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Mazda 3 II Facelift [Hatch, Sedan] (Topic Ufficiale - 2011)

Touareg 2.5

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Press Release :

Refreshed 2012 Mazda3 Goes on Sale in Fall of 2011(Toronto, ON): The sky's the limit at Mazda's display at the 2011 Canadian International AutoShow. Making its debut is the 2012 Mazda3, which, in addition to receiving a facelift, will also offer the option of Mazda's new SKYACTIV-G gasoline engine and SKYACTIV-Drive automatic transmission when it is launched later this fall. This initial application of Mazda's SKYACTIV engine and transmission technologies - the first time they will be employed in a production vehicle - will realize higher torque at low- and mid-range engine speeds resulting in better drivability with less fuel consumption in everyday driving.

Mazda Motor Corporation has been developing its new technologies under the SKYACTIV concept and they include completely new gasoline and diesel engines, transmissions and vehicle architectures. Mazda's SKYACTIV technologies will be launched successively beginning with the new gasoline engine and automatic transmission in 2011.

Mazda has stated that its goal is to improve fuel efficiencylb_icon1.png by 30 percent by 2015 (compared to 2008 levels). This will be accomplished through SKYACTIV technologies, which focus on improving the efficiency of internal combustion core technologies in association with vehicle weight reduction. Then, gradually, electrical devices such as idle-stop, regenerative braking and hybrid systems will be introduced to further improve fuel efficiency and reduce CO2 emissions.

In addition to the new SKYACTIV engine and transmission offerings, the 2012 Mazda3 will receive new front and rear bumpers with a redesigned front grill, fog bezels and front headlamps. New 16- and 17-inch alloy wheels complete the 2012 exterior updates.

Another vehicle making its first appearance in Toronto is the new 2012 Mazda5 multi-activity vehicle. Since its introduction as a 2006 model, the Mazda5 has redefined the concept of compact transportation by offering seating for up to six people in three easily configurable rows, as well as with unique styling and driving dynamics not typical in vehicles of this type. Over 50,000 Mazda5s have been sold since its introduction to Canada and it is the second best selling nameplate in Mazda Canada's line-up.

The 2012 Mazda5, on sale now across Canada, incorporates motifs from Mazda's "Nagare" designlb_icon1.png language which, inspired by the beauty of nature, presents an elegant look not found in any existing vehicle today. Changes run deep under the skin too, as the vehicle is now powered by a 157-horsepower 2.5-litre four-cylinder engine and can be paired with either a six-speed manual or five-speed automatic transmission. Outstanding fuel economy and unexpected driveability are carried over from the previous model, as are the vehicle's sliding rear doors and flexible seating for up to six people. The 2012 Mazda5 is available in two trim grades with a starting price of $21,795.


Mazda rinnova lo stile ed i contenuti della 3: la versione “facelift” della seconda generazione della media giapponese, lanciate nel 2008, si presenta dotata di un nuovo fascione anteriore, più sportivo ed efficiente a livello aerodinamico. Rinnovato anche il paraurti posteriore arricchito ora con catarinfrangenti posteriori posizionati alle estremità laterali. Nuovo anche lo styling dei cerchi in lega da 16 e 17 pollici, studiati per garantire un migliore raffreddamento dei dischi freno. Otto i colori esterni, compreso il nuovo Autumn Bronze Mica. All’interno la novità principale è costituita dal nuovo colore nero per la parte inferiore della consolle centrale, ora ornata con ghiere cromate più lucide sui quadranti. Inedita anche l’ illuminazione in bianco per la strumentazione e per lo schermo ad informazioni multiple (MID). Rivisitata anche la dinamica di guida: i cerchi in lega più rigidi conferiscono, secondo Mazda, una migliore stabilità in rettilineo.

