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38 minuti fa, itr83 dice:

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pare che gli ascolti stiano crollando. :§


le prime due puntate erano veramente pessime, quelle successive erano un po' meglio (grazie soprattutto ai pezzi di reid ed harris) ma nel frattempo il pubblico generalista era già scappato e sono iniziati gli europei... :§



IMHO se Reid venisse promosso al posto del peldicarota non sarebbe una cosa malvagia....

Modificato da ISO-8707
Inviato (modificato)




'Change or go!' Chris Evans 'facing the axe in shock crisis talks' with Top Gear boss

The presenter is said to be in serious trouble over his 'control freak' behaviour on set

Chris Evans could lose his job on Top Gear, it has been claimed.


The presenter is allegedly in serious trouble with BBC boss Kate Phillips over his "control freak" behaviour on set.

His antics are reportedly rubbing the cast and crew up the wrong way and has sparked a string of complaints.

Now the star is set for what is being described as the "biggest telling off of his career".

"He’s now going to be told there will be changes and if he doesn’t like it then he should go," a source told The Sun.

Top Gear boss Kate is said to be the woman behind breaking Strictly Come Dancing over in the States and so is credited with knowing what it takes to bring a show to a global audience.



If Chris doesn't co-operate and make some big changes, she is allegedly looking into making his co-star Matt LeBlanc the programme's star as he is already known across the world.

"Matt is more well-known and popular with audiences, so Chris will take a back seat like he did towards the end of the series," the source added.

"The other presenters will have a more prominent role and it will be seen as an ensemble rather than Chris and his team."

A Top Gear spokesperson declined to comment.




Modificato da ISO-8707
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In teoria dovrebbe esserci ancora anche Sabine.. a ottobre era al ring con una troupe della BBC su una Golf e il supporto ufficiale di VW.


Beschleunigung ist, wenn die Tränen der Ergriffenheit waagrecht zum Ohr hin abfliessen

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