert, with it's crazy cornering forces, did a 7m11s, remember?

So while it's an impressive enough hypothetical, it's not impressive enough for my tastes. With a top-speed of 258mph the Veyron Super Sport will win a game of Top Trumps, but it's not going to beat cars like the Nissan GTR, Chevrolet Corvette ZR1 and Dodge Viper ACR around the twisty Nürburgring Nordschleife. All of these relatively affordable supercars are comfortably ahead of the 1888kg monster.

So we'll have to wait and see if Bugatti release any stunning onboard video, or keep quiet again like they did last time. My money's on the latter outcome. Which is a shame, because I'd just like to see the Veyron SS accelerate down Döttinger Höhe if nothing else. Bugatti brings Veyron SuperSport to the 'Ring

si accettano scommesse: mega-fallimento o record? :mrgreen:

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