La struttura sottoscocca è stata irrigidita tramite nuovi rinforzi della traversa anteriore, realizzati in acciaio più robusto e con un maggior numero di punti di saldatura, ed una nuova barra a braccetti singoli. Più rigidi del 50% anche i deflettori dei pneumatici anteriori per una migliore stabilità di marcia. Quest’ultima è stata implementata anche grazie all’ottimizzazione della messa a punto degli ammortizzatori. Nuove caratteristiche del flusso di pompaggio per l’impianto sterzante EHPAS, offrono una migliore reazione allo sterzo alle velocità medio-alte. Il coefficiente di resistenza aerodinamica (Cx) è ora di 0,27 per la berlina (in precedenza 0,28) e 0,29 per la due volumi (in precedenza 0,30): un risultato ottenuto anche mediante la copertura inferiore del pianale appiattita e maggiorata del 10%. Invariato lo schema sospensivo, basato su una sospensione anteriore MacPherson con posteriore multilink.

La nuova rinnovata Mazda 3 risulta inoltre più confortevole grazie al miglioramento a livello di rumorosità, vibrazioni e disturbi grazie al telaio irrigidito e ad un maggiore isolamento del sottoscocca per ridurre il disturbo stradale ed ottenere un abitacolo più silenzioso. La gamma è stata portata ad otto gruppi propulsori, con l’adozione di una versione di cambio automatico a quattro velocità “Activematic” sul modello MZR 1.6.

I propulsori che faranno la parte del leone nel Vecchio Continente saranno certamente i turbodiesel MZ-CD da 1.6 litri ed i MZR-CD da 2,2 litri: questi ultimi sono provvisti di cambio manuale a sei rapporti, sono proposti in due livelli di potenza; il più potente eroga 185 CV a 3.500 giri/min. e 400 Nm di coppia massima a 1.800-3.000 giri/min., con consumi di carburante su percorso misto di 5,4 l/100 km (il 3,6% in meno rispetto al modello uscente) ed emissioni di CO2 di 144 g/km (ridotte del 3,4%). La versione meno potente eroga invece 150 CV a 3.500 giri/min. e 360 Nm di coppia massima a 1.800-2.600 giri/min., con consumi di carburante su percorso misto di 5,2 l/100 km (ridotti del 3,7%) ed emissioni di CO2 di 139 g/km (ridotte del 3,5%). Il motore turbodiesel MZ-CD 1.6 eroga invece 115 CV di potenza massima ed una coppia di 270 Nm fra 1.750 e 2.500 giri/min.: il modello, provvisto di cambio manuale a 6 rapporti, consuma solo 4,3 litri di carburante ogni 100 km su percorso misto (il 2,3% in meno rispetto a prima) ed emette 115 g/km di CO2 (riduzione dell’1,7%).

Al top della gamma benzina si pone la MZR 2.3 DISI con cambio manuale a sei rapporti (solo Mazda3 MPS), che eroga 260 CV a 5.500 giri/min. ed una coppia di 380 Nm a 3.000 giri/min. Con questo motore la Mazda 3 può toccare una velocità massima di 250 km/h ed accelera da 0 a 100 km/h in 6,1 secondi. Più tranquillo il quattro cilindri MZR 2.0 DISI i-stop con cambio a sei rapporti: eroga una potenza di 150 CV a 6.200 giri/min. ed una coppia di 191 Nm a 4.500 giri/min., consumando 6,7 litri di carburante ogni 100 km (in precedenza 6,8) ed emettendo 157 g/km di CO2 (in precedenza 159). Il motore benzina aspirato MZR 2.0 con cambio automatico a cinque rapporti eroga una potenza di 150 CV a 6.500 giri/min. ed una coppia di 187 Nm a 4.000 giri/min., consuma 7,6 litri di carburante ogni 100 km ed emette 175 g/km di CO2.

Alla base della gamma si pone invece la motorizzazione benzina aspirata MZR da 1,6 litri con cambio manuale a cinque rapporti: eroga una potenza di 105 CV a 6.000 giri/min. ed una coppia massima di 145 Nm a 4.000 giri/min., consumando 6,4 litri di carburante ogni 100 km ed emettendo 147 g/km di CO2 (in precedenza 149). Il nuovo benzina MZR da 1,6 litri con cambio Activematic a 4 rapporti consuma 7,4 litri di carburante ogni 100 km ed emette 171 g/km di CO2 (modello berlina). Il modello a due volumi consuma 7,6 litri di carburante ogni 100 km ed emette 176 g/km di CO2. Il cambio Activematic consente di guidare in modalità completamente automatica con controllo della pendenza ed ottimizzazione del passaggio dalla quarta alla seconda marcia, o in modalità manuale sequenziale.

