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[USA] Dodge Dart 2013

quanto ti piace la Dodge Dart?  

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Mi piace come suona in questo video ;) Stessa linea di scarico della 500 Abarth :)

La metterei anche sulle Alfa, ma mantenendo il sound più cupo.

Un'altra cosa in comune con gli alfisti :mrgreen:

Sarei curioso di guidare le auto dodge pre giulietta se non è la migliore TA (non estrema) acquistabile oggi...poco ci manca

PETIZIONE 125 in Superstrada e Autostrada

La Desmosedici è una moto difficile, quando dai gas vibra e si muove, ma è una sua prerogativa perchè se non ti fai spaventare vedi che tutto funziona. [Casey Stoner]


Ed arriva la prima stroncatura :shock:

2013 Dodge Dart Limited First Test - Motor Trend

While I generally stay away from low-hanging automotive cliche fruit, Dodge made this one too easy to pass up. Since it named its car after a fold sewn into a piece of clothing to make it fit better, it just can't be ignored (OK, so maybe that's not the definition of Dart Dodge was thinking of). Taking a vehicle that sells as an Alfa Romeo Giulietta in Europe and making it work for North America is a fairly straightforward proposition. After all, cars like the Golf, Focus, and Cruze are very similar to their foreign market counterparts. But the name of the 2013 Dodge Dart suggests Chrysler feels the car is far more important than a simple seam.


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Dodge Dart Limited 1.4T

Tailoring terminology aside, after spending a couple of weeks driving two examples of Dodge's new compact car contender, we wonder if the Dart has what it takes to compete in this hotly contested class. Both were Limited models, but with two very different drivetrains. The Dart's entry-level engine is a naturally aspirated 2.0-liter I-4 with 160 hp mated to a six-speed automatic transmission. The higher spec engine is also 160 hp, but makes it with a turbo feeding a 1.4-liter I-4 that puts its power to the ground through a six-speed manual. The big difference between the two engines is torque. While the 2.0-liter twists out 148 lb-ft, the 1.4-liter turbo gives the driver 184 lb-ft over a wider RPM band.







How much difference does that extra 36 lb-ft make at the test track? A 1.7-second difference from 0-to-60 mph. The 2.0-liter takes 9.9 seconds to get to the benchmark speed. The 1.4 liter gets there in a more-class appropriate 8.2 seconds. That is the same time we recorded for a 2011 Jetta and just 0.1 second longer than a 2012 Focus SFE. The run through the quarter-mile led to similar results. The 2.0-liter equipped Dart ran 17.3 seconds at 81.4 mph, and combined with its 0-60 mph time that would have earned it a spot in our list of slowest car tested during 2011. The 1.4-turbo, on the other hand, ran 16.2 seconds at 84.8 mph. It isn't breaking any records, but again, it's average for its class. On the road, the 2.0-liter certainly feels as slow as the numbers might suggest. Even at sea level, where naturally aspirated engines do their best work, the entry-level Dart feels like it's struggling. When we took the car above 5000 feet during testing, struggling turned to defeat. Sometimes, cars above the 9-second range fall into that time category because they don't launch well, or won't even allow an aggressive launch. The Dart 2.0 just truly is that slow.


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While the 1.4-turbo is certainly better, it has its own issues getting away from the line. When off boost, the tiny four-cylinder has very little torque, which means getting across fast-moving intersections or pulling out into traffic requires a fair amount of clutch slip or a higher RPM clutch drop. With the traction control turned off, the 1.4 will do a pretty impressive burnout. So pick your expenditure: clutch or tires. The 2.0-liter, on the other hand, has the most hipster traction control button in the industry: It's only there ironically.


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Once rolling, though, the 1.4-liter comes alive. Mid-range pull is good and stays consistent through a wider powerband than you might expect. It doesn't require constant shifting, which is a good thing when the shifter is plasticky and less than precise. During testing, all the drivers complained of missed shifts and vagueness in the lever. We really don't expect the take rate on manual transmission Darts to be much more than 6 percent, so this is probably a non-issue. Most 1.4-liters will come equipped with a dual-clutch automatic that will surely be the better and faster choice. With either transmission, the 1.4 turbo sounds downright sexy. It's a mixture of funk-band horn section and an oversized, aggressively operated leather motorcycle jacket-mounted zipper.







If you are the type of driver who thinks extreme handling means trying to negotiate the tight turns in your local burger hut's drive through, go ahead and skip down a couple of paragraphs. For those of you -- like us -- who think all cars should be enjoyable and capable, we test everything up to its limits. If people didn't want fun and performance in this segment, then cars with Si, GLI, and ST badges on them wouldn't exist. Not everyone can fork out the extra money for the sports models, so they buy less expensive versions. We feel those people still deserve handling and a well-developed chassis, so here goes. On the road, the Dart feels competent. It rides well; it tracks well; it can even be called enjoyable. But at the track, it all falls apart. Our figure-eight guru and testing director Kim Reynolds is a man of few words, but he had several after testing the Dart. His first were something to the extent of "This is just an awful car." Keep in mind this is only truly relevant to its at-the-limit handling. "It is completely uncomposed and sloppy. It doesn't do anything well out there." After trying it myself, I was forced to agree. Good spring, damper, and bushing selection has made for a very composed ride on the road, but when pushed harder, the Dart falters.


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Hard cornering results in sailboat levels of body roll and it gets exponentially worse as speed and cornering forces build. It behaves like an over-lowered tuner car. Not only does it roll excessively, but the lateral movement of the body is extreme as well. Because of the low roll center, the roll results in more lateral movement, which means the car's center of gravity moves even further toward the outside, in turn making the inside tires that much less effective. Small mid-corner bumps cause even more grief because of the exaggerated amount of body movement. Again, this is mostly in high-performance handling, but if you buy this car expecting to hit the auto-X course like so many Neon buyers did, this will be very important to you.

