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Press Release :

Peugeot 2008 Concept

Forging ahead with a competitive position in the B segment, Peugeot has extended its traditional position with a new, broader, all-encompassing approach. So, the 208 was designed in accordance with an ambitious specification to re-generate the small hatchback. It went on sale in Europe at the end of March 2012, and in the UK at the end of June, prior to an industrial and commercial launch in Latin America in 2013.

In Beijing in early 2012, Peugeot revealed the Urban Crossover Concept to the Chinese public, a contemplation of the motor vehicle in an increasingly urban world.

At the 2012 Paris Motor Show, the Marque is presenting the Peugeot 2008 Concept. This concept car gives further thrust to its international conquest strategy, for which all its talents have been mobilised. The engineers and stylists have worked together in Europe, China and Latin America to create this seductive future vehicle of the range.

The city and Peugeot evolve together

From Sao Paulo to Shanghai, from London to Kuala Lumpur, from the Cape to Moscow, the city lives, evolves and grows. The human race is becoming increasingly urban, at a rate not seen before. A new generation of city dwellers is coming alive. Connected, curious, they share numerous aspirations, regarding the way in which they keep themselves informed of news occurring across the Planet.

Peugeot has included several continents in the development of a new concept car with a view to marketing to an international clientele. So, for them, with them, the Peugeot Style teams in Paris, Shanghai and Sao Paulo have all created the Peugeot 2008 Concept. It will go into production, as close as possible to its customers, first in France (Mulhouse) then in China (Wuhan) and later in Brazil (Porto Real).

The Marque mobilises its experience

With more than 15 million '2' series vehicles, Peugeot benefits from a credible history in the domain of compact cars. This is further reinforced by the new 208, which has re-generated the codes of the segment. Recently, the marque has acquired legitimacy in the domain of the Crossover, with the commercial success of the 3008 and the inspiration drawn from the SXC Concept Car shown at the Shanghai Motor Show in 2011.

Wishing to merge these two fields of excellence into a new vehicle, Peugeot has developed the Peugeot 2008 Concept, a small vehicle combining agility, compactness, versatility and a striking style for young-minded city dwellers who love the city, while also loving to escape from it.

Its unique identity originates from the marriage of the elegance and refinement of the hatchback, the impertinence and mischievousness of the SUV combined with remarkable versatility and occupant space for this segment. Capitalising on the process of re-generation unveiled by the 208, the urban nature of the Peugeot 2008 Concept is established by compact dimensions: 4.14m long and 1.74m wide.

A unique style, combining elegance and strength

The Peugeot 2008 Concept naturally bears the stylistic codes of the Marque. With its athletic and sleek lines it imposes its bold posture which overturns and reinvents the standards of the larger vehicles in the small-vehicles segment.

It is painted fluorescent yellow with Velvet matt varnish, a very luminous colour which is full of energy. The body is punctuated with Dark Chrome details, accentuating the modernity and elegance of this concept car.

From a coherent overall volume the Peugeot 2008 Concept succeeds in combining a variety of impressions. The front face is refined and full of presence, where bonnet and wings give a reassuring impression of protection and strength. This perception is identical at the rear where the shape combines solidity with dynamism. The profile unites the two faces by means of the slender link which begins with the inclined windscreen and continues with the continuous roof line to the spoiler. And so a profiled and very aerodynamic silhouette is outlined. The side lines, traced in the direction of the road, give the impression of a lively, sleek and dynamic vehicle.

The Peugeot 2008 Concept pays particular attention to detail. The 'floating grille' has a design cut into the metal, combined with a sophisticated dual-aspect treatment following the example of the new marque emblem. The headlamps, of a precise and unique design, bear the Peugeot identity. Their contours follow the technical functions as closely as possible and so form the sharp pupil of a cat. Chiselled in form, they are aligned with the front face, giving it an even more expressive and individual character.

The Peugeot 2008 Concept also has very sensuous and sophisticated sculpted wings and sides, indicating natural athletic qualities. The large wheels, the design of their wheel arches and the ground clearance symbolise an active life without restraint; agile, versatile and lightweight.

In profile, the curve of the roof accentuates the upper decoration of the rear doors. Exclusive, cut into the metal, it appears crimped into the bodywork. This refinement also marks the precise design of the aluminium spoiler and roof bars which give the appearance of a vehicle designed for speed and leisure.

A 3-cylinder turbo petrol engine

Under its sleek bonnet the Peugeot 2008 Concept is equipped with a development of the new generation 3-cylinder petrol engines. In harmony with the dynamism and power exuded by this concept car, the 1.2-litre 3-cylinder engine has a turbo and direct injection. Developing its energy while remaining lightweight, it contributes to the versatility of the 2008 Concept with a power of 110bhp. This is combined with low fuel consumption and CO2 emissions.

Components of the Group's down-sizing strategy, these 3-cylinder engines permit a breakthrough in terms of consumption and CO2 while offering real driving pleasure.


U-A-U! 8-)

Modificato da Touareg 2.5
Non si vedevano le immagini

My cars...

Autobianchi Y10 1.1 i.e. (1992) - Lancia Ypsilon LX BEV (2024)



Praticamente hanno ricolorato e cambiato qualche lucina all'Urban Crossover presentato a Pechino, ma già dalla scorsa press release ciò si evinceva :

Urban Crossover Concept will be presented in turn at the Beijing Motor Show in April and at the Paris International, in October, so as to illustrate the product of this reflection in a global perspective.

Quantomeno abbiamo la conferma sul nome... e se non faranno disastri nella trasposizione a vettura stradale, avremo il crossover di piccole dimensioni più riuscito sino ad ora (è sicuramente migliore di Chevrolet, Opel, Ford e compagnia).

Mi piace anche il nuovo indirizzo di stile Peugeot, sembra esser tornato a qualche anno fa. Speriamo solo che non rendano tutto troppo banale.

 News al 02/12/2015: Mazda 2.


Manca solo l'adesivo " Ich Fahre VOLKL!":§

Sai che cosa diceva quel tale? In Italia sotto i Borgia, per trent'anni, hanno avuto assassinii, guerre, terrore e massacri, ma hanno prodotto Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci e il Rinascimento. In Svizzera hanno avuto amore fraterno, cinquecento anni di pace e democrazia, e che cos' hanno prodotto? Gli orologi a cucù.( O.Welles)


Dietro sa di Sciroppo (scusate...non ho resistito...) e il rialzo del tetto fa è carino come suvvino compatto. Ma il leone al centro della calandra no??

el Nino

[sIGPIC][/sIGPIC] I sogni a volte si avverano. Tu sei il mio.


Tanto di cappello a Peugeot che, nonostante la crisi (interna ed europea), si sta preparando a lanciare modelli azzeccati e con un design piacevole.

Questa 2008 si preannuncia la migliore del segmento (almeno come design) in attesa della Renault Captur.

...e il rialzo del tetto fa è carino come suvvino compatto.

el Nino

Ah, ecco, non sono l'unico a pensarlo :D

My cars...

Autobianchi Y10 1.1 i.e. (1992) - Lancia Ypsilon LX BEV (2024)



Che carina. :)

Oddio, ritornano le strisce sfumate nel basso fiancata? :D Era dai tempi di Ibiza GLX che non le vedevo :D

"... guarda la libidine sarebbe per il si, ma il pilota dopo il gran premio ha bisogno il suo descanso... e poi è scattata la regola numero due: perlustrazione del pueblo e ricerca de los amigos... ah Ivana, mi raccomando il panta nell'armadio, il pantalone bello diritto. E un po' d'ordine in stanza... see you later!" (Il Dogui, Vacanze di Natale)

Che carina. :)

Oddio, ritornano le strisce sfumate nel basso fiancata? :D Era dai tempi di Ibiza GLX che non le vedevo :D

Uh? Non ci avevo fatto caso :D

My cars...

Autobianchi Y10 1.1 i.e. (1992) - Lancia Ypsilon LX BEV (2024)


Tanto di cappello a Peugeot che, nonostante la crisi (interna ed europea), si sta preparando a lanciare modelli azzeccati e con un design piacevole.

Mi riallaccio a Teknos.

Ma PSA a euri come e' messa? bene? male? a rischio?

Perche', non per voler alzare flame, ma il Gruppozzo al momento è immobile, in attesa di consolidare bene la situazione in USA. Immagino che una volta sistemato tutto, e lanciati i millemila modelli detti oggi, si muoveranno. Quindi il Gruppozzo una stampella, solida, ce l'ha.

MA PSA? Fa uscire 208 e la vende a meno di una Panda, fa mille mila modelli, fa la DS5 che ancora non ne ho vista una... come sta messo in Europa?

Ha anche lui la stampellona? Vende talmente tanto in Cina da poter reinvestire in Europa a cuor leggero?

Di questi ne vendono a secchiate.


[scritto in data 18 Luglio 2013 - Riferito a Jeep Cherokee]

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