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Reaction Engines’ Sabre Rocket Engine Demo Core Passes Review


LOS ANGELES—The demonstrator core of Reaction Engines’ air-breathing Sabre rocket propulsion system has successfully passed a preliminary design review held in collaboration with the UK Space Agency and European Space Agency.


The assessment clears the way for a follow-on critical design review and the subsequent development and test of the core at a newly built facility in Westcott, England, in 2020. The complete engine, which will ultimately build on the core to incorporate a pre-cooler, rocket engine and ramjet, is designed to provide air-breathing thrust from the runway to Mach 5 and beyond for hypersonic aircraft and, in rocket mode, low-cost access to space.


The demonstrator core will consist of an axial air compressor driven by a closed cycled helium loop, with a liquid hydrogen heat rejection system. Reaction, which aims to begin building up the test infrastructure at Westcott through 2019, says the demonstrator will be fully representative of the Sabre thermodynamic core cycle. Fueled by liquid hydrogen, the demonstrator will incorporate heat exchangers, combustion and turbomachinery modules.


In parallel work, Reaction is also poised to begin pre-cooler tests at its newly completed facility in Colorado. The full-scale HTX test unit, which was delivered from Reaction’s Culham, England, site to the U.S. facility at the end of December, will provide a pivotal assessment of the ultralight heat exchanger technology at the heart of the Sabre concept. The system is designed to cool incoming air from more than 1,000C at inlet speeds of more than Mach 5 to ambient temperatures in less than 1/20th of a second without frosting up.


Equivalent hypersonic operating conditions will be provided by the hot exhaust gas of a General Electric J79 combat engine which will be ducted to the pre-cooler via a plenum. The Colorado facility “is capable of running full simulated missions for the pre-cooler so we can run it effectively in temperature terms from the ground to its ultimate flight condition and back again over a sustained period of time,” Reaction Engines CEO Mark Thomas says.


“We are trying to find out what the leanest approach to testing out all the elements are and we are still on the path ultimately to a Sabre flight engine. We think we’ve got to that the sweet spot after considerable effort and having gone through this technical design and development process,” Thomas says. Referencing the core demonstration, he adds “it will be a progressive buildup and, as well as accomplishing the final confirmation of the Sabre cycle, it will allow us to use that same facility as a rig for demonstrating components and subsystems technology.”


The final full-up demonstrator Sabre will be sized for around 20,000 lb. thrust when combined with the pre-cooler, core engine, combustion chambers and rocket nozzles. This thrust level will enable potential flight testing on a relatively small vehicle, while at the same time, when clustered with up to three other Sabre engines, could provide sufficient thrust levels for a mission-capable vehicle.  


Growing interest in the Sabre concept has seen Reaction Engines raise more than £100 million ($131.7 million) in the last three years from public and private sources. In addition to the UK government, which in 2013 announced a £60 million commitment to assist with the demonstrator engines, other backers include BAE Systems, which made a strategic investment in 2015. A further £26.5 million was raised in 2018 from investors including Rolls-Royce and Boeing’s venture capital arm, HorizonX.

  • 4 settimane fa...

A voi, la prima foto di un buco nero.


La prima fotografia di un buco nero, si trova nella galassia M87, a 55 milioni di anni luce dalla Terra (fonte: Collaborazione EHT) © Ansa



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minchia, chissà cosa ci sarà là dentro, cosa sarà quella luce... wow! questi son soldi spesi bene, altro che i miliardi per RdC e FT..........

"post fata resurgam." (cit.)

53 minuti fa, boygrunge scrive:

minchia, chissà cosa ci sarà là dentro, cosa sarà quella luce... wow! questi son soldi spesi bene, altro che i miliardi per RdC e FT..........


Quell'anello di luce altro non è che la materia surriscaldata attorno al vero buco nero, o meglio all'orizzonte degli eventi del gigante cosmico, vera incognita della moderna cosmologia.

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Statisticamente, il 98% dei ragazzi nel mondo ha provato a fumare qualsiasi cosa. Se sei fra il 2%, copia e incolla questa frase nella tua firma


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