Arricchita anche la dotazione di sicurezza e le dotazioni: nuovo il sistema di navigazione integrato TomTom con schermo touch-screen da 5,8 pollici, telefono viva voce Bluetooth e connessione audio con microfono esterno. La nuova Mazda 3 si caratterizza anche per il nuovo indicatore di cambio marcia. Importante sottolineare che la 3 rimane la vettura più popolare del marchio giapponese, con quasi 3 milioni di unità vendute su scala mondiale. L’Europa è il secondo mercato più vasto per questa vettura, con vendite complessive pari a 613.000 unità, di cui quasi 100.000 rappresentano quelle del modello attuale ottenute in meno di due anni. Con quasi 60.000 unità vendute nel 2010, Mazda3 è il veicolo Mazda più venduto in Europa.

Com'era ovvio, anche da noi è arrivato il facelift per la 3.

Modificato da Touareg 2.5

 News al 02/12/2015: Mazda 2.

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La riduzione del quoziente di idiozia del sorrisone anteriore le dona parecchio e anche le nuove prese d'aria laterali sono più riuscite delle precedenti. In ogni caso la novità più importante è lo SKY, che pare essere molto interessante, sono curioso di sapere come va.

La teoria è quando si conosce il funzionamento di qualcosa ma quel qualcosa non funziona.

La pratica è quando tutto funziona ma non si sa come.

Spesso si finisce con il coniugare la teoria con la pratica: non funziona niente e non si sa il perché.

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  • 1 mese fa...

Tempo di restyling anche per la berlina. Devo dire che migliora abbastanza:

2012 Mazda3 with new SkyActiv engine gets 40 mpg, updated exterior

by Zach Bowman (RSS feed) on Apr 20th 2011 at 3:58PM

2012 Mazda3 - Click above for high-res image gallery

The 2012 Mazda3 has officially made its debut at the 2011 New York Auto Show, and it's brought along the first production use of the long-awaited SkyActiv fuel-efficiency tweaks. That means the newest Mazda3 is good for a whopping 40 miles per gallon on the highway thanks to the addition of a new SkyActiv-G four-cylinder engine mated to either a new six-speed automatic or manual transmission.

Previously, the Mazda3 has only been good for up to 33 mpg in its most efficient form, but the new drivetrain advancements will go a long way toward making the model more competitive against ever sharper metal from Ford, Chevrolet, Hyundai and Honda. Mazda says that the new 2.0-liter, direct-injection four-cylinder is good for 155 horsepower and 148 pound-feet of torque, which offers modest increases over the old, non-DI 2.0-liter mill.

That old lump will still be around as standard equipment on the sedan, though don't expect to see it on the Mazda3 hatch. Instead, the long-roof will still benefit from the larger 2.5-liter four-cylinder found in the last-gen vehicle.

In addition to the newly-efficient drivetrain, the 2012 Mazda3 also wears a suitably updated exterior. Buyers can look forward to redesigned headlights and an adjusted front fascia with a slightly different grille that tones down the exuberance of the car's trademark grin. Likewise, the rears of both the sedan and hatch have received a subtle warming-over. Follow the jump to hear it from Mazda's own mouth.

Press Release:


- Refreshed 2012 Mazda3 Equipped With SKYACTIV-G, SKYACTIV-Drive

to Achieve Highest MPG of Any Mazda -

NEW YORK (April 21, 2011) – The 2012 Mazda3 made its U.S. debut today at the New York International Auto Show. Face-lifted with an even more refined exterior and interior, the 2012 Mazda3 also is the first application in North America of Mazda's innovative SKYACTIV fuel-saving and performance-oriented technologies, achieving 40 mpg on the highway. The Mazda3 model is Mazda's best-selling vehicle worldwide and accounts for nearly half of all Mazda sales in the United States, making the vehicle a prime candidate for introducing SKYACTIV to consumers looking for dynamic performance coupled with high fuel efficiency.

