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bellissimo il PAK-FA

guardando gli impennaggi di coda ricorda tanto l'YF-23




Modificato da JackSEWing

Alfa Romeo Giulietta, 1.4 TBI Multiair 170 CV Exclusive (2013)


Facciamoci un bel salto nel futuro:



Narra la leggenda che il primo prototipo dovrebbe volare per il 2018

[h=1]Lockheed Martin SR-72[/h]From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

[TABLE=class: infobox, width: 315]


[TH=colspan: 2, align: center]SR-72[/TH]




[TD]Stealth, hypersonic strategic reconnaissance aircraft[/TD]




[TD]Lockheed Martin[/TD]




[TD]Design proposal[/TD]



[TH]Primary user[/TH]

[TD]United States Air Force (intended)[/TD]



The Lockheed Martin SR-72 is a conceptualized unmanned, hypersonic aircraft intended for intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissanceproposed by Lockheed Martin to succeed the retired SR-71 Blackbird.[1]

[h=2]Design and development[edit][/h]The SR-72, proposed successor to the SR-71 Blackbird,[1] retired in 1998,[2] is expected to fill what is considered a coverage gap between surveillance satellites, subsonic manned aircraft, and unmanned aerial vehicles for intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) and strike missions. With the growth of anti-satellite weapons, anti-access/area denial tactics, and counter-stealth technologies, a high-speed aircraft could penetrate protected airspace and observe or strike a target before enemies could detect or intercept it.[1][3] The proposed reliance on extremely high speed to penetrate defended airspace is considered a significant conceptual departure from the emphasis on stealth in 5th generation fighter programs and projected drone developments.[4] There were unconfirmed rumors about the SR-72 dating back to 2007, when various sources disclosed that Lockheed Martin was developing a Mach 6 plane for the US Air Force.[5][6] Such a development was confirmed on 1 November 2013, when the Skunk Works revelations were published about the development work on the SR-72 exclusively in Aviation Week & Space Technology.[2] Public attention to the news was large enough to overwhelm the Aviation Week servers.[7]

To attain such speeds, Lockheed Martin has been collaborating with Aerojet Rocketdyne since 2006 on an appropriate engine.[1] The company is developing the system from the scramjet-poweredHTV-3X, which was canceled in 2008. The SR-72 is envisioned with the ability to accelerate from standstill to Mach 6.0 using the same air-breathing hypersonic propulsion system, making it about twice as fast as the SR-71.[1] Normal ramjets cannot typically operate over Mach 4.0, and turbojet engines can usually perform best up to Mach 2.2.[3] The SR-71's specially designed engines converted to low-speed ramjets by redirecting the airflow around the core and into the afterburner for speeds greater than Mach 2.5. The SR-72 is to use a turbine-based combined cycle (TBCC) system to use a turbine engine at low speeds and a scramjet engine at high speeds.[2] The turbine and ramjet engines share common inlet and nozzle, with different airflow paths in between.[8]

An optionally-piloted scaled demonstrator is planned to be built in 2018. The demonstrator design is about 60 ft (18 m) long, about the size of an F-22 Raptor, and is powered by one full-scale engine to fly it for several minutes at Mach 6.[1][2] Flights of the demonstrator are to be conducted starting in 2023. The SR-72 flight testing follows the planned timeline for the hypersonic High Speed Strike Weapon. The SR-72 is to be similar in size to the SR-71 at over 100 ft (30 m) long and have the same range, with entry into service by 2030. The SR-72 follows the US Air Force's hypersonic road map for developing a hypersonic strike weapon by 2020, and a penetrating ISR aircraft by 2030. At the time of the concept's unveiling, Lockheed Martin had engaged in talks with government officials, but has not secured funding for the demonstrator or engine.[1][2]

On 13 November 2013, Air Force Chief of Staff General Mark Welsh revealed that the Air Force was interested in the SR-72's hypersonic capabilities, but had not spoken with Lockheed about the aircraft. Its high speed appeals to the service to reduce the time an adversary would have to react to an operation. They are pursuing hypersonic technology, but don't yet have the material ability to construct a full-size plane like the unmanned SR-72. The SR-72 was unveiled in the midst of sequestration budget cuts that have forced the Air Force to prioritize acquisition projects and sacrifice mission readiness. By the mid-2020s, it is believed that foreign countries will produce and export advanced aerial technologies that could end up in battlespaces against the United States. This drives the Air Force to further develop new systems, including hypersonic, to replace legacy systems that would be outclassed in those situations.[9]

[h=2]See also[edit][/h]


Lockheed Martin SR-72 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


ma cosa se ne fa l'USAF di un velivolo del genere? :shock:

costi allucinanti per un lavoro che può essere tranquillamente svolto da droni e satelliti... che si concentrino a dare un erede al B-52 piuttosto!

