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Nissan Murano Cabrio (Notizie)

Touareg 2.5

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For the past couple of years, the folks over at Edmunds' InsideLine have been raving about a convertible version of the Nissan Murano. In August 2008, they reported that a four-door version of the crossover with a soft top would go on sale in the Spring of 2010. In May 2009, the story changed to a two-door convertible version that would arrive at dealers before the summer of 2010.

In the third act, the two-door storyline holds, with the site reporting that the canvas-top Murano will have its world premiere at the 2010 Los Angeles Auto Show in November and go on sale next Spring.

According to IL, the 2011 Murano Convertible will be produced in limited numbers and pack the same V6 powertrain with the regular crossover model. Guess we'll just have to wait and see how this story pans out.


Staremo a vedere.. io comunque non ne vedo il motivo :|

 News al 02/12/2015: Mazda 2.

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