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Mondial de l'Automobile 2012: "Electric Drive" on all fronts. New electric model from Mercedes-Benz: the new Concept B-Class Electric Drive

Stuttgart/Paris - A new addition to Mercedes-Benz's family of electric vehicles: at the Paris Motor Show, the company is presenting a battery-powered electric variant of the B-Class. This concept vehicle is one of the first models to incorporate the term "Electric Drive" into its model designation. In future, "Electric Drive" lettering will adorn the boot lids of all battery-powered electric passenger cars from Mercedes-Benz, Mercedes-AMG and smart.

Similarly to the successful B-Class models with combustion engines, the battery-powered Concept B-Class Electric Drive also combines a comfortable and enjoyable driving experience with full suitability for everyday and family use. The so-called Energy Space in the floor of the vehicle in front of the rear axle ensures that the concept vehicle offers the same generous and variable space inside as the current series production models. The Energy Space provides a safe and space-saving means of accommodating the powerful lithium-ion battery which also has a positive effect on the vehicle's centre of gravity.

The Concept B-Class Electric Drive is equipped with a 100 kW electric motor whose powerful 310 Newton meters of torque provide for attractive driving dynamics over a range of 200 kilometres. The battery can be charged at any standard domestic 230 V power outlet or alternatively - with rapid charging function - at a 400 V high-voltage terminal.

In the B-Class, Mercedes-Benz has at its disposal an extremely versatile car which is suitable for the most diverse types of drive - from combustion engines through battery-powered drives to the fuel cell. Thanks to Energy Space, the B-Class is the ultimate all-rounder and the Mercedes trailblazer for alternative drives in the compact premium automobile segment. The particularly family-friendly electric car from Mercedes-Benz is almost ready for series production, with the market launch already planned for 2014.

The Paris Motor Show will also feature the world premieres of the production versions of the Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG Coupé Electric Drive and the smart BRABUS electric drive. These new electric cars in three different vehicle categories from Mercedes-Benz, Mercedes-AMG and smart demonstrate once again Daimler's rigorous pursuit of its drive strategy focusing on the ultimate objective of zero-emission driving. Along with optimised combustion engines and hybridisation tailored to prevailing needs, the focus is on battery-powered electric drives and the fuel cell.


La nuova Mercedes-Benz Classe B Electric Drive rappresenta per la Casa tedesca l'inizio di una nuova era: Electric Drive sarà infatti la denominazione che in futuro sarà utilizzata per tutti i modelli elettrici Mercedes-Benz, Smart e AMG. A suggellare la nuova denominazione "unificata", nello stand parigino saranno esposte anche le concept SLS AMG Coupé Electric Drive, evoluzione della SLS E-Cell, e la Smart Brabus Electric Drive.

Lo spazio dell'energia. La versione della Classe B che sarà svelata al Salone di Parigi è ancora una concept, anche se ormai vicinissima al modello definitivo atteso nel 2014: grazie all'Energy Space ricavato nel pianale, le batterie al litio non rubano spazio all'abitacolo, mantenendo costante anche il baricentro e offrendo le migliori garanzie di sicurezza in caso di incidente. È stata la nuova piattaforma Mfa a rendere possibile questa soluzione: progettata partendo dal foglio bianco, la nuova architettura è stata concepita sin dall'inizio con l'alloggio in questione, che poi è lo stesso previsto sulla NGD a metano, anch'essa al debutto a Parigi.

In attesa dei dati completi. Il propulsore della Electric Drive eroga 100 kW (136 CV) e 310 Nm di coppia massima, per un'autonomia dichiarata di 200 km. La ricarica può avvenire con le classiche prese domestiche o con sistemi rapidi ad alta tensione da 400 Volt, ma i tempi non sono stati per il momento comunicati, così come le prestazioni. L'unica immagine ufficiale mostra per il momento una livrea blu elettrico, senza modifiche evidenti al corpo vettura. L.Cor.

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