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Agli appassionati di Top Gear...

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son curioso di sapere che faranno gli altri 2(a proposito, sapete come fossero i rapporti fra i 3 conduttori nella realtà?)

i'm the Doctor, but beyond that, I.. I just don't know. I literally do not know who I am. It's all untested. Am I funny? Am I sarcastic? Sexy? Right old misery? Life and soul? Right-handed? Left-handed? A gambler? A fighter? A coward? A traitor or a liar? A nervous wreck? I mean, judging by the evidence, I've certainly got a gob.

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Qui (un qui generale, non AP) si continua a puntare il dito su JC per le critiche (a mio avviso ingiustificate e quasi sempre eccessive) che riceve il programma da un po di tempo a questa parte... Ma ci si continua a dimenticare che il programma non è in diretta ma è (era) registrato al mercoledì sera e poi viene trasmesso alla domenica. Quindi la BBC ogni volta lascia correre certe "bravate" perché sa che è anche grazie a quelle se è il programma più seguito al mondo, per poi indignarsi e tirare su l'ennesimo polverone quando qualche "bacchettone" poi si sente offeso per qualche cazzata detta in maniera oggettivamente ironica durante lo show... :disp2:

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In 2004, the BBC apologised unreservedly and paid £250 in compensation to a Somerset parish council, after Clarkson damaged a 30-year-old horse-chestnut tree by driving into it to test the strength of a Toyota Hilux.[94] In December 2006, the BBC complaints department upheld the complaint of four Top Gear viewers that Clarkson had used the phrase "ginger beer" (rhyming slang for "queer") in a derogatory manner, when Clarkson picked up on and agreed with an audience member's description of the Daihatsu Copen as being a bit "gay".[95] The Top Gear: Polar Special was criticised by the BBC Trust for glamorising drink driving in a scene showing Clarkson and James May in a vehicle, despite Clarkson saying to the camera "And please do not write to us about drinking and driving, because I am not driving I am sailing." (as they were on top of international, frozen waters.)[96] They stated the scene "was not editorially justified" despite occurring outside the jurisdiction of any drink driving laws.

In a later incident during a Top Gear episode broadcast on 13 November 2005, Clarkson, while talking about a Mini design that might be "quintessentially German", made a mock Nazi salute, and made references to the Hitler regime and the German invasion of Poland by setting the GPS system to Poland.[97]

In November 2008, Clarkson attracted over 500 complaints to the BBC when he joked about lorry drivers murdering prostitutes.[98][99] The BBC stated the comment was a comic rebuttal of a common misconception about lorry drivers and was within the viewer's expectation of Clarkson's Top Gear persona.[98] Chris Mole, the Member of Parliament for Ipswich, where five prostitutes were murdered in 2006, wrote a "strongly worded" letter to BBC Director-General Mark Thompson, demanding that Clarkson be sacked.[99] Clarkson dismissed Mole's comments in his Sunday Times column the following weekend, writing, "There are more important things to worry about than what some balding and irrelevant middle-aged man might have said on a crappy BBC2 motoring show."[100] Andrew Tinkler, chief executive of the Eddie Stobart Group, a major trucking company, stated that "They were just having a laugh. It's the 21st century, let's get our sense of humour in line."[98]

In July 2009, Clarkson was reported to have called Prime Minister Brown "a silly cunt" during a warm-up while recording a Top Gear show. Although several newspapers reported that he had subsequently argued with BBC Two controller Janice Hadlow,[101] who was present at the recording, the BBC denied that he had been given a "dressing down".[102] John Whittingdale, Conservative chair of the Culture Select Committee remarked: "Many people will find that offensive, many people will find that word in particular very offensive [...] I am surprised he felt it appropriate to use it."[101]

On 6 July 2010, Clarkson reportedly angered gay rights campaigners after he made a remark on Top Gear that did not get aired on the 4 July's episode. But guest Alastair Campbell wrote about it on Twitter. Clarkson apparently said he "Demanded the right not to get bummed". The BBC later said that they cut this remark out as they "edited down" the interview as it was too long to fit into the show.[103] In an episode aired after the watershed on 1 August 2010, Clarkson described a Ferrari F430as "special needs". He said the car owned by co-presenter James May looked "like a simpleton". Media regulator Ofcom investigated after receiving two complaints, and found that the comments "were capable of causing offence" but did not censure the BBC.[104]

On 12 January 2012, the Indian High Commission lodged a formal complaint with the BBC over the "tasteless" antics of Clarkson's Top Gear Christmas special where he mocked India's culture and people. During the 90-minute special, which was aired twice over the Christmas break, Clarkson made a string of jokes about Indian food, clothes, toilets, trains and history.[105] On an episode of Top Gear broadcast on 5 February 2012, Clarkson compared a Japanese car/camper van to a person with a growth on their face. A major UK charity that supports people with facial disfigurements, Changing Faces, complained to the BBC and Ofcom after Clarkson's remarks.[106]

