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Beh a me sembra si ispiri chiaramente a lei

più che alla XJ13... ;)

Riporto dalla cartella stampa

Aficionados will identify elements from Jaguars of the past in the Jaguar C-X75 but the intention was not to look back but forward. The Jaguar C-X75's designers stayed true to the long-held Jaguar design philosophy of natural, flowing lines and simple, elegant forms. Where inspiration from the past was found was in the innovative engineering and functional design elements of cars like the 1950s C-Type and D-Type racers and unique 1966 XJ13 Le Mans prototype – a car described by Callum as, "possibly the most beautiful Jaguar ever made."

Just as the XJ13 acted a test-bed for a new engine, the Jaguar C-X75 offers similarly positive and inspiring potential solutions to the challenges posed by environmental concerns. Performance cars have always aimed for efficiencies in terms of weight, agility and dynamics, all of which also benefit economy. Using previously unseen combinations of technology, the Jaguar C-X75 supercar provides a glimpse into the future of Jaguar and its commitment to producing beautiful, fast cars powered by sustainable means.

E' ispirata alla XJ220.

Porta al debutto la nuova calandra per i modelli sportivi e potrebbe avere sotto al cofano il nuovo V6 derivato dal V8.

Almeno da quello che so io.

Se non ho capito male è mossa da motori elettrici abbinati a due micro turbine che caricano le batterie

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