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This is the production version of Chevrolet's all-new, body-on-frame Trailblazer SUV that you may remember being displayed as a concept at last year’s Dubai International Motor Show in the Middle East.

The 2013 Trailblazer will make its world premiere at next week's 33rd Bangkok International Motor Show (March 26 to April 8) in Thailand. General Motors said that it would go on sale around the world, beginning with Thailand in June.

Even though the Detroit automaker has not yet clarified if it will be offered in the States, there's a good chance it will as the Trailblazer is in essence the SUV variant of the new Colorado pickup truck that will be manufactured and sold in the U.S.

“True to its name, the Trailblazer will blaze the trail for new Chevrolet vehicles coming into the market," said Martin Apfel, president of GM Southeast Asia and Chevrolet Sales in Thailand. "It has been built tough to offer Chevrolet customers everything they need from a heavy-duty SUV,” he added.

Available in two- and four-wheel-drive configurations, the Trailblazer will be offered in Asia with GM’s new four-cylinder Duramax turbo-diesel engine in 2.5-liter and 2.8-liter displacements.

The 2.5-liter unit is rated at 148hp (150PS) and 258 lb-ft (350Nm) of peak torque, while the larger 2.8-liter engine delivers 177hp (180PS) and 346 lb-ft (470Nm) of torque with an available six-speed automatic transmission and 324 lb-ft (440 Nm) with a five-speed manual gearbox.

The Detroit-based carmaker said it will announced additional powertrains for specific markets around the world later this year.

Despite the fact that the Trailblazer uses the Colorado's body-on-frame architecture, GM says it will offer driving characteristics equal to regular crossovers.

“Our objective when developing the Trailblazer was to achieve ride and handling dynamics that match, and in many cases exceed, those of similar-size crossover vehicles,” said Brad Merkel, GM’s Global Vehicle Line Executive for Midsize Trucks and SUVs.

“The Trailblazer will cater to a wide range of driving styles and requirements. It is car-like responsive and premium in its ride quality while offering the off-road capability that our customers demand. That makes it the complete SUV package," he added.

The Trailblazer has a seven-passenger interior with three-row tumble and/or fold-flat seats. GM claims that the last row of seats has enough space to seat two people comfortably for long trips.

More information on the Trailblazer will be released after its debut in Thailand.


Verrà presentata al salone dell'auto di Bangkok (26 Marzo - 8 Aprile) .

Peccato per il frontale, ripreso dal Colorado (ci voleva tanto a farlo così ? :roll: ). Dietro non è per niente male.

Modificato da Touareg 2.5

 News al 02/12/2015: Mazda 2.

L'auto non verrà venduta negli USA, poichè già ne han abbastanza di crossover by Chevrolet. Questo è quanto è stato detto da GM.
  • 4 mesi fa...
Tanto non arriverà in Europa Occidentale : come la Cobalt, sarà commercializzato in Russia e in qualche paese dell'europa orientale.

Pffiiuuuuu...sospiro di sollievo:mrgreen:

I motori sono come le donne, bisogna saperli toccare nelle parti più sensibili.(Enzo Ferrari)

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