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What Is This Shiny Metallic Thing Found On Mars?[h=1]What Is This Shiny Metallic Thing Found On Mars?[/h] 66060_32.jpg Jesus Diaz

While grabbing its first scoop of Martian soil, the Mars Curiosity Rover team noticed a weird thing, something that was not supposed to be there: a bright object on the ground. What is it? NASA's scientists don't know yet.

The image—taken by the right Mast Camera during the mission's 61st Martian day—shows Curiosity's robotic arm's scoop full of sand and dust, waiting to be deposited inside its analysis unit. But, after looking closer at the photo, someone noticed that unusual bright piece.

The scooping operation was then halted and the rover was instructed to take a closer look of the object, which hasn't arrived yet to ground control.

NASA suspects that this may be piece of rover hardware, but they are not sure yet. Can it be some screw that got loose and fell off the rover? Just in case, Curiosity's team will wait until they get the close up of the object. That will help them "in assessing possible impact, if any, to sampling activities."

If it is a piece of the rover, I wonder how a lost piece can affect the rover's functions. JPL hasn't said anything about it yet.


7:32 : Segni i punti coglionazzo !


ok, chi ha buttato la carta del ciungai su Marte ? :lol:

Scherzi a parte, se il coso perde le viti dopo neanche due mesi, al JPL voleranno le teste ...:lol:

Archepensevoli spanciasentire Socing.

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Inviato (modificato)

Grandi Novità da Marte!

Purtroppo non ci dicono quali sono...... bisognerà aspettare alcune settimane per i controlli.

Ma colpisce un annuncio ufficiale che serve solo ad annunciare un futuro annuncio ufficiale... :D

Il succo è che SAM, analizzatore chimico di Curiosity, ha trovato qualcosa definito "adatto ad andare nei libri di storia" !

Visto a cosa serve SAM, la probabilità che la cosa riguardi elementi organici è alta, stay tuned.....

The exciting results are coming from an instrument in the rover called SAM. "We're getting data from SAM as we sit here and speak, and the data looks really interesting," John Grotzinger, the principal investigator for the rover mission, says during my visit last week to his office at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif. That's where data from SAM first arrive on Earth. "The science team is busily chewing away on it as it comes down," says Grotzinger.SAM is a kind of miniature chemistry lab. Put a sample of Martian soil or rock or even air inside SAM, and it will tell you what the sample is made of. Grotzinger says they recently put a soil sample in SAM, and the analysis shows something earthshaking. "This data is gonna be one for the history books. It's looking really good," he says.
Modificato da Maxwell61

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