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When was on the precipice of dropping forever, we imagine that the good workers of Trollhättan, Sweden were more than a little nervous. After all, how many high-paying jobs are there there in Scandanavia in the middle of a global recession? Well, it turns out that there may be quite a few jobs available if you consider the high volume of workers who reportedly turned down an offer to come back to work at Saab.

Sweden's SVT reports that as many as one-in-three laid off Saab workers turned down offers to come back to work in factory jobs for the company. Håkan Skött, Metallklubbens chairman at Saab in Trollhättan reportedly told SVT that up to 30 percent of the workers got new jobs or invested in training, adding "it's really nice that people have found other solutions." it's also good that Saab was still able to rehire 224 workers to help edge up vehicle production from a reported 28 units per hour to a max speed of 39 vehicles in any 60 minute period. The added workers will increase annual production to 60,000 units in total, and the company will need to hire still more workers if it plans to increase production more through a second shift.

[source: via | Image: Fabrice Coffrini/AFP/Getty]

Praticamente quando Saab era in "fallimento" vennero fatti dei licenziamenti. Dopo circa un anno, il 33% dei lavoratori licenziati ha rifiutato di venir di nuovo a lavorare per l'azienda svedese.

C'è da dire che grazie anche all'introduzione sul mercato della nuova 9-5 e del futuro suv 9-4X la produzione si alzerà sensibilmente, passando da 28 auto all'ora a 39 auto all'ora, per un totale di 60mila unità annue.



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