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ragazzi.. piano con gli entusiasmi.. ricordatevi che anche la LF-A concept era bellissima e poi nella versione di serie ha perso molto.. è comunque rimasta un'auto più che apprezzabile.. ma esteticamente non c'è stato proprio paragone.. tecnicamente invece ci inchiniamo alla maestria Jap :idol:
  • 2 mesi fa...
The popularity of the dramatic Lexus LF-LC concept has significantly boosted

its chances of making production, Autocar has learned.

Senior bosses at Lexus parent firm Toyota insisted at the LF-LC’s Detroit

show unveiling in January that the hybrid 2+2 coupé was strictly a concept. But

an emphatically positive reception — including winning the public’s ‘best in

show’ award at Detroit — has led to management discussions over “how we can do

it” in production.

Speaking to Autocar after the LF-LC’s successful European debut at the Geneva

show earlier this month, Lexus product planning chief Karl Schlicht rated the

LF-LC’s chances of making production as 50/50.

“A decision has not been taken,” he said. “But we’re now up to a 50 per cent

chance from a zero per cent one. Every top Toyota Motor Company manager is aware

of the great reception it has received and now we’re talking about how we can do

it and fit it into the product plan.”

Schlicht, who becomes Toyota and Lexus Europe’s product planning chief from 1

April, said if the proposal for such a dramatic Lexus production car had been

presented to Toyota management without the concept, they’d have dismissed it.

Instead, the Calty Design Centre in California was “let loose” in creating a

concept, its only brief being that it had to be a 2+2 coupé.

“The only parameter was size. We wanted the designers to create excitement,”

he said. “We’d never get it built from a product planning point of view on

paper, but people have seen the concept and fallen in love with it. Dealers have

gone crazy for it as well.”

Buone ma timide notizie per la LF-LC . Dato il successo stan prendendo in considerazione il fatto di produrla..

 News al 02/12/2015: Mazda 2.


Sì, ricordiamoci sempre che per queste auto il successo nell'entusiasmo non sempre corrisponde a quello commericale. Tradotto: io apprezzo molto questa Lexus, ma, avendo i soldi, la comprerei? E voi? :pen:

già Zarathustra

"la 4C sarà un trabiccolo per incompetenti" (Ipse dixit)

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