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Stefano, c'è una carrellata intera di concept e showcar che ti sei guardato bene dal commentare. Capisco (non molto) l'astio verso quel manager, ma stai rasentando il ridicolo ora, imho.

E' innegabile che per pompare la campagna di lancio della Up! la VW abbia attinto a piene mani alla storia di Panda.

Senza cuore saremmo solo macchine.......

Beh cosa hanno di show car.....secondo me l'unica è questa spiaggietta le altre sono giusto versioni speciali da carrozzeria a spruzzo;);) tranne la 500 di Gheddafi che ovviamente non è opera di fiat.


Beh cosa hanno di show car.....secondo me l'unica è questa spiaggietta le altre sono giusto versioni speciali da carrozzeria a spruzzo;);) tranne la 500 di Gheddafi che ovviamente non è opera di fiat.


  • 4 mesi fa...
Inviato (modificato)

Volkswagen: confermata in forma ufficiale la GT up!

Già durante il salone di Francoforte quel suffisso “concept” non esprimeva appieno le sue credenziali. La Volkswagen GT up! era una vettura pronta, quasi definitiva, battezzata concept in attesa del via libera alla produzione. Ed ora, secondo quanto scrive Piston Heads, i dirigenti del marchio Volkswagen hanno concesso un placet che sembrava scontato: fra qualche mese verrà dunque introdotta la GT up! di serie, vettura ad alte prestazioni che ricalcherà fedelmente l’aspetto del prototipo.

Per questo motivo utilizzerà un kit stilistico con cerchi in lega multirazza, nuovi paraurti e prese d’aria più vistose, interventi a cui corrisponderà il motore benzina con potenza di circa 100 CV. La massa resterà inferiore alla tonnellata e restituirà così un rapporto peso/potenza sufficiente per divertirsi senza eccessive preoccupazioni legate a costi e consumi. Il via libera alla GT up! segue di qualche giorno i brevetti della Cross up!, seconda vettura della famiglia up! Concepts che verrà prodotta nei prossimi mesi.

Modificato da MotorPassion


"Qualche emiro che compra una Ferrari lo troverò sempre. Ma se il ceto medio finisce in miseria, chi mi comprerà le Panda?"

Sergio Marchionne


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Volkswagen cross up! Concept made its debut at the 2011 International Motor Show (IAA) in Frankfurt. It shows rugged exterior qualities which include wheel well and side sill extensions and designed in dark anthracite and black side protection strips above the sills; worked into these strips is the "cross up!" signature. Also redesigned are the rugged bumpers with underbody protection, front and rear. Cross models that are currently available are the CrossPolo, CrossGolf and CrossTouran. Cross stands for customised and especially rugged Volkswagen designs with rugged lifestyle qualities.


Aside from its cross features, characteristics distinguishing this member of the New Small Family compared to the two-door car are of course the additional doors and the fully independent styling of the C-pillars. While the shoulder or 'tornado' line and windows ascend towards the rear near the C-pillars on the two-door car, on the four-door car the two elements form a straight line. This gives this body variant its independence, and it has a nearly van-like appearance. As on the two-door version, the C-pillars are also supported over the rear wheel housings; in conjunction with the extremely short rear overhang, this creates a very powerful, dynamic appearance.

Rugged qualities

Typical of a cross model from Volkswagen: the wheel well extensions and side sill extensions designed in a dark anthracite (with satin effect) as well as the black side protection strips above the sills; worked into these strips is the "cross up!" signature. The rugged bumpers are also a new design. Eye-catching at the front is the silver cross-bar in the bumper which has integrated fog lights and an air intake with a honeycomb grille that is distinctly larger, especially towards its bottom. Also designed in a silver colour is the underbody protection. The rear of the car also has a counterpart to this underbody protection and a silver cross-bar on the bumper. Another unmistakable trait of the cross version is its greater ground clearance: 15 mm higher.

Tornado red

The concept car made its appearance with "Tornado Red" exterior paint and other silver elements. Such as with machine-polished 16-inch alloy wheels in cross design ("mythos" type) and 185 tyres; the red circle around the VW logo at the centre of the wheel matches the colour of the body. The roof rails of the cross up! concept car are painted in "matt silver". Matching them in styling are the door mirror caps in "light silver".

Living spaces

As soon as one of the doors or the bootlid of the cross up! is opened, the view is of the seats in their special cross trim (red centre panels, grey side panels). As in all up! models, the dash pad (designer panel in the cockpit in front of the driver and front passenger) and upper door trim panels are painted; in this case, it matches the exterior colour "Tornado Red". Other accents such as the bezels of the air nozzles and the centre console are designed in black piano paint. A "small leather pack" with coloured decorative seams upgrades the steering wheel, gear shift grip and parking brake grip. Last but not least, door sill guards with the "cross" signature protect against tracks left by either rugged or party shoes.


"Qualche emiro che compra una Ferrari lo troverò sempre. Ma se il ceto medio finisce in miseria, chi mi comprerà le Panda?"

Sergio Marchionne


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