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Il design sarebbe opera di Castriota, iniziato mentre era in Pininfarina e finito poi in Bertone.

Il progetto sarebbe in corso da 4 anni :pen:

Potrebbe non essere una one-off, ma addirittura entrare in produzione :shock:

When pictures surfaced last week of a newfangled Lancia Stratos prototype undergoing testing at Fiat’s Balocco test track, car enthusiasts worldwide collectively said “Awww, yeah!” But this Stratos really is the proverbial perfect storm of rumormongering, bringing together European automotive websites and their colorful imaginations, grainy spy shots, and, of course, the unpredictable Italian auto industry. The car’s appearance started a flood of questions, speculation, and creative “fact” creation. We can now confirm new information about the Lancia Stratos’s return.

Who Designed It? Pininfarina, Bertone, or the Boogeyman?

We’ve learned from reliable sources involved with the project that the car pictured is in fact the work of famed designer Jason Castriota, who has in his large portfolio the extremely cool Bertone Mantide concept, as well as the Ferrari 599 GTB Fiorano. Several news outlets—in particular, European websites accustomed to jumping to conclusions—had insisted the project was a Pininfarina design job. The truth is somewhat more complicated. According to Italiaspeed, his project has been in the pipeline for nearly four years. Based on Castriota’s employment history, then, the work likely began while he was at Pininfarina and was completed when he moved over to Bertone. It seems that Bertone will take credit for the project, as Castriota has now moved on to a design director position at Saab.

One-Off for a Rich Guy? Most Likely, It’s More Than That.

Early reports, based on Italiaspeed’s comment that the Stratos prototype was funded by a “wealthy industrialist” led to suggestions that this was not a production-bound car, but just a single custom job for a robber baron’s private collection. Considering the level of detail on the prototype car, and the fact that there have been at least three versions (the silver mockups, discussed below, the mockup shown at the top of this post, and the car seen on the Balocco track), it seems highly unlikely that this project will be merely to make one car for an oil billionaire or captain of industry. One thing is for sure—if it does go into production, we’ll be looking at Maserati money, not Subaru WRX competition.

Are the Pictures Real, or Renderings?

Based on the quality of the initial images, which seemed like camera-phone photos taken of an image displayed on a tube television, many were concerned that the whole thing was Photoshopped. This is not the case. The pictures we (and the rest of the internet) originally published are real and were taken at the Balocco test track. The blurry picture at the top of this post is of a design mock-up, although curiously, the car snapped testing bears a closer resemblance to what seem to be real-life photos of a silver physical mock-up, initially released by While the pics of the silver car were thought to be just Photoshop renderings, on closer examination, we are certain they are not. Looking at the pictures of the silver car side-by-side with a picture of a custom-bodied Jaguar XJ220 built by Pininfarina and photographed on the roof of the firm’s building in Turin, it’s pretty clear that the setting is the same—note the tiling, pyramidal lumps, and stone walls.

We’ll bring you more information on the Stratos as it comes. One thing’s for sure: Compared to this, the mid-engined V-6 Corvette rumor seems like the work of a fourth-grader.

caranddriver - italiaspeed

Nuova foto di un'altra maquette di stile, in teoria fatta da Bertone e diversa da quella grigia vista alla sede di Pininfarina:


Lo sketch di Castriota pubblicato recentemente dalla rivista giapponese "Rosso":


Staremo a vedere. Quest'anno si compie il 40 anniversario della Stratos Zero......


mmmh :pz

il progetto è iniziato quando castiota era appena passato in bertone, ma visto che era lui a capo della divisione vetture speciali in pinin, un po di agganci li aveva e puo darsi che abbia fatto la sua proposta alternativa..

comunque con quella vista fin ora e che sarà realizzata, castriota non c'entra nulla

dubito anche sulla produzione in piccola serie...

ps qualcuno potraessere piu preciso di me...


troppo.. ma inizia a piacermi.. quel paraurti così e così e quel cofano troppo piatto però la guastano imho.. dietro è superba come già detto in più occasioni :D


Le foto di una replica che gira al Balocco, son troppo ghiotte per non far scattare una ridda di articoli su una piccola serie di Stratos su meccanica Ferrari e beneplacito di FGA. Aggiungiamoci che stiamo ad agosto e con qualcosa bisogna rempire i blog e carta stampata assortita...


Articolo da AMS che conferma le indiscrezioni:

New Lancia Stratos: Eine Legende kehrt als Einzelstück zurück

Der New Stratos lässt die Legende des Lancia Stratos wieder aufleben. Seit einiger Zeit schon kursieren die Gerüchte es werde ein neuer Stratos das Licht der Welt erblicken. macht den Gerüchten ein Ende.

Pininfarina baut - zunächst noch als - Einzelstück den New Stratos, der sich an dem legendären Lancia Stratos orientiert. In die vollständig aus Karbon gefertigte Karosserie ist ein Überrollkäfig integriert, ganz so wie beim Vorgänger, der drei Rallye-WM-Titel holte.

New Stratos mit Ferrari-V8

Der New Stratos baut auf einem verkürzten Ferrari 430 Scuderia-Chassis auf und wiegt lediglich 1.240 Kilo. Das Leistungsgewicht soll bei 2,25 Kilogramm pro PS liegen. Als Antrieb dient der Ferrari-V8 mit 530 PS.

Doch weder Lancia noch Pininfarina stecken als Köpfe hinter dem New Stratos. Ein Unternehmer aus Süddeutschland hat sich zusammen mit seinem Sohn einen persönlichen Traum erfüllt und Pininfarina mit dem Bau des Einzelstücks beauftragt. Die italienische Designschmiede könnte den New Stratos sogar in einer Kleinserie von 25 Exemplaren bauen - eine Entscheidung ist indes noch nicht gefallen. Fest steht allerdings, dass der New Stratos schon seine Feuertaufe absolviert hat. Die ersten Testrunden drehte Ex-Formel 1-Fahrer Tiago Monteiro erfolgreich auf der Fiat-Teststrecke in Balocco.

Unternehmer Michael Stoschek hatte bereits seit dem Jahr 2003 die Idee einen Lancia Stratos aufzubauen, finanziell beteiligte er sich an dem Fenomenon-Stratos, der auf dem Genfer Autosalon 2005 präsentiert wurde.


- progetto commissionato a Pininfarina dal imprenditore tedesco Michael Stoschek, che voleva vedere realizzato un sogno personale insieme a suo figlio.

- Stoschek aveva già collaborato finanziariamente per la creazione della Fenomenon Stratos.

- pezzo unico, anche se Pinin potrebbe arrivare a una tiratura di 25 unità.

- base 430 Scuderia accorciata, 1240kg, 530cv

- Tiago Monteiro è stato collaudatore a Balocco e, secondo le sue impressioni, la macchina è "sensazionale".

Facciamoci del male va:











Fatti avanti, Lancia!!!!


Rivedrei solamente la forma dei fari anteriori....

E, foooooooorse, visto l'unico esemplare avrei addirittura azzardato il recupero del sempre fascinoso faro a scomparsa...

Per il resto è semplicemente perfetta.


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