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Pneumatici All Season - Consigli



Approfitto del post di Braccobaldo per chiedere un consiglio.

La Daewoo Kalos 1.4 benzina che usavo prima di acquistare la mia Jazz non è stata data in permuta nè rottamata, ma restituita a mia madre.

Attualmente quell'auto percorre tra i 1000 e i 2000 km annui (più mille che duemila), quasi tutti in ciclo urbano, qualcosa in extraurbano (quando l'adopero io per sgranchirla un po') e MAI autostrada.

Attualmente quest'auto monta delle gomme estive ricostruite RENOVA (sarei curioso di sapere il giudizio di chi ne sa su queste gomme che non ho mai sentito nominare prima). Queste gomme hanno sulle spalle circa 25'000 km e 4-5 anni buoni ma già presentano un marcatissimo decadimento delle prestazioni e preoccupanti crepe sul battistrada.

Sfortