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We’ve gotten our best looks yet at the Ram brand’s answer to Ford’s Transit and Transit Connect courier vans, testing around the United States. We caught this prototype for the full-size Ram Van, based on the Fiat Ducato, but sporting the Ram crosshair grille. The Ducato van (which might be renamed for Ram) will replace the Mercedes-Freightliner-Dodge Sprinter, and counter Ford’s new Eurobased van (which will finally replace the ancient E-series). Ford will Americanize its Transit, but Ram will keep the Fiat’s European look to save money and cut development time.

We expect the full size van shown here to enter production next summer, in Mexico (to take advantage of South American and North American free trade agreements.) There has, we believe, been significant modification of the van under the skin to match American tastes. That is reportedly less true of the Doblo, which might be imported from Turkey or another location, possibly as a knock-down kit to avoid high tariffs. The large Iveco Daily was also recently added to the list of vans likely to hit North America as Rams.

We had expected the Ducato to carry more of a Ram look, and to jettison the curved headlights; we had been told early on that it would have a Ram grille. It appears as though engineers did the absolute minimum possible to rebrand the Ducato in appearance, though we still fully expect Americanized powertrain options and suspension tuning.


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Inviato (modificato)

la foto degli interni non sembra di un ducato, ma di un fiorino, con strumentazione usata attualmente dalla 500L e cambio automatico

Modificato da v13
scritto in fretta e corretto

Io non vedo un gazz di foto,ne su AP,ne su allpar:pen:,mi esce una foto con lo sfondo blu,con la scritta ''please visit''

I motori sono come le donne, bisogna saperli toccare nelle parti più sensibili.(Enzo Ferrari)

Vai su Allpar e ricarica la pagina. ;)

Intanto tolgo le immagini da questa pagina, che fanno partire in automatico il sistema anti hot-link che fa apparire il rettangolo blu.

:thx:...stranamente ho appena riaperto il link che hai postato poco sopra,e stranamente,a differenza di prima,le immagini si son viste subito,senza il bisogno di ricaricare la pagina...

I motori sono come le donne, bisogna saperli toccare nelle parti più sensibili.(Enzo Ferrari)

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