"SKYACTIV is not just an engine; it is the next generation of advanced vehicle performance and efficiency," said Jim O'Sullivan, President and CEO, Mazda North American Operations (MNAO). "SKYACTIV embodies Mazda's philosophy of engineering only vehicles that are fun to drive, satisfying to own and environmentally responsible; and there is no better vehicle to start with than the Mazda3, one of the most exciting sport compact cars on the road."

Redesigned for the 2010 model year, the refreshed 2012 Mazda3 is Mazda's first application of SKYACTIV technologies in North America, receiving an all-new SKYACTIV-G gasoline engine as well as the all-new SKYACTIV-Drive six-speed automatic transmission and all-new SKYACTIV-MT six-speed manual transmission. It also features improved sporty driving dynamics, responsive handling and a comfortable cabin space. The exterior design also has been refined to express a bolder stance, alongside new interior appointments creating additional functionality without sacrificing the touch-and-feel quality. Additional safety features complete the package.

Mazda3, SKYACTIV Reach New Heights

In addition to the Mazda3's current MZR 2.0-liter dual-overhead-cam 16-valve four-cylinder engine is the all-new high-efficiency direct-injection SKYACTIV-G 2.0-liter gasoline engine. Mated to a standard SKYACTIV-MT six-speed manual transmission or optional SKYACTIV-Drive six-speed automatic transmission, SKYACTIV will be available in either the sedan or hatchback models. The MZR 2.0-liter engine will continue to be available with the current five-speed manual as standard equipment. MZR 2.0-liter-equipped models also will be available with the current five-speed automatic as an option.

Approximately 4.4 pounds lighter than the current MZR 2.0-liter engine, the SKYACTIV 2.0-liter adopts multi-hole injectors to enhance fuel spray characteristics, along with specially developed piston cavity shapes that ensure a shorter combustion time and suppresses the impact on power and torque from engine knocking. Pumping loss is also decreased by employing dual sequential valve timing (S-VT).

The 2012 Mazda3 achieves a high compression ratio of 12.0:1 and delivers 155 horsepower at 6,000 rpm and 148 lb-ft of torque at 4,100 rpm. (The PZEV version of this engine sold in California and other states produces 154 hp at 6,000 rpm and 148 lb-ft of torque at 4,100 rpm).

Compared to the current Mazda3 MZR 2.0-liter engine, the maximum power of the SKYACTIV-equipped 2012 Mazda3 is increased by approximately five percent (from 148 horsepower at 6,500 rpm) and torque is increased by approximately 10 percent (from 135 lb-ft at 4,500 rpm). With improved torque, coupled with a drive control system that utilizes coordinated controls of the engine and transmission, Mazda3s with SKYACTIV technology excel in dynamic response, further maintaining the Zoom-Zoom idea of oneness between the car and driver.

Fuel economy also gets a boost from the combination of a SKYACTIV engine and transmissions. When equipped with the SKYACTIV-G gasoline engine and optional SKYACTIV-Drive six-speed automatic transmission, the 2012 Mazda3 sedan will achieve an EPA rating of 40 mpg on the highway, an approximately 21-percent improvement over the current MZR 2.0-liter engine equipped with the optional five-speed automatic transmission. With a fuel tank capacity of 14.5 gallons, the 2012 Mazda3 sedan with SKYACTIV has the potential of a 540-mile range, with still a gallon of fuel remaining. City mpg for the sedan version also improves by 17 percent to 28 mpg. When equipped with the SKYACTIV-MT six-speed manual transmission, the sedan is rated with an estimated fuel economy of 27 city/39 highway.

The Mazda3 sedan with the MZR 2.0-liter has an EPA fuel economy rating of 25 city/33 highway with the standard five-speed manual transmission and 24 city/33 highway with the optional five-speed automatic transmission.

Also, previously only available with the MZR 2.5-liter engine, the Mazda3 five-door hatchback model will now be offered in the U.S. with the SKYACTIV-G 2.0-liter gasoline engine. This Mazda3 hatchback is estimated to deliver 27 city/38 highway (SKYACTIV-MT) and 28 city/38 highway (SKYACTIV-Drive AT). The slightly lower highway estimates can be attributed to different aerodynamics and the higher weight ratio between the sedan and hatchback. However, the hatchback's driving range remains impressive with more than 500 miles of driving on the same sized tank as the sedan. The MZR 2.0-liter engine will not be available in the hatchback model.

