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[RISOLTO] Demel ha parlato!!!

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Guest Abarth03

Da Kataweb motori:


"Credo che abbiamo molto potenziale per migliorare e siamo sulla strada giusta, una strada non facile ma percorribile". E' quanto ha affermato il neo amministratore delegato di Fiat Auto, Herbert Demel, a margine di un convegno a Milano.


...telegrafico, ma è pur sempre una dichiarazione... :roll:

Guest T a u r u s

Demel parlera' di tutto, ma dopo il completamento dei 100 giorni in cui conosce l'azienda...quindi poco prima o nei giorni stampa del salone di Ginevra..visto che il primo giorno a capo di Fiat Auto e' stato Lunedi' 17 Novembre..

Demel parlera' di tutto, ma dopo il completamento dei 100 giorni in cui conosce l'azienda...quindi poco prima o nei giorni stampa del salone di Ginevra..visto che il primo giorno a capo di Fiat Auto e' stato Lunedi' 17 Novembre..

...infatti, però oggi ha promesso (non ufficialmente) un piccolo sconto sui 100 giorni. :wink:


The prize-giving ceremony of the "Car of the Year 2004" trophy, which a jury of 58 trade journalists from 22 European countries awarded to the Fiat Panda, was held this evening in Paris, at the Hotel D'Evreux in the beautiful setting of the Place Vendome. It is the first time that a "supermini" model has won the title, which is the most important awarded to the motor industry.

Herbert Demel, CEO of Fiat Auto, collected the trophy, underlining that "this evening the prize goes not just to a car, but to a great tradition based on over 100 years of history, in which the evolution of the car and of mobility has always been closely intertwined with the history of Fiat and its products. Because Fiat Auto's heritage is one of cars and of men, that have left their mark on the technological progress and motoring history of the 20th century."

The new Fiat Panda continues this great tradition, the most advanced response in the field of city cars: a car with small external dimensions but offering the comfort that we are accustomed to on larger cars, designed to consume very little but no less brilliant because of this, ideal in town traffic and perfect on longer journeys, always guaranteeing that every occupant travels relaxed.

These are the winning features of a car that is the new benchmark in this segment. And the prestigious "Car of the Year" award confirms the great interest it has aroused in the international media since it was presented in Lisbon. Success with the critics that has since been confirmed by the European clientele: in fact, over 130,000 orders have been received by the network since the launch.

Herbert Demel concluded: "The title won by the Panda, the appreciation of the press, and the excellent welcome from the public are real, tangible signs that our company is on the right track and that the work done, and underway, is starting to bear fruit."

"The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt." -Bertrand Russell

"this evening the prize goes not just to a car, but to a great tradition based on over 100 years of history, in which the evolution of the car and of mobility has always been closely intertwined with the history of Fiat and its products. Because Fiat Auto's heritage is one of cars and of men, that have left their mark on the technological progress and motoring history of the 20th century."

e meno male

se ha detto questo demel mi comincia veramente a piacere

((( non mi sono mai espresso prima))

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