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Suv e mito 5 porte sono stati cancellati..

Sulla mito 5 porte ci sono, ma sto benedetto suv non era quasi confermato? Non si stava scegliendo tra due diversi corsi stilistici? (4r)

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nella sottile speranza di non accender miccia alcuna,

provo sommessamente a citare questo articolo,

in cui s'avvalora l'ipotesi amerinda retrotratta per la mid-to-full size sedan del Biscione,

che forse si vedrà nell'avvenire prossimo.

O forse no.

Trattasi di riferite frasi rubate al CRF di Orbassano alla presentazione in galleria del vento della Flavia Cabriolet,

e rielaborate dal redattore con abbagliato ottimismo d'appassionato:

da prendersi con l'ovvia cautela di lunghe tenaglie.

S'accenna pure a fantomatiche nuove versioni della Capuletina, a colmar distanza tra media ed ammiraglia.

The next generation Alfa Romeo Giulia will have RWD and is developed on a unique platform. This confirmation is a result after lots of rumors and denial about the way the car is developed by transferring its power to the road. AutoEdizione has been informed that the successor of the Alfa Romeo 159 will be a D-segment RWD saloon. The information we received some time ago from overseas about the plans for this D-segment and the development of a separate platform for this car appear to be true. AutoEdizione visited the technical development centre in Orbassano yesterday (specifically for the Lancia Flavia Convertible). A spokesperson who is part of the FGA-Chrysler project told us something interesting:

At the beginning of 2014 the Alfa Romeo Giulia will make its first appearance, on a platform that will be important for the whole D-segment in the Fiat-Chrysler group. When we consider the average dimensions of the D-segment, the Giulia is a rather special one. Initially we expected the Giulia would get an extended platform of the C-segment Giulietta (although we’ve doubted very often this would be the case.) Insiders of the project thus told us the platform will be positioned between the Alfa Romeo 166 (4.7 m) and the Lancia Thema (5.0 m). Thus the Giulia will be a semi high-end saloon, larger than it’s predecessor the Alfa Romeo 159 (4.6 m). On top of that, a top of the range Alfa based on Fiat-Chryslers new ‘LY’ platform could follow shortly afterwards. The Giulia is already in the end of its developing cycle and is already making its first km’s according to the FGA spokesperson. On the possibility of (a) derivative model(s), the spokesperson did not respond. Based on that, AutoEdizione sees possibilities for a coupe or a Spider. Powertrain development such as the new TBI and 6 cylinder engines are already in an advanced stage.

Looking back at the Alfa 90 (1984-1987), we think the Giulia could fulfil a similar position. The rear wheel drive 90 was based on the Alfetta, and similarly positioned between two other Alfa’s: the Sei and the 164. Trying to confront the present day Giulia and the 90 is like comparing apples and oranges. The 90 was Alfa’s survival product when to had to make a decision fast based on ‘something’ or ‘nothing’. Nowadays it’s completely different as the Giulia will be the starting point for the whole brand.

We also asked about the gap between the Giulietta and the Giulia. There is a project which will cover the extra space in the model range. This project will strengthen the Giulietta, based on the Compact platform (CUSW). Some of these extensions of the Giulietta will be a saloon and a Sportwagon. But the project is still on hold for now. For Alfa Romeo the most important newcomer on this platform is a SUV. Receiving this information about these developments made us very happy, as you can imagine. If we recapitulate, it’s a bright future for Alfa Romeo.

Fonte Alfa Romeo back to it's roots, 2014 Giulia will have RWD |

Modificato da johnpollame
Guest EC2277

Tradotto in italiano ipotizzano che la Giulia sarà una berlina più vicina alla 166 che alla 156 e che in un secondo momento potrebbe arrivare una sorta di Nuova Alfa 6 o sbaglio?

Vabbé, io faccio come al solito: annoto, archivio ed aspetto.



Sai che cosa diceva quel tale? In Italia sotto i Borgia, per trent'anni, hanno avuto assassinii, guerre, terrore e massacri, ma hanno prodotto Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci e il Rinascimento. In Svizzera hanno avuto amore fraterno, cinquecento anni di pace e democrazia, e che cos' hanno prodotto? Gli orologi a cucù.( O.Welles)


veramente è già da un paio di giorni che questa roba girava su internet, a cominciare dal forum specifico di Quattroruote che credo l'abbia ripreso per primo in Italia. Ed è sulla falsariga di altre fonti degli ultimi mesi: penso che a cavallo del cinquantennale della Giulia, cioé entro un mesetto, si avranno rumors più chiari su varie cose di AR: è comunque chiaro che, se si salva, si salva grazie e negli States

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