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[USA] Buick Enclave 2013 (Spy)

Touareg 2.5

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You'd hardly know it from looking at one, but the current Buick Enclave is getting a little long inn the tooth. It was back in 2007 that we bought our long term car and now, in nearly 2012, we're finally looking at the next generation of Enclave.

The first think to notice from these prototypes is the size: The Enclave is not downsizing. Fuel economy standards or not, there's always going to be a market in America for something that will seat 7 comfortably and Buick doesn't appear to have an interest in giving up that market.

Beyond that we're looking at a restyled grille with longer, thinner grille slats spaced further apart than on the current Enclave or on any other Buick vehicle. Out back we're looking at, well, mostly just a much better job with camo than in the front.

While we didn't get any photos of the interior we have to assume it will get many of the same materials upgrades as the rest of the Buick line. In 2013, the Enclave is getting Buick's Intellilink system which will certainly make its way to this vehicle the following year.

 News al 02/12/2015: Mazda 2.

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