In an unused take for a Top Gear feature recorded in early 2013, Clarkson is alleged to have mumbled the ethnic slur "nigger" when repeating the children's rhyme Eeny, meeny, miny, moe. The clip later surfaced on the website of the Daily Mirrortabloid at the beginning of May 2014.[107] In the take, Clarkson attempts to mumble the sentence so as to obscure the word, but admitted that upon a close listening, the word could still be heard. Clarkson apologised for his efforts not being "quite good enough" to ensure the footage was not used.[108] It was reported on 3 May, that the BBC had given Clarkson a final warning, with the presenter accepting that he will be sacked if he makes another offensive remark.[109]

Near the end of the Top Gear: Burma Special, which aired March 2014, Clarkson and Hammond were seen admiring a wooden bridge, which they had built during the episode. Clarkson is quoted as saying "That is a proud moment, but there's a slope on it." as a native crosses the bridge, 'slope' being a pejorative for Asians. Top Gear Executive Producer Andy Wilman responded: "When we used the word slope in the recent Top Gear Burma Special it was a light-hearted word play joke referencing both the build quality of the bridge and the local Asian man who was crossing it. We were not aware at the time, and it has subsequently been brought to our attention, that the word slope is considered by some to be offensive"[110]In October 2014, Clarkson attracted controversy when filming the Top Gear: Patagonia Special after driving a Porsche 928 in Argentina with the licence plate H982 FKL, allegedly referring to the Falklands War.[111] Also, during the broadcast itself, Clarkson was seen referring to the controversy that had risen after the Burma Special; when inspecting a bridge, which he and his colleagues had built during the episode, he was quoted as saying "That is a proud moment, Hammond, but… is it straight?" [112]

E queste sono solo quelle durante la trasmissione :lol:


Some critics have complained that the 4C lacks luxury. To me, complaining about lack of luxury in a sports car is akin to complaining that a supermodel lacks a mustache.

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E queste sono solo quelle durante la trasmissione :lol:

Al 90% si tratta di cose che di offensivo, visti contesto e personaggio, non hanno nulla. :pen:

Alfiat Bravetta senza pomello con 170 cavalli asmatici che vanno a broda; pack "Terrone Protervo" (by Cosimo) contro lo sguardo da triglia. Questa è la "culona".

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Al 90% si tratta di cose che di offensivo, visti contesto e personaggio, non hanno nulla. :pen:

IMHO, han solo trovato la scappatoia per far fuori un personaggio (ed un programma) ormai troppo "ingombranti" per la BBC.

Statisticamente, il 98% dei ragazzi nel mondo ha provato a fumare qualsiasi cosa. Se sei fra il 2%, copia e incolla questa frase nella tua firma

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son curioso di sapere che faranno gli altri 2(a proposito, sapete come fossero i rapporti fra i 3 conduttori nella realtà?)

Hanno già detto che non presenteranno TopGear senza di lui.... :mrgreen:

Inoltre pare che Netflix stia sondando le acque con JC (anche Hammond e May hanno il contratto in scadenza ndr)


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Io non lo vedo necessariamente un male il fatto che il programma sia stato sospeso.

Come ho già detto diversi post fa il livello medio, secondo me, è andato in discesa costantemente nelle ultime stagioni fino a propinarci uno show di roba scriptata/già vista/prevedibile ancora tollerabile ma che in futuro può solo peggiorare...praticamente su 7 puntate ce n'erano una buona metà inutili o con servizi che non erano interessanti, inoltre aggiungete il fatto che al 98% skippo la parte dell'ospite nella reasonably priced car (perchè non so chi siano/non mi interessano) e resta ben poco, ma riconosco che quest'ultimo è un problema mio e non dello show.

Giusto per citarne uno recentissimo che mi ha fatto schifo: Hammond disperso sulla cima della montagna.

Si era capito immediatamente il tenore delle gag che si sarebbero succedute per tutto lo show, quindi una volta confermati i sospetti hanno ben visto di riproporre lo stesso "joke" in abbondanza e delle auto non hanno detto quasi nulla...20 minuti di clip a caso.

Praticamente sta succedendo ciò che è successo ai Simpson dalla stagione 15 circa in poi, dove è iniziato il declino fino ad arrivare alle stagioni di oggi che sono inguardabili e offensive per quello che è stato.

Non lo guardiamo e prendiamo sul serio come programma di automobilismo, bene, ma se il livello dell'intrattenimento dopo 22 stagioni ha perso in qualità allora ben venga che lo show chiuda o si rinnovi (ammesso che porti novità concrete).


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Addio Top Gear, è stato bello.

Spero che "risorga" al di fuori della BBC (dopo tanti anni i 3 presentatori sono diventati un blocco unico con lo show, imo non può esistere un Top Gear senza Jeremy, Richard e James...)

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