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Motorauthority - teslamotorsclub

Tesla CEO Elon Musk has announced that the Model X Crossover will be unveiled on February 9th using his own twitter account. The debut will happen at the company's design studio in California although it is yet to confirmed whether this model will be a concept or production version.

Very little is known about the model which does suggest that the initial unveiling will be in concept form. It will be based on a modified version of the Model S platform and will also be powered by the same 40 kWh battery. Whilst the sedan is capable of 55 mph and a single charge range of 160 miles, the Model X Crossover is bigger and heavier so we expect these performance figures to be slightly reduced.

Previous reports state the model is due to go on sale sometime during 2013, but the same reports also said it would be unveiled in Detroit earlier this month. Therefore we'll have to wait until February 9th to get detailed confirmation.


Trattasi del crossover ;) !

Modificato da Touareg 2.5

 News al 02/12/2015: Mazda 2.

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