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Nuova e sconvolgente tornata di crash test

Per la prima volta hanno testato dei pick up con risultati terrificanti.

Nissan Navara (Tot. 18 Punti)



The Navara's passenger compartment became unstable in the impact and would have been unable to withstand greater loading. The chassis rail collapsed on the impacted side, allowing a significant level of intrusion into the driver's footwell. As a result, the dummy readings indicated a high risk of injury to the left tibia. In addition, the accelerator pedal moved rearwards more than 200mm, presenting a further risk of injury to the driver's lower legs. Structures in the dashboard presented a hazard to the knees and femurs of both the driver and the passenger. Protection of the driver's chest was rated as weak owing to the extent to which the chest was compressed, combined with the threat posed by the unstable passenger compartment. The passenger's neck was bent rearwards in the impact, presenting a high risk of life-threatening injury. The airbags and seatbelt pretensioners were triggered late in the impact and readings from the driver dummy's head also indicated a high risk of life threatening injury. The Navara has been awarded a one star rating as its performance in frontal impact did not reach the minimum level required for a higher rating. Moreover, the unacceptably high risk of life threatening injury to the driver's head and the passenger's neck have led to that star being struck through. Nissan have already introduced a counter-measure to overcome the delayed deployment of the frontal airbags. The change has already been introduced in production cars and Nissan will contact owners to advise them to get their cars upgraded at their dealers. Euro NCAP will assess the modified car in the near future.

Protezione Adulti : 1/2

Protezione Bambini : 3

Protezione Pedoni : 2

Prova del Palo : N/E

Da notare che il Pathfinder ha ottenuto 4 stelle.. :|

** Per ora posto questo dato che il sito Euroncap non va.. **

 News al 02/12/2015: Mazda 2.

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Mitsubishi L200 (Tot. 27 Pti)


Protezione Adulti : 4

Protezione Bambini : 3

Protezione Pedoni : 1

Prova del Palo : N/E

Isuzu D-MAX (Tot. 17 Pti)



Protezione Adulti : 1 e 1/2

Protezione Bambini : 2

Protezione Pedoni : 1

Prova del Palo : N/E

Suzuki Splash (Tot. 30 Pti)


Protezione Adulti : 4

Protezione Bambini : 3

Protezione Pedoni : 3

Prova del Palo : N/E

Citroen C5 (Tot. 35 Pti)



Protezione Adulti : 5

Protezione Bambini : 4

Protezione Pedoni : 2

Prova del Palo : Superata

... Addirittura la Navara è andata peggio della D-MAX ..

Terios, Kangoo e X3 le posto piu tardi .. dato che devo rimpicciolire le immagini :) .

 News al 02/12/2015: Mazda 2.


Paura pick up :shock:

La Suzuki Splash non ha raggiunto le 5 stelle, 4 stelle non sono male ma per essere un progetto nuovo...

Citroen C5 come previsto.

Sono str-curioso per la Terrios, imho 3 stelle e bmw X3 5 stelle al limite.

MeneS sponsored by L.S.D.M.


Testers say recall 'unsafe' truck

_42236164_cars_getty_203.jpg Euro NCAP crash tests cars on sale in Europe

The European body responsible for testing new cars has demanded a pick-up truck be recalled after it received one of the worst ever crash safety scores. Euro NCap said the Nissan Navara's poor design made deaths and serious injuries more likely in an accident.

The tests showed its airbags opened too slowly and seatbelts did not provide enough protection during a collision.

But Nissan said the airbag problem was limited to 2008 models and invited owners to have settings changed.

The Nissan Navara scored just one star out of a possible five in the Euro NCAP test. The Isuzu D-Max pick-up truck also scored poorly, gaining only two stars.

BBC transport correspondent Tom Symonds said the Navara was marketed as a "rough and tough" off-road vehicle, which has become increasingly popular as a recreational motor.

He said the tests also found that the "body shell wasn't strong enough and the foot well deformed on impact putting the driver at risk of injuries from the foot pedals".

Euro Ncao is an independent body that crash tests cars on sale in Europe, and Nissan has asked it to publish test results for the modified Navara.

BBC NEWS | UK | Testers say recall 'unsafe' truck


Cmq riporto solo i risutlati xke le img nn me le apre, lascio fare tutto a Nico :D

Kangoo 4 stelle

X3 4 stelle

Terios 4 stelle

delusissimo per il Kangoo e per l'X3..x il Terios un ottimo risultato



X3 4 stelle

Fra tanta eccellenza tecnica, le ultime BMW non svettano nei crash Euro-NCAP: chissà come mai. Evidentemente l'immagine che hanno è così forte che non hanno bisogno di puntare sulla sicurezza per vendere.

"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed, second it is violently opposed, and third, it is accepted as self-evident." (Arthur Schopenhauer)


Volkswagen Scirocco 1.4 TSI 160cv Viper Green (venduta)

BMW M4 DKG Competition Package 450cv Sapphire Black

Jeep Renegade 1.0 T3 Limited 

Cmq riporto solo i risutlati xke le img nn me le apre, lascio fare tutto a Nico :D


lo sai che la tua incolumità è a rischio? lo sai?

dovresti ormai saperlo che sono rompiballe su ste cose :)


lo sai che la tua incolumità è a rischio? lo sai?

dovresti ormai saperlo che sono rompiballe su ste cose :)

dai..sono anni che scrivo cmq xke nn e img...sono le uniche abbreviazioni che faccio...non creano disturbo ;)

anzi..tra l'altro nn e xke non li scrivo quasi direi di tornare a parlare dei Test perche siamo un po OT :D



Capisco che è un suv e che pesa un botto ma una BMW che non raggiunge le 5 stelle non è una cosa positiva eh!

Se succede per il prossimo suv fiat immagino già i commenti :lol:

La terrios mi ha stupito, non pensavo...

MeneS sponsored by L.S.D.M.


Avevo sentito che la BMW serie 5 aveva difficoltà nel crash test a causa della struttura di assorbimento del frontale in parte realizzata in alluminio. Non so se valga lo stesso anche per la X3. Certo che questi suv in generale fanno molta fatica a superare le 4 stelle (vedasi Audi Q7).

"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed, second it is violently opposed, and third, it is accepted as self-evident." (Arthur Schopenhauer)


Volkswagen Scirocco 1.4 TSI 160cv Viper Green (venduta)

BMW M4 DKG Competition Package 450cv Sapphire Black

Jeep Renegade 1.0 T3 Limited 

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