The higher fuel economy of the 2012 Mazda3 equipped with SKYACTIV is a direct result of combining all the best features of the technology in today's transmissions. For SKYACTIV-Drive, the key advantages of a conventional automatic transmission, Continuously Variable Transmission (CVT) and Dual Clutch Transmission (DCT) were integrated. In addition, a torque converter with a lock-up clutch was developed to ensure minimal decrease in fuel economy and an increase in direct drive feel.

For SKYACTIV-MT, the goal was to achieve a shift feel that is sporty, brisk and responds to the driver. To accomplish this, not only was the shift-lever stroke shortened by about 10 percent compared to the current six-speed manual (available only in models equipped with the MZR 2.5-liter engine or MZR 2.3-liter Direct-Injection Spark Ignition turbo engine) but other technologies were applied as well: a down type system, lock ball type synchronizer, shift load canceller, slide ball bearing and locating 2nd and 3rd gears on a common shaft. By reconfiguring the current six-speed manual transmission, its weight was reduced by approximately 4.4 pounds due to the need for fewer components, while creating a quicker and crisper shift feel. Call it a little "MX-5 Miata-ness" in the Mazda3.

Also available on the 2012 Mazda3 is the highly-acclaimed Mazda MZR 2.5-liter engine. Alongside the SKYACTIV-G 2.0-liter, the MZR 2.5 is a technology powerhouse as well. It offers an aluminum block with cylinder-bore liners made of a steel-molybdenum alloy offering strength and stiffness generally not seen in large-displacement four-cylinder engines. A forged-steel crankshaft provides strength at high revs, but rigidity to ensure low NVH characteristics. Additionally, twin balance shafts located in the oil sump cancel second-order noise and vibration. The deep-skirt block is engineered for extra stiffness and main-bearing caps are integral with a ladder-type lower-block reinforcement. To minimize the noise and vibration typically found on larger displacement four-cylinder engines, the damper at the forward end of the crankshaft is equipped with two tuned masses. At the output end, a flexible flywheel also curbs NVH.

Fuel is delivered to the intake ports by an electronically controlled sequential injection system. Ignition coils are modular units positioned directly above the spark plugs. Shim-less bucket tappets require no maintenance. Lightweight pistons are coated with a special anti-friction compound and fitted with low-tension rings for improved gas mileage. Sintered powder-metal connecting rods and lighter full-floating wrist pins minimize the reciprocating weight.

Providing 167 hp at 6,000 rpm and 168 lb-ft of torque at 4,000 rpm, the MZR 2.5-liter engine is available with a six-speed manual transmission or a five-speed electronically-controlled automatic with manual shift control. (The PZEV version of this engine sold in California and other states produces 165 hp at 6,000 rpm and 167 lb-ft of torque at 4,000 rpm). The MZR 2.5-liter engine achieves EPA figures of 20 city and 28 highway with a manual transmission and 22 city and 29 highway with the automatic.

Distinctively Dynamic

The Mazda3 has earned a solid reputation for its sporty and exciting handling that delivers an equally pleasurable driving feel which emphasizes consistency between the driver's expectations and the car's response. Inheriting this pedigree, the refreshed 2012 Mazda3 not only improves upon this sense of oneness between driver and vehicle, but also offers a comfortable driving experience that all passengers can feel and enjoy in various driving scenarios.

Referred to as Toitsukan, this linear and consistent feel is more specifically about establishing smooth transitions between acceleration, lateral and deceleration G forces in response to the basic aspects of driving, turning and stopping. This idea is not simply about delivering sharp response to accelerator and steering operations for a sporty ride, but instead delivering a consistent linear feeling of the car's every response to control operations of the driver. Toitsukan extends to making driving pleasurable and instilling drivers with the sensation of excitement and control while at the same time offering passengers a comfortable ride created by smooth and stable car movement.

Concentrated efforts were made to ensure this Toitsukan is achieved throughout the car's features, which also resulted in a stronger body, include the adoption of the Electro-Hydraulic Power Assist Steering (EHPAS) system and optimized tuning of the front and rear dampers. Mazda's EHPAS system employs a new setting for pump flow characteristics that enables easier handling at slow speeds while also achieving more positive feedback and a better feeling for the road at mid-range through to high speeds. The overall result when compared to the current model is lighter, more nimble steering feel.

