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F-35 "pulito" al decollo in full afterburner

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Si, P&W era già stata messa sotto accusa e aveva detto che avrebbe fatto le modifiche necessarie senza ulteriori spese da parte del contribuente, ma le cose potrebbero essere anche più complicate di quanto ci si aspettava

  • 2 settimane fa...


Air Force pilot makes history as first female to fly F-35

Air Force Lt. Col. Christine Mau became the first woman to fly the military’s new state-of-the-art fighter jet at Florida’s Elgin base on Tuesday.

The Air Force is currently testing out the F-35 Lightning II – a fighter jet that can fly at speeds over 1,200 mph – ahead of its planned replacement of the older F-16 and A-10 planes starting next year.

Before Mau’s flight on Tuesday, only 87 male pilots had taken the high-powered plane for test flights and she prepared for her first go in the jet by conducting 14 virtual training missions on a flight simulator.

‘It wasn’t until I was taxiing to the runway that it really struck me that I was on my own in the jet,’ Mau said in a statement to the Air Force. ‘It felt great to get airborne. The jet flies like a dream.’

Once in the air, Mau said the plane’s complex helmet took some getting used to. Unlike other jets, where the sensor data appears on the cockpit control panel, pilots in the F-35 read the important information on a mounted display connected to their helmet.

However, the flight went according to plan and Mau, who serves as the 33rd Fighter Wing Operations Group deputy commander, later landed with no issues.

She says she likes working in the Air Force, since she thinks planes give both men and women equal footing.

‘Flying is a great equalizer,’ Mau said. ‘The plane doesn’t know or care about your gender as a pilot, nor do the ground troops who need your support. You just have to perform.’

In fact, she says the only difference between her and other F-35 pilots is the size of her G-suit and facemask – both of which are extra-small.

Photos of first female to fly F-35 : theBRIGADE

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