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BMW i3 - Prj. i01 (Spy da Pag.4)


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Guarda Yakamoz che non volevo fare nascere nessuna polemica. Forse avrei dovuto mettere la faccina? ;)

Seconda cosa che mi ha dato fastidio è stata leggere tra le righe (dimmi se sbaglio) il fatto di aver mancato di rispetto al forum ed ai suoi membri. Pensiero del tutto tuo visto che qui ho sempre trovato una compagnia da "bevuta al pub il Venerdi' sera" ed in quanto tale cerco di rispettare il più possibile nonostante quella infrazione che si trova nel mio profilo, diciamo un incidente di gioventu' :timido:

Fine OT


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scusate ho una domanda che forse è stupida: in bMW si vantano del peso ridotto a 1.100 kg una Ypsilon/500 non pesano quasi uguale o leggermente di più? dov'è questo dato sensazionale? mi son perso qualcosa ?:pen:

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BMW Undresses the All-New i3 Electric Hatch - Carscoops

Following yesterday’s release of the first official specs of the BMW i3, the Bavarian carmaker has now revealed further information of its electric vehicle and a photo gallery showing the car without most of the camouflage we've been used to seeing in the spy shots. BMW promises the i3 will be worthy of its "Sheer Driving Pleasure" slogan, thanks to the optimum weight distribution (50:50) and the rear-wheel drive setup. The electric engine is mounted on the rear axle, offering “unbeatable traction”, according to the automaker, as well as increased maneuverability. Speaking of which, the i3 has a turning circle of only 9.86 meters.

The hatch with the reverse opening rear doors (there's no center column for easier access to the rear seats) features a single-pedal control concept, which means recuperation mode is activated the moment the driver takes his foot off the accelerator.

The 168hp (170PS or 125kW) electric motor switches from drive to generator mode, feeding power into the lithium-ion battery while at the same time generating a “precisely controllable braking effect,” according to BMW. The energy recuperation is speed-sensitive, which means the car “coasts” with maximum efficiency at high speeds and generates a strong braking effect at low speeds.

The new i3 is offered with driver assistance systems such as Driving Assistant Plus, Parking Assistant, rear view camera and Speed Limit Info. The car’s battery can be charged using either the wall-box supplied by BMW or a conventional domestic power socket. A full charge takes approximately 8 hours via socket, but for those in a hurry, the battery can be charged up to 80 percent capacity in under 30 minutes using the 50kW fast charger.

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