Put simply: turn the wheel a little, get a little change of direction; turn the wheel a lot, get a lot of change of direction. It seems so easy, but so few manufacturers seem to be able to achieve this level of intuition.

The body of the 2012 Mazda3 also has been further reinforced for greater rigidity, improving upon the current model's already stellar agility and handling stability. This was partly achieved by increasing the number of spot welds used to join the suspension crossmembers (to which the front and rear suspensions are mounted) to the reinforced body areas. Use of stronger materials for reinforcements made it possible to more effectively disperse input from the suspension crossmember mounts to the body, thereby greatly improving overall body rigidity. In addition, the two reinforcement bars located under the center of the floor panel of the current Mazda3 were replaced by a single new brace that is both stronger and more rigid. Employing this sheet of reinforcing material suppresses fore-aft body deformation. This update applies only to models equipped with the SKYACTIV-G 2.0-liter or MZR 2.5-liter engines.

Additionally, models powered by SKYACTIV-G 2.0-liter gasoline engines are equipped with a drive control system that controls torque generation to maintain a harmonious balance between engine output and the gears of the transmission. Programmed in such a way to determine how much acceleration is called for in relation to the amount of acceleration pedal action, the system ensures the right amount of torque generated matches the acceleration demands. This instills in the driver a sense of confidence that the vehicle will respond faithfully and predictably. A driver's desired speed can be reached without the need of a heavy foot on the accelerator, thus contributing to less waste of fuel.

Engaging, Efficient Exterior

This mid-generation evolution of the Mazda3 also extends to its exterior design. The current model's rich expression and bold stance has been updated to deliver a well-toned look that conveys even higher quality and curb appeal. Increased aerodynamics and stylized features give the 2012 Mazda3 a more sophisticated look, blending seamlessly with functionality.

The 2012 Mazda3's exterior appearance ultimately features a more taut impression with a new front fascia and updated five-point grille opening for both sedan and hatchback styles. New design characteristics include more delicately sculpted forms around the openings on the outside edge of the front bumper and a rounded fog lamp shape (changed from the horizontally-wide version of the current model).

Mazda3 sedan and hatchback models equipped with SKYACTIV-G gasoline engines will be further distinguished with exclusive elements, such as an all-new engine cover featuring a deep blue metallic paint finish with black sections along either side; headlamp units outfitted with a transparent blue ring around the center lens to emphasize the vehicle's distinctive character; and a badge featuring a "SKYACTIV" logo against a clear-blue background.

USDM Version

2012-Mazda3-23.jpg 2012-Mazda3-22.jpg 2012-Mazda3-21.jpg 2012-Mazda3-20.jpg 2012-Mazda3-19.jpg 2012-Mazda3-18.jpg 2012-Mazda3-17.jpg 2012-Mazda3-16.jpg 2012-Mazda3-15.jpg


Modificato da Touareg 2.5

La teoria è quando si conosce il funzionamento di qualcosa ma quel qualcosa non funziona.

La pratica è quando tutto funziona ma non si sa come.

Spesso si finisce con il coniugare la teoria con la pratica: non funziona niente e non si sa il perché.

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questo qua "US Spec" non ha esattamente le specifiche di quelli che riceveremo noi per i soliti problemi di benzina USA.

è compresso solo 12:1 invece che 14:1 (e cmq credo che ci siano problemi a farci stare i collettori di scarico "full spec" nel vano motore della 3 ).

la prima auto "100% SKYACTIV" sarà la cx-5 in vendita nei primi mesi 2012.

EDIT: manca anche l'i-stop (e c'era una polemica in USA perchè l' EPA non tiene conto degli S&S per il calcolo delle emissioni)

Modificato da Matteo B.
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Ma a livello di vendite, in EU quanto peggio ha fatto in percentuale la 3 mkII rispetto la prima serie del 2003?

bella domanda sono curioso pure io. ad occhio di prima serie ne ho viste e ne vedo molte oltre a quello che ho sotto il culo. di nuove molto poche, eppure nelle mie zone Mazda vende benino.

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