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A new report indicates the next generation of the Audi Q7 will go through an extremely strict diet.Audi insiders have told Automobilwochethe next-gen Q7 will lose approximately 800 lbs (363 kg) in comparison to the current generation. Scheduled to be unveiled next summer in Europe, the new Q7 will also be available in a plug-in hybrid variant.

It will be built in Bratislava, Slovakia where they make the current generation, together with the Porsche Cayenne and the Volkswagen Touareg. It will be launched in the United States sometime in 2015.

As previously mentioned, Audi has confirmed plans for a Q8 model due in 2016 which is being envisioned as an SUV version of the A8 set to tackle the Range Rover Sport.

 News al 02/12/2015: Mazda 2.

  • 2 mesi fa...
Volkswagen Group has allegedly decided to use the same platform for the next-gen Audi Q7, Bentley SUV, Volkswagen Touareg and Porsche Cayenne.VW's MLB platform is being used for the new Audi Q7 which will be out next year when it will lose up to 350 kg (771 lbs) thanks to more extensive use of aluminum. The new SUV is also expected to pave the way for a new design approach.

Bentley will utilize the same platform for their 2016 SUV, and so will the next generation of the Volkswagen Touareg and Porsche Cayenne which are programmed to come out in 2016 or 2017. Facelifts for the Touareg and Cayenne are on their way and will be launched very soon, possibly next month at the Frankfurt Motor Show.

The versatile MLB platform will not only underpin these models, but also a wide array of medium to full-size cars, including the highly anticipated production version of theLamborghini Urus which has been green-lighted for a 2017 arrival.

 News al 02/12/2015: Mazda 2.


non ne esce poi così male dai... quanto è camuffato? perchè a me sembra tale e quale al precedente.

motore 2.0 non so, però MB monta già la motorizzazione 250 sul suo ml, quindi perchè no (che poi comprare un veicolo da 60 zucche per metterci quattro cilindri trasversali per millenovecentoespiccioli cm cubi a me sembra un po' triste ma tant'è).

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