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Dekra rapporto difettosità auto: vincono Opel Astra e Audi A4

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Opel Astra e Audi A4 sono le auto con meno difetti analizzate nel rapporto Dekra 2012, nella classifica individuale al primo posto Opel Astra (DEKRA Faults index: 96.9 percent), secondo Opel Insignia (96.0 percent) e terzo Renault Megane (95.9 percent).

Nella classifica "Best of all classes", con meno difetti è l'Audi A4 (82.8 percent) seguita da Mercedes-Benz C-Class (82.1 percent) e Audi A6 (81.9 percent). Nel comunicato tradotto c'è scritto il resto (i difetti più comuni e i costruttori più virtuosi).

Tradotto con google dal tedesco (uscirà -chissà quando :mrgreen: - anche in inglese e italiano la PR)

Opel Astra and Audi A4 are the winners
  • Automotive head jack: used car specific defects increased
  • Used car report as a special issue, the Internet and available as an app
  • With higher mileage increase the risks

LONDON - Vauxhall Astra and Audi A4 are the winners of the Used car report DEKRA 2012th The car with the best index defects ("Best individual classification"), the Opel Astra (DEKRA Faults index: 96.9 percent), so that it can last year's winner Opel Insignia (96.0 percent) and the Renault Megane (95.9 percent) behind be. In the second category ("Best of all classes") are obtained, the Audi A4 as the title of the vehicle with the best score of all the mileage classes. In second place and third place, the Mercedes-Benz C-Class and the thrice winning Audi A6. Based on the DEKRA used car report are the results of periodic general inspection (HU) of more than 15 million vehicles over the past two years.

"Our used car report, we aim to give potential used car buyers to help and inform them about the typical shortcomings of each model in detail," says Clemens Klinke, a member of the Board of DEKRA SE and CEO of DEKRA Automobil GmbH at the presentation Used car report of DEKRA 2012th "Basically, it should be noted that in recent years an increase of defects in cars in the examined classes up to 150,000 km mileage is recorded. Compared to the used car of the DEKRA Faults Report 2011 Index is up 2.3 points from 61.9 percent to 59.6 in the previous year 2012th For buyers of a used car, this development may mean an increased cost risk. Therefore, when buying a car expert information is particularly important and should always be in doubt, a professional should be consulted. "

Used car report as a special issue, the Internet and available as an app

The DEKRA Used car report published in 2012 as a special issue "Used special 2012" the magazine auto motor und sport these days. The results are also starting immediately under DEKRA Gebrauchtwagenreport 2012|Home ready, even apps for iPhone and Android mobile phones are available.

Focusing on specific defects used cars

For the used car DEKRA report evaluates in a special evaluation of used cars exclusively specific defects such as worn brake discs or worn out tie rod bearing. Contrast, those deficiencies remain in the statistics on the sidelines, which are due to the maintenance behavior of the holder, such as bald tires, worn wiper blades or the outdated first aid kit. In order to ensure better comparability of the various models evaluated in eight DEKRA type classes and three mileage classes (0 to 50,000 km, 50001-100000 100001-150000 km and miles) from.

At the tested car experts note the shortcomings of DEKRA more than last year. This reduces the defect index of the tested cars to the 2011 from 61.9 percent to 2.3 points to 59.6 percent in the report 2012th The low number of defects remains nearly constant, the proportion of significant deficiencies, however appreciably increased. As expected, low mileage cars perform considerably better than cars with higher mileage. The vehicles in the class mileage to 50,000 kilometers Jobs examiners have an average DEKRA Faults Index (DMI) determined from 80.2 percent. In the car with 50001-100000 miles on the clock, he deteriorated to 56.5 percent in passenger cars and 100001-150000 kilometers it is only 33.6 percent. Considering the significant deficiencies, then their rate increases in the three mileage classes from 5.0 percent to 11.9 percent to 19.4 percent. "The risks for used car buyers are rising higher and higher mileage vehicle age," says Jack.