With that out of the way, the 1.4-liter was able to turn a 27.8-second lap around our figure-eight course at an average of 0.59 g. For comparison, the Jetta SEL listed earlier did the same thing in 27.0 seconds at an average of 0.65 g. The Focus SFE did it in 27.7 seconds at 0.62 g. The 2.0-liter Dart pulled a 28.1 second lap at an identical 0.59 g. The 2.0-liter did manage to out-brake the 1.4, taking 122 feet to stop from 60 mph as opposed to 129 feet for the smaller engine car. The Jetta did it in 113 feet and the Focus in 114 feet.




As an entire package, the Dart is an enjoyable car for the average buyer. The large center navigation and additional instrument cluster screens are a nice touch in this segment. It is, however, missing a few things. One small, but incredibly cheap touch a few testers found missing was an inside trunk handle. Just a simple plastic piece that allows you to grab onto the trunk when closing it. Also, where is all the interior space? This is one of the biggest cars in class, and the backseats are a generation or so behind in terms of room. It has been a year or so since I sat in the Giulietta, but I don't remember the seats being overstuffed and space inefficient. Yes, Chrysler, Americans like big, comfy seats, but not at the expense of interior volume.


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Speaking of seats, the passenger side front has what can best be described as a gun box in the bottom cushion. A handful of tiny storage cubbies scattered throughout the cockpit vary in size from fitting a pack of gum to barely holding a single bar of Bazooka. The backs of the front seats are soft. For adult rear passengers, this can be a real knee-saver on long trips. For those with kids in child seats, it can mean perpetually scuffed seat upholstery.

Overall, the Dart is a fairly solid offering. We would stay away from the base engine, but that is true of most of the cars in this class. We didn't do any definitive fuel economy testing on either engine, but even the usually optimistic in-car computers reported the Darts were performing in mid to high 20-mpg range on longer freeway trips. This is relaxed driving with the cruise control set within plus or minus 5 mph of the speed limit based on traffic conditions. The interior and exterior styling might be enough to pull buyers away from other brands. It's quiet. It's comfortable, and fairly well-equipped. It isn't a game-changer, but it is a strong choice for a compact runabout.

Read more: 2013 Dodge Dart Limited First Test - Motor Trend

Ma perché gli americani hanno la scimmia della Jetta?

Alfiat Bravetta senza pomello con 170 cavalli asmatici che vanno a broda; pack "Terrone Protervo" (by Cosimo) contro lo sguardo da triglia. Questa è la "culona".


Francamente non mi par gran stroncatura,

anzi le ultime righe a consuntivo son quasi lusinghiere.

Si malconsidera davvero il solo il comportarsi su pista,

ma d'altra parte mi par di capire v'era in prova version comodosa,

non la SRT, quella in caso atta all'uopo...

Inviato (modificato)
Ed arriva la prima stroncatura :shock:

Ma perché gli americani hanno la scimmia della Jetta?

recensione non così negativa, pur essendo la più negativa di tutte quelle apparse finora sulla stampa

Consideriamo che questi signori hanno dichiarato nella prova della Jetta SEL sopracitata che il passaggio da un retrotreno multilink (quello della vecchia Jetta SEL) a quello interconesso (quello della nuova SEL) neanche si nota...

Si sono però dimenticati di dire che loro non hanno provato la SEL base, ma la sport, con cerchi in lega da 17 e altro che non sono riuscito a determinare, ma che potrebbero essere solo modifiche estetiche.

Hanno correttamento confrontato la Dart con auto che il mercato percepisce come risparmiose, anzi sono versioni "risparmiose" della Jetta e della Focus.

Visto che è molto importante contestualizzare le cose, e siamo addentro ad un mercato, quello americano, che non tutti conosciamoa menadito, giusto per completezza di informazione.

Intanto, ricordiamoci che gli americani hanno un bias rispetto al turbo, turbo=macchina dalle partenze brucianti e auto sportiva, come vedevemo noi il turbo negli anni 80, mentre questo turbo, come tutti i turbo europei, ha tutt'altra filosofia.

Interessanti in questo senso, le dichiarazioni di uno dei collaudatori della Dart su Allpar, così come di alcuni dei concessionari che hanno ritirato le prime Dart.

Seconda, è che agli americani il cambio pesa usarlo...

Tornando al cuore del messaggio:

[TABLE=class: grid, width: 500, align: left]





[TD]Jetta SEL Sport


[TD]Focus SFE





[TD]4L 1400cc[/TD]

[TD]5L 2500cc[/TD]

[TD]4L 1999cc[/TD]













[TD]quarto di miglia


[TD]16,2'' a 84,8 mph


[TD]16,5'' a 85,2mph


[TD]16,2'' a 87,7mph




[TD]percorso a otto


[TD]27,8'' a 0,59g


[TD]27'' a 0,65g


[TD]27,7'' a 0,62g














[TD]dimensioni (in pollici) LxWxH


[TD]183.9 x 72.0 x 57.7 in


[TD]182.2 x 70.0 x 57.2 in


[TD]178.5 x 71.8 x 57.7 in




[TD]passo (in pollici)










[TD]peso (in libbre)






[TD]2962 lb




[TD]consumi (in mpg) citta/autostrada[/TD]






alcuni punti su cui vi invito a riflettere e a postare considerazioni:

la prima è la velocità di uscita nel quarto di miglia;

la seconda è le dimensioni e peso conseguente;

la terza è il prezzo;

la quarta sono i consumi;

Modificato da metamorris
Look at the Alfa in this video it has a Dodge Dart front


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