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Blu Pitti

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  • Ieri: Fiat Panda 900 Young (1998) - AB Y10 II Avenue (1993) - Fiat Panda 1.2 DynamicClass (2004) - Fiat Punto Evo 1.4 GPL (2010)
  • Oggi: Ford Focus SW 1.6 Tdci 90cv (2009) e Lancia Ypsilon 1.2 (2016)
  • Ieri: Aprilia Rally II L.C. 50cc (1996) - Piaggio Vespa PX 150 (2002) - Honda Hornet 600 II (2006)
  • Oggi: Honda Hornet 600 III (2007) e Piaggio Vespa PX 150 (2000)
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  • 3 settimane fa...
Scommettiamo che in qualche asta internazionale di alto livello tra poco ci sarà una Enzo

Beccato, :D però non è un asta di alto livello, ma un asta on line :lol:


For Sale: One Mangled Enzo

Seeing a Ferrari Enzo for sale is as rare a sight as there is in motoring - only 349 were made, after all.

So when one appeared on auction website eBay it caught our eye, and when we realised what state it was in - slightly 'restyled' at the front - we were even more intrigued. The starting bid was £130,000, and the seller said the car had a mere 353 miles on the clock and was waiting for a new owner in Florida. But then the plot thickened - the Enzo mysteriously disappeared off the Internet before the end of the auction. It's not clear whether it was sold privately, or Ferrari was unhappy and stepped in to get the sale stopped.

Meanwhile, both Ferrari and Maserati will unveil special editions at the Geneva Motor Show next week. The prancing horse is to show an extreme version of the 575M, while its stablemate will reveal a new hard-edged Coupé called the GranSport.



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