Measure for the ranking since the 2011 DEKRA Faults Index (DMI): This measure takes into account next to the part "without any significant deficiencies" in addition to the significant proportion of defects, thus increasing the accuracy of the rankings. To calculate the percentage of DMI pulling "with no relevant defects" the value for "significant deficiencies" from. The value of "significant deficiencies" thus functions as a correction factor for the value "no relevant defects".

Most common defects on springs, joints and discs

The deficiencies in electrical, electronics and light lead to the statistics of 19.7 percent. Cost standpoint, however, fall to the brake system defects (11.8 percent), to suspension and steering (9.6 percent) and in the engine and the environment (8.3 percent) is usually more significant. The most common single defect call the Auditor of DEKRA to worn tie rod bearings, worn brake discs and pads, poor braking action, defective brake hoses, corroded brake lines, loss of oil to the engine and gearbox, fractures to springs, headlight systems to high emission levels and not functioning. Here it is, your eyes open when buying a used car.

Corrosion plays a minor role

The issue of corrosion on the findings of the expert plays only a minor role and is no longer as visible as they did ten or twenty years. Safety rust damage occurs less today on the body, but rather to the underbody, brake discs, brake and fuel lines.

The best record put before the SUV / SUV with a DEKRA Faults index of 67.5 percent. Well in the race are also the middle class (DMI: 63.9 percent), sports cars and convertibles (62.3 percent) and the upper middle class and upper class (62.2 percent). The other places to take the vans (61.7 percent) and the compact cars (60.9 percent). By far the class of mini and small car with a DMI of 54.3 percent followed in last place.

Like every year, the individual models deliver the fight for the podium places going head-to-head race. In the small cars said the Ford Fiesta (95.3 percent) as in the previous one place. Sets in the compact class, the Opel Astra (96.9 percent) to the tip and the middle class defended last year's winner Opel Insignia (96.0 percent) his position. In the upper middle class / upper class drives the Mercedes-Benz E-Class (94.8 percent) at number one. In the sports car is the Mazda MX-5 (89.9 percent) not to take the win for the third time. In the class of SUV / SUV trumps the Ford Kuga (94.7 percent) and at the Vans convinced the VW Golf Plus (90.5 percent) as in the previous year with the best balance deficiencies.

The best mileage of all classes

In addition to the vehicles with the best individual score of the DEKRA experts determined in another category to the "best of all classes." Here the models are at the top, the present in all three mileage classes, on average, the best record. "The ranking, best of all classes' is the entire service period in the standings, so that we can make a reliable assessment of longer term benefits," explains Clemens Klinke Board of DEKRA. In this score wins the Audi A4 (82.8 percent). The three-time winner of Audi A6 (81.9 percent), the crown must cede to the company internally and can be even smaller brother to the Mercedes-Benz C-Class (82.1 percent) take the lead.

Transporter for the second time in the standings

In the second year the DEKRA used car report, including a gap in the balance for vans. The three winners of last year this time replace the courts. The VW Crafter is made with a defect index of 75.3 percent at the peak of last year's winner Mercedes-Benz Sprinter (72.9 percent) gets second place and the Fiat Ducato is third with 71.2 percent. The defect rate of the transporter is increased compared to the year 2011 by 1.3 percent to 42.9 percent. The share of small flaws puts too insignificant to the significant deficiencies is 1.2 percent.

German manufacturers set the tone

The DEKRA used car report also shows that the German car manufacturers specify in terms of reliability and quality of the sound currently. German production cars from car show in seven vehicle classes six times the first place. They also get 14 of 21 podium finishes, and sharpen their already strong position in their previously used-car ranking. The Japanese car makers are in the top three six times. The Renault Mégane save the honor of the French car manufacturer with second place in the compact class and the third-best individual score. On the front seats of the used car rankings, VW, Audi, Toyota, Mercedes-Benz, Porsche and BMW are also numerous. Well the scene is set, Ford, Honda, Mazda and Opel.

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forse non hanno mai visto i cuscinetti anteriori dell'a4 2007 che anche con chilometraggi non elevati,si "scquagliano" con facilità....o le turbine....o i volani(impianto sachs) che hanno una durata limitata.........non sto dicendo ovviamente che a4 è una chiavica,pero' ha una difettosità nella media:non spicca proprio tra la massa per una presunta bassa difettosità....

sfido chiunque a trovare difetti del genere su una mazda 6 2008...nella mia zona è discretamente diffusa,ce l'hanno diversi rappresntanti potentini........problemi zero proprio! (solo il prezzo d'acquisto :lol: )

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forse non hanno mai visto i cuscinetti anteriori dell'a4 2007 che anche con chilometraggi non elevati,si "scquagliano" con facilità....o le turbine....o i volani(impianto sachs) che hanno una durata limitata.........non sto dicendo ovviamente che a4 è una chiavica,pero' ha una difettosità nella media:non spicca proprio tra la massa per una presunta bassa difettosità....

sfido chiunque a trovare difetti del genere su una mazda 6 2008...nella mia zona è discretamente diffusa,ce l'hanno diversi rappresntanti potentini........problemi zero proprio! (solo il prezzo d'acquisto :lol: )

Quoto. Non posso parlare per Audi perchè non sono nel campo ed in famiglia ce n'è solo una, una Q7 di cui in verità so poco perchè appartiene ad un cugino con cui non ho grandi rapporti. Posso dire però che anche qui da un punto di vista dei "behind the scenes" di un conce, mi sta bene dire che l'Astra J non perda i pezzi per la strada: certe cose vanno meglio che sulla H, in compenso ci sono nuove rogne e rognette generate anche dall'immissione di nuove "minchiate" nell'equipaggiamento di bordo. In linea generale nulla per cui spararsi un colpo di rivoltella in testa una settimana dopo averla comprata, ma se leggessi che si comporta così e cosà come tante altre, ok. Vederla così VITTORIOSA mi pare fuori luogo.... debbo dire che almeno quelle che sono uscite da qui, tanto male non vanno, ma di certo come modello non mi aspetterei di vederlo in testa ad una classifica del genere.

Se dovessi basarmi su quel che vedo qui, piuttosto mi trovo più d'accordo con una buona valutazione su Insignia. Non conosco la realtà che ha sotto gli occhi brothersfan riguardo questo modello, ma posso dire che quelle immatricolate qui vanno decisamente bene. Non sono perfette, semplicemente perchè quelle perfette non esistono, e se qualcuno lo dichiara dice BALLE.

"... guarda la libidine sarebbe per il si, ma il pilota dopo il gran premio ha bisogno il suo descanso... e poi è scattata la regola numero due: perlustrazione del pueblo e ricerca de los amigos... ah Ivana, mi raccomando il panta nell'armadio, il pantalone bello diritto. E un po' d'ordine in stanza... see you later!" (Il Dogui, Vacanze di Natale)

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astra j non ha ancora incredibilmente risolto il problema all'alternatore (un paio di casi al 1.7)e ha in comune con insigna il consumo straordinario di pastiglie ant e post........le divorano proprio!!!! :) ...

ovviamente non è nulla di grave:le stesse pastiglie sono articoli di consumo....pero' ripeto,le regine sono altre........ovviamente poi scnedendo di segmento (A&B) la situazione si livella molto...


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astra j non ha ancora incredibilmente risolto il problema all'alternatore (un paio di casi al 1.7)e ha in comune con insigna il consumo straordinario di pastiglie ant e post........le divorano proprio!!!! :) ...

ovviamente non è nulla di grave:le stesse pastiglie sono articoli di consumo....pero' ripeto,le regine sono altre........ovviamente poi scnedendo di segmento (A&B) la situazione si livella molto...

"... guarda la libidine sarebbe per il si, ma il pilota dopo il gran premio ha bisogno il suo descanso... e poi è scattata la regola numero due: perlustrazione del pueblo e ricerca de los amigos... ah Ivana, mi raccomando il panta nell'armadio, il pantalone bello diritto. E un po' d'ordine in stanza... see you later!" (Il Dogui, Vacanze di Natale)

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