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Press Release :

Nissan Unveils New Global Hatchback at the 14th Shanghai International Automobile Industry Exhibition

YOKOHAMA (April 19, 2011) - Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. today premiered an all-new hatchback model at the 14th Shanghai International Automobile Industry Exhibition. This new model will be the new generation Tiida in China.


The Tiida hatchback, introduced in China in 2005 from Dongfeng Nissan, is a pioneer in the compact hatchback market in China, selling 85,000 units in 2010. Sold globally in 165 countries, the Tiida is the best-selling model in the current Nissan product lineup.

The all-new Tiida is targeted toward young families who value quality life. With appeal points such as 'premium and agile styling', 'class leading comfort' and 'PURE DRIVE revolutionary powertrain', the new model will continue to be a leading model in the compact hatchback market in China. Nissan will also be the first Japanese automaker to introduce a turbo-charged engine in the Chinese market, with the introduction of the new Tiida's turbo series.

Based on a keyword 'Fluid & Brisk', the new Tiida delivers a new, premium feeling with a smooth, streamlined bodyside, well-balanced proportions and advanced-design exterior parts, such as grilles and lamps with refined details. To further enhance its spacious interior, which has been well received in the previous generation Tiida hatchback, the wheelbase length has been increased by 100mm to ensure best-in-class rear knee room. With increased length and breadth of the front window and optimally-shaped side mirrors for ease of use, visibility is significantly improved contributing to stress-free driving.

Interior design is developed using another keyword - 'Calm & Refined'. With a comfortable interior to embrace the driver and passengers, an elegant and precisely-crafted meter, a floating center cluster, and wide, super-soft armrests, the car provides premium space offering comfortable feeling in driving.

Driving comfort is also realized by soft, comfortable seats with low vibration which brings about less fatigue during driving.

Installed is a reliable, easy-to-handle, fuel-efficient Nissan HR16DE engine which has been employed in a number of Nissan vehicles. In addition, a range of PURE DRIVE low-emission technologies has also been added, such as latest dual injectors that provides far greater combustion efficiency by finely splashing fuel and Xtronic CVT with an auxiliary transmission. Select models of the all-new Tiida fully meet the stringent third phase fuel-efficiency requirements in China (draft data issued in Nov. 2009).

This new model, to be produced in the Dongfeng Nissan Huadu Plant in Guangzhou, will be released in late May 2011. Followed by its introduction in China, it will be launched in approximately 130 countries around the world by 2014.

Passo in avanti ben notevole.

Sarà venduta in 130 Paesi ... Che arrivi da noi come nuova Almera?

 News al 02/12/2015: Mazda 2.


mah.. a me sembra un po' troppo molle come design.. diciamo un po' sciolta e monovolumosa


Inviato (modificato)

Hanno preso le splendide proporzioni di Stilo 5 porte (:lol:), aggiunto particolari che male si armonizzano tra di loro, shackerato il tutto con un culo cadente e ottenuto l'ennesima segmento C per mercati emergenti dallo stile quantomeno dubbio.

Se non altro stavolta si salva in corner il frontale.

mai avrei detto che Auris avrebbe fatto scuola....:mrgreen::§:vomit:

IMHO Auris è meglio, almeno è più pulita come design e ti permette di passare inosservato.

Modificato da superkappa125

La teoria è quando si conosce il funzionamento di qualcosa ma quel qualcosa non funziona.

La pratica è quando tutto funziona ma non si sa come.

Spesso si finisce con il coniugare la teoria con la pratica: non funziona niente e non si sa il perché.


miglioramento netto rispetto all'orribile vecchio da qui a definirla bella ce ne vuole...

cmq vedo che tra le asiatiche va di moda il design budino...:)



Design particolare, basato sui gusti del paese di provenienza. D'altronde in Japan i best seller del mercato sono auto che da noi compreranno in 4 o 5. Non è stata evidentemente pensata per l'Europa; dietro però l'andamento ha qualcosa della 308, che infatti in versione hatch non credo venda molto!

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