Alfa Romeo Giulietta, 1.4 TBI Multiair 170 CV Exclusive (2013)

  • 3 settimane fa...

colpaccio SAAB in Brazil

President Dilma Rousseff Announces Brazil Is Buying Sweden's Saab Gripen Jet Fighters

36 Super Gripen ordinati, Rafale scornato ancora una volta

Ricordo che il Super Gripen, o meglio Gripen E, è una versione ampiamente potenziata del Gripen, dotata di motori più potenti (carico bellico e autonomia aumentati notevolmente) e radar AESA

inoltre, passaggio interessantissimo, pare che partirebbe lo sviluppo di un cosi detto "sea Gripen", una versione imbarcata da acquisire in 24 esemplari circa per sostituire i vetusti A4 della marina brasiliana

Il Brasile prevede di acquisire circa 130/150 esemplari del caccia svedese (o meglio, anglo svedese) che per le sue doti può essere considerato di generazione 4++, ovvero più o meno un F-16 Block 52

Alfa Romeo Giulietta, 1.4 TBI Multiair 170 CV Exclusive (2013)


Stai a vedere che diventerà l'erede dell'F-16.

Stai a vedere che diventerà l'erede dell'F-16.

ridendo e scherzando il Gripen E (o super gripen o gripen NG) vola con carichi mica da ridere per la sua mole ridotta


ecco le principali differenze con il gripen normale


ci sono anche una motlitudine di render in cui viene raffigurato con carichi assurdi ma io preferisco tener fede alle foto reali

ed infine, fattore non trascurabile per un paese in via di sviluppo


Alfa Romeo Giulietta, 1.4 TBI Multiair 170 CV Exclusive (2013)

  • 2 mesi fa...
  • 7 mesi fa...

per chi ha voglia di sciropparselo, è stato pubblicato un report molto interessante

sono una serie di conclusioni circa la recente (2013) esperienza bellica francese in Mali

uno dei passi più salienti IMHO è questo

French officers interviewed by the author also draw a distinction between how they are taught to operate and the “American way,” with which they have become familiar in Afghani- stan.

According to Garnier, for example, the U.S. Army can fight “properly” in the sense that it can think in terms of going about an operation the best way. In contrast, he said, the French Army sees itself as having to make the best of whatever resources may be available. Thus, according to Garnier, planning for Serval was an exercise in thinking through what was and was not available and coming to terms with the associated risk.

Goya carried the argument further and defined the American approach to warfare in terms of detecting the enemy, locating it, and then using firepower to destroy it. “Fire maneuver,” he termed it. This compares with destroying the enemy through combat, or “combat maneuver,” which is riskier. The French see fire maneuver as a luxury, something one can do when one has the means, but it is expensive.

According to Goya, France’s Ground Forces Command has gone so far as to express the desire that the French Army post-Afghanistan “de-Americanizes” so as not to retain the “bad habits” picked up fighting alongside the U.S. military. “We learned a lot of methods from the Americans,” he said. But they do not want to retain the default to standoff fires and prefer to go back to “close combat.” Another officer, a legionnaire who had participated in multiple African and Afghan deployments, similarly expressed concern that the French Army had learned some bad lessons in Afghanistan with regard to fighting “American-style warfare” in the sense that infantrymen worked in close conjunction with drones, satellites, and aircraft providing close air support. France could not afford to fight like that, he said, and besides, it was contrary to the experience of most French officers most of the time, who have to operate in the field with few resources.

le forze armate USA conducono una tipologia di conflitto estremamente costosa (in termini di risorse economiche) anche contro un nemico che, passatemi il termine, "non se lo meriterebbe" :mrgreen: nel senso che si va ad utilizzare munizionamento guidato anche per obiettivi non necessariamente paganti (missile da 100.000 dollari per distruggere uno scassatissimo pick up Toyota) e supporto aereo onnipresente sia come cacciabombardieri sia come droni.

Questo modo di agire non può essere affrontato da paesi che non sono gli USA.... per il semplice motivo che questi paesi non hanno tutte queste risorse da gettare nel cesso e l'aver scimmiottato gli americani in afghanistan ci è costato parecchio (noi inteso come alleati)

I francesi in Mali si sono trovati a combattere una guerra da soli, almeno sul campo... perchè i supporti logistici sono stati garantiti dagli alleati anglosassoni.

senza i voli cargo inglesi e canadesi i francesi non facevano mezzo metro fuori da parigi (ma questi sono dettagli :mrgreen: )

al di la di questo, è interessante notare come i Franzosi abbiano condotto un intero conflitto con un appoggio aereo molto più limitato se paragonato all'ombrello costante a cui gli USA ci hanno abituato. Ci sono state intere offensive portate avanti esclusivamente da fanteria e blindati con solo un paio di elicotteri come appoggio e più per ruoli esplorativi

un modo di combattere "Old school" molto più sostenibile economicamente...e molto più razionale se raffrontato al tipo di minaccia

Che senso ha spendere milioni in blindati,addestramento ed equipaggiamenti per la fanteria, se poi per far saltare in aria un pick up o un pò di ferraglia ex URSS anni 60 devi chiamare velivoli da 40.000 €/ora armati con missili da 100.000 €?

ma sparagli 50 € di cannonata e buonanotte :lol:

Alfa Romeo Giulietta, 1.4 TBI Multiair 170 CV Exclusive (2013)


Gli amricani hanno sempre combattuto cosi' . I mezzi venivano posti fuori servizio alla prima magagna, e sostituiti,e quasi mai riparati. Ovviamente cio' prevede una catena logistica a risorse infinite, ma come dicono i generali della big green machine "i dilettanti studiano la tattica, i professionisti la logistica" :)

Archepensevoli spanciasentire Socing.

  • 5 mesi fa...

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