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Per il secondo anno consecutivo Hyundai è al primo posto nello studio "Qualitätsreport" :

Comunicato stampa dal sito Hyundai Europe:

Hyundai tops the rankings in prestigious quality report… again!

23 Dec, 2011 09:00 CET

  • Hyundai awarded top position in ‘Auto Bild Qualitätsreport’ for second year
  • Victory comes after feedback from 8.610 German motorists
  • Five Year Triple Care package stands Hyundai out from the crowd

Leading German motoring magazine Auto Bild has awarded Hyundai top position in its ‘Auto Bild Qualitätsreport’ for the second year running. Beating all other manufacturers, including renowned German and Japanese brands, Hyundai took the prestigious honour based on a comprehensive analysis of reliability, long-term quality and customer satisfaction.

Auto Bild's annual list evaluates seven key criteria, each weighted equally, including feedback received from 8.610 car owners; manufacturer warranty; recall information; and data from Germany's Technische Überwachung Verein (TÜV), which covers 7,5 million vehicle inspections.

One of the most respected industry quality surveys, the ‘Auto Bild Qualitätsreport’ award further demonstrates the gains Hyundai has made in consistently improving the quality of its products, services and customer support.

Allan Rushforth, Senior Vice President and COO at Hyundai Motor Europe, said: “Once again, Hyundai has triumphed over brands usually considered to represent the quality benchmark. We improved on our winning score from last year and to take the title again is a fantastic achievement. Quality remains a core priority for Hyundai, and we strive to deliver the best in everything we do.”

Hyundai’s industry-best customer assurance package, Five Year Triple Care, was a major factor in the brand’s victory, with Auto Bild noting a lack of such comprehensive warranty cover from other manufacturers in Europe.

All newly-launched Hyundai models in Europe include Five Year Triple Care, which provides a five-year warranty with no mileage limit, five years’ roadside assistance and five years of vehicle health checks.

Purtroppo la classifica completa, al momento, è solo sul giornale AutoBild: AUTO BILD Qualittsreport 2011 -


Questi ci spaccano il .... Prepariamoci all'invasione.....

"quello che della valle spende in 1 anno di ricerca io lo spendo per disegnare il paraurti della punto." Cit.


Dipende da come gestiranno l'aumento di produzione e dimensionale: se faranno come Toyota...

Comunque la sfida è Gruppo VW vs Hyundai...sullo sfondo Toyota, Renault-Nissan e GM...FIAT-chrysler sono un po' staccati...

"Ah! Rotto solo semiasse, IO KULO ANKORA!" (cit.)


Che alla Hyundai stiano facendo miglioramenti è evidente, però non mi risulta che l'affidabilità fosse così alta (anche guardando il report del TUV) mi domandavo quindi se non fosse che il peso del brand anche coreano cominci a farsi sentire in maniera preponderante.

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