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Bravi! son riusciti a prendere il peggio di una 300C ed il peggio di una serie 7 e peggiorarlo ancora :D ci vuole talento :D


Beschleunigung ist, wenn die Tränen der Ergriffenheit waagrecht zum Ohr hin abfliessen


che camuffo strano. Alla fine mi sa che viene fuori qualcosa non troppo distante dalla continental


Rolls Royce are in the midst of developing a high performance coupe based on the Ghost and according to reports, it will be the fastest model they have every produced.

Previous reports had suggested the twin-turbo 6.6-liter V12 engine from its sibling would be left unchanged, but latest developments have said it will see a bump from 563 PS (414 kW / 555 hp) up to 608 PS (447 kW / 600hp). The result means the 0-100kph (62mph) acceleration time will be considerably quicker than the 4.7 seconds that the sedan is capable of.

Additional upgrades set to be employed include improved brakes and tires as well as a tuned suspension kit that will lower the chassis by approximately 10mm. The dimensions will also be chopped with an overall length of 5200mm while the height is going to be around 70mm lower.

The name is yet to be confirmed. It is known in automotive circles as the Rolls-Royce Ghost Coupe, but the British brand has yet to announce if this name will be inherited by the production model. Unidentified sources have told the fellas at Autocar that it will receive a more unique name with both "Corniche" and "Camargue" suggested.

Whatever name the model finally gets, the new Ghost-based Coupe will celebrate its world debut at the Geneva Motor Show in March 2013 before going on sale later in the fall. Pricing is set to start at around £205,000 while the extended wheelbase version will command at least £230,000.


Dicono sia la Rolls più performante di sempre.

 News al 02/12/2015: Mazda 2.

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