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Quante notiziole interessanti. :si:

GC Trackhawk [emoji41]

P.S.: c'é un topic dedicato ai futuri modelli CDJ dove postare queste interessanti notiZie e poterne discutere senza andare OT qui?



1. New SUV/CUV that's bigger than the Durango(possibly shared with the Grand Wagoneer)

2. T&C- plug in hybrid confirmed, much simpler stow and go. As expected the Grand Caravan is done in the US. It will continue on in Canada and the rest of the world.

Scusate, che roba è T&C ? Che relazione c'è con Grand Caravan, riportata nello stesso rigo?

Scusate, che roba è T&C ? Che relazione c'è con Grand Caravan, riportata nello stesso rigo?

Town&Country, che è il gemello Chrysler del Dodge Caravan.

"post fata resurgam." (cit.)

Scusate, che roba è T&C ? Che relazione c'è con Grand Caravan, riportata nello stesso rigo?

T&C sta per town & country, che è come viene chiamato in Usa il Chrysler Voyager, il Grand caravan invece è la versione Dodge con la quale condivide molte parti. :)

Fiat Tipo S-Design 1.4 120 cv


Cosa intendono per Subcompact Jeep ?

... in attesa della Jeep Renegade Trailhawk, Anvil con tetto nero, Navigatore da 6,5, Ruota di scorta, Lane departure, Function pack 1, Visibilty pack, Adesivo cofano nero °IIIIIII°


You men this:

Ok so lots of news from the dealer show, some unexpected stuff, stuff we kinda knew was coming and confirmation of other things discussed here. They were told everything shown is 12-24 months out from being on the lots.


1. Grand Wagoneer is official as expected and will be going after Land Rover.

2. Wrangler was shown at the end of the show, SM specifically mentioned that it will get at least 30 mpg(diesel, but wasn't specifically mentioned) was announced as a 2017.

3.Grand Cherokee Trackhawk- 700 hp, AWD Hellcat powered, 0-60 in under 3 seconds(2.7).

4. New Subcompact Jeep was shown.

5. New Compass is based off the Renegade platform and looks like a mix of the current version and the Grand Cherokee.


1. New SUV/CUV that's bigger than the Durango(possibly shared with the Grand Wagoneer)

2. T&C- plug in hybrid confirmed, much simpler stow and go. As expected the Grand Caravan is done in the US. It will continue on in Canada and the rest of the world.


1. New Power Wagon, apparently much more focused than the current model

2. They showed the 2018 Ram and I was told it's going to be a game changer. I'm trying to get more details.


1. Durango SRT is official. 6.4 RWD

2. They showed the next gen Charger, much more streamlined and takes cues from the 99 Charger R/T concept

3. They showed a street legal Challenger Drag car with some version of the Hellcat making more than 707.

4. Showed the Dart refresh, no SRT version. AWD will be an option. 300 HP engine will be optional across ALL trim levels. Basically you will be able to get the performance with whatever level of equipment you want instead of having to pay for a R/T or SRT.

5. Brand new Cuda coupe and convertible, smaller than the Challenger with modern styling.

My eyes didn't stay for the Fiat part since they don't sell them. He did say that the Giulia was there and looks awesome.


Yep, but careful with that info: the big chrysler CUV is on CUSW, very similar floorpan to the new minivan. It's got nothing to do with the GW.


You men this:

Ok so lots of news from the dealer show, some unexpected stuff, stuff we kinda knew was coming and confirmation of other things discussed here. They were told everything shown is 12-24 months out from being on the lots.


1. Grand Wagoneer is official as expected and will be going after Land Rover.

2. Wrangler was shown at the end of the show, SM specifically mentioned that it will get at least 30 mpg(diesel, but wasn't specifically mentioned) was announced as a 2017.

3.Grand Cherokee Trackhawk- 700 hp, AWD Hellcat powered, 0-60 in under 3 seconds(2.7).

4. New Subcompact Jeep was shown.

5. New Compass is based off the Renegade platform and looks like a mix of the current version and the Grand Cherokee.


1. New SUV/CUV that's bigger than the Durango(possibly shared with the Grand Wagoneer)

2. T&C- plug in hybrid confirmed, much simpler stow and go. As expected the Grand Caravan is done in the US. It will continue on in Canada and the rest of the world.


1. New Power Wagon, apparently much more focused than the current model

2. They showed the 2018 Ram and I was told it's going to be a game changer. I'm trying to get more details.


1. Durango SRT is official. 6.4 RWD

2. They showed the next gen Charger, much more streamlined and takes cues from the 99 Charger R/T concept

3. They showed a street legal Challenger Drag car with some version of the Hellcat making more than 707.

4. Showed the Dart refresh, no SRT version. AWD will be an option. 300 HP engine will be optional across ALL trim levels. Basically you will be able to get the performance with whatever level of equipment you want instead of having to pay for a R/T or SRT.

5. Brand new Cuda coupe and convertible, smaller than the Challenger with modern styling.

My eyes didn't stay for the Fiat part since they don't sell them. He did say that the Giulia was there and looks awesome.

Fiat 127 - 903 ab | Fiat Regata 100 S i.e. | Daewoo Nubira SW 1600 SX-Fiat Panda Young 750 ab ('89) | Fiat Punto Easy 1.2 Nero Tenore

Camper Adria Coral 655 Sp su Ducato Maxi 2.8 jtd 127cv

  • 2 settimane fa...

secondo autossegredos il SUV erede di compass sarebbe stato congelato in brasile...continua lo sviluppo per gli altri mercati

Grupo FCA congela projeto do Jeep 551 no Brasil | Autos Segredos

"Oficialmente não há confirmação, mas, o Autos Segredos apurou com exclusividade que o todo poderoso, Sergio Marchionne, CEO do Grupo Fiat Chrysler Automobiles deu a ordem para que a filial brasileira congele o Projeto 551. O SUV seria o segundo Jeep a ser produzido no Brasil e o terceiro produto da fábrica nordestina. Porém, a crise que afeta o mercado alterou os planos. Uma comitiva da Fiat inclusive se reuniu com alto escalão do Governo Federal para comunicar que não investirá os recursos destinados ao modelo no momento.No Brasil o grupo não fará mais reuniões nem trabalhará no projeto. A paralisação do Projeto 551 é válida somente para o Brasil e o desenvolvimento do modelo continuará já que o SUV é um projeto global da FCA. É possível, que a engenharia brasileira continue a contribuir com os trabalhos envolvendo o modelo. Por aqui, especula-se que os trabalhos para a nacionalização do 551 sejam retomados somente em 2017.O Autos Segredos publicou em 8 de agosto o primeiro flagra do modelo com sua roupagem definitiva. O Jeep 551 compartilhará a plataforma com o SUV Renegade e com a picape Toro. A previsão é que o SUV que substituirá o Compass e Liberty faça sua estreia no mercado nacional no fim de 2016. Quem já o viu, afirma que seu visual será como do Grand Cherokee em tamanho reduzido.O Jeep 551 compartilhará boa parte da estrutura mecânica com os irmãos. Os sistemas de tração e suspensão também serão compartilhados com o Renegade e a Toro. Porém, a versão de entrada do SUV 551 será equipada com o motor 2.o 2.0 Tigershark flex como revelado pela revista Auto Esporte. O propulsor renderá 159cv de potência a 6.200rpm com gasolina e 164cv a 6.000rpm. Já o torque fica em 19,8 kgfm a 4.000 rpm com gasolina e 20,4 kgfm a 4.400 rpm com etanol. O motor é construído em alumínio. O câmbio será o automático de nove marcha e a tração 4×2.Já as versões com motorização diesel usarão o mesmo 2.0 turbo diesel MultiJet II, que rende 170 cv e 35,7 kgfm de torque já usado pelo Renegade e que também estará na picape Toro. Assim como no motor flex o câmbio será o automático de nove velocidades. Já a tração do modelo a diesel será 4×4."Foto | Autos Segredos

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