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Land Rover is really looking to expand the appeal of their range of vehicles, with a new, smaller and cheaper offering, which would bring in buyers which are very different to those who would have bought a LR product, even 10 years ago.

The plan is to have a new small crossover, to sit below the Evoque. The new vehicle would not share the same design language as the rest of the range, and it may draw its inspiration from the DC100 concept, which the manufacturer say s was well-received by the public.

The new vehicle would most likely not wear the Range Rover badge, and it would fit into the range nicely, as the Freelander and Discovery are being redesigned, and the all-new models will sit further upmarket, leaving the job of entry-level offering to this new model.

It will also feature yet-unnamed new technologies, which are said to give the vehicle a significant boost in economy, by improving powertrain efficiency and lowering weight.

There is only one problem. While Jaguar-Land Rover is undoubtedly keen to get a compact crossover out as soon as possible, to fight the Mazda CX-5 and Mitsubishi ASX, and even the Peugeot 2008, they need to collaborate with another, more experienced manufacturer, who also happens to have a suitable platform.

They currently have none which would do the job, and developing one just for this application, even if it would eventually get used in a compact Jaguar model would still not be feasible from a financial point of view. If they sort this problem, however, the small crossover will be developed and launched quicker than automakers have gotten us used to, to try and capitalize on the rising compact crossover market sector.

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  • 2 mesi fa...
d Rover global brand director John Edwards says the company is currently considering a small SUV to slot below the Evoque.In an interview given to Autocar, Edwards declared "I can see a sub-compact SUV working in all markets… and I don't see a reason not to do it in the future." If approved, this new model is expected to be 30cm shorter than the Evoque which means it will be about four meters long. According to some sources, it might ride on a new bespoke platform which will be shared with Tata Motors and Chery.

It will have an estimated starting price of 18,000 GBP which will make it more expensive than the MINI Countryman but cheaper than the next-gen Freelander. The base model will likely adopt a front-wheel drive layout, while the design will take cues from the DC100 concepts.

 News al 02/12/2015: Mazda 2.

Stando alle ultime news in rete no, lo starebbero ridisegnando perchè - a sentirli - non ha ricevuto una grossa approvazione dal pubblico (cosa che personalmente non ricordo, anzi).

La teoria è quando si conosce il funzionamento di qualcosa ma quel qualcosa non funziona.

La pratica è quando tutto funziona ma non si sa come.

Spesso si finisce con il coniugare la teoria con la pratica: non funziona niente e non si sa il perché.

Stando alle ultime news in rete no, lo starebbero ridisegnando perchè - a sentirli - non ha ricevuto una grossa approvazione dal pubblico (cosa che personalmente non ricordo, anzi).


Potrebbero comunque proporlo nella gamma Range come entry level della gamma, chiamandolo che so Range Rover Adventure.

  • 3 anni fa...
On ‎19‎/‎09‎/‎2012 at 21:05, evilwithin dice:

Se fanno una Evoque più piccola, o cambiano impostazione stilistica (e tornano a forme "umane") o la fanno a 2 posti, perchè io tutto questo margine di "rimpicciolimento" nell'abitacolo non ce lo vedo :§


per farla dovrebbero utilizzare una piattaforma differente rispetto ad Evoque, potrebbe essere che stiano sviluppando una nuova piattaforma e in quest'ottica vi sia il nuovo impianto produttivo in Slovacchia. Tale piattaforma potrebbe poi essere utilizzata dalle eredi di Evoque e Discovery Sport oltre all'E-Pace (in quest'ottica si comprenderebbe la scelta di farlo produrre a Magna in Austria).


Il mio sito "Gruppo Hainz": - I miei articoli su Automotivespace - E quando ci sarà il nuovo sito di Autopareri anche su - I video del salone di Ginevra 2012

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