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Toyota Auris II (Spy)

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There's a change of production plans for Toyota's next generation of C-segment hatchback and sedan models in Europe.

According to an announcement made today, the Japanese automaker will invest €265 million (US$355 million) to produce the replacements of the Auris 3-door and 5-door hatchbacks at its UK assembly plant and add C-segment sedan production in Turkey.

Currently, the Auris is manufactured both in Britain (petrol, diesel and hybrid versions) and in Turkey (petrol and diesel models). The move will merge production of Toyota's next Golf-rivaling hatchback at Toyota Motor Manufacturing UK (TMUK), which expects to recruit up to 1,500 additional workers, with a first enrollment phase of around 500 employees from the middle of 2012.

Toyota said that by regrouping production of the next Auris hatchback, it will "achieve a higher utilisation ratio of the existing production capacity at the plant, hereby leading to higher efficiency".

As part of the new plan, the Japanese company's next C-segment sedan that will replace the Corolla, which currently offered in select European markets such as Hungary, Greece, Portugal, Bulgaria and Poland, will be assembled alongside the Verso at Toyota's facility in Sakarya, Turkey.

TMMT (Toyota Motor Manufacturing Turkey) said it expects to recruit an additional 400 workers in the next two years, starting in the second half of 2012.

"This announcement further endorses the importance of TMUK and TMMT as production centres for Toyota in Europe and is in line with our plan to increase local production for cars sold in Europe," said Didier Leroy, President and CEO of Toyota Motor Europe.

"The C-segment hatchback is a core vehicle for Toyota, competing in a strategic segment of the European automobile market, while sedans are stronger sellers in Eastern Europe, Turkey and other countries in that region. We are confident that our factories in UK and Turkey, supported by committed workers and suppliers, will continue to deliver superior quality vehicles and contribute to Toyota's sustainable growth in Europe in the future."

 News al 02/12/2015: Mazda 2.

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La prossima Toyota di segmento C verrà nuovamente battezzata Corolla, prolungando così una tradizione risalente al 1966 e interrotta quattro anni fa dalla sfortunata Auris. Proprio i suoi scarsi risultati commerciali avrebbero suggerito ai dirigenti Toyota di attuare una clamorosa marcia indietro, affidandosi ad un nome più evocativo e memorabile, la cui traduzione in latino significa “piccola corona”. Il marchio giapponese continua a vendere la Corolla negli Stati Uniti, dov’è giunta alla decima generazione e dove raccoglie notevoli riscontri di pubblico: in 45 anni ne sono stati prodotti oltre 35 milioni (record assoluto) ed un nuovo esemplare è venduto a livello globale ogni 40 secondi.

La nuova Toyota Corolla europea, secondo quanto scrive AutoBild, sarà di qualche centimetro più lunga rispetto ai 4.22 metri della Auris e monterà un 4 cilindri turbo da circa 200 CV, “controbilanciato” da una versione ibrida con nuove batterie agli ioni di litio. Il debutto è atteso durante l’autunno 2012.

 News al 02/12/2015: Mazda 2.

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