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[Aston Martin] Passaggio di Proprietà in vista?

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Aston Martin’s majority shareholder is seeking to sell its stake and has approached potential buyers, according to online reports.Bloomberg claims the Kuwait firm Investment Dar Co, which owns 64 per cent of Aston, has hired financial advisory firm Rothschild to advise on the sale and several buyers have already been approached, including Indian firm Mahindra & Mahindra.

Autocar is awaiting an official comment from Aston Martin on the reports.

Investment Dar was part of a consortium fronted by Prodrive’s David Richards that bought Aston from Ford five years ago. Richards became chairman of the famous British sports car maker, which has been led by CEO Ulrich Bez since 2000, after the takeover.

Bloomberg claims a sale of Aston is proving difficult, as a buyer willing to pay the $800 million (£640m) Investment Dar is seeking for its stake is not forthcoming.

The report also claims Toyota conducted a one-week study around two months ago into the feasibility of buying Aston, but it has progressed no further with its interest.

As recently as last month, Bez said Aston was not for sale, following rumours that it was looking to be taken over by a major car maker to help fund future product development.

 News al 02/12/2015: Mazda 2.

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Ma come sta andando economicamente l'Aston? Perchè sembra che tutte le marche Super Premium (Prosche, Ferrari, Lambo, Maserati, Pagani etc etc) riescano a far quadrare più che bene i conti. Pur non amando molto le Aston mi sembra strano che sia diventata un fardello di cui liberarsi.

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ma credo che aston abbia i conti micatanto come la ferrari

sentivo che specie in UK facevano forti forti sconti

pur di paizzare le macchine, come diceva Clarkson

è finito il tempo dove per fare il prezzo si tiravano fuori a caso

i numeri da un sacchetto.

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Ma come sta andando economicamente l'Aston? Perchè sembra che tutte le marche Super Premium (Prosche, Ferrari, Lambo, Maserati, Pagani etc etc) riescano a far quadrare più che bene i conti. Pur non amando molto le Aston mi sembra strano che sia diventata un fardello di cui liberarsi.

"Ah! Rotto solo semiasse, IO KULO ANKORA!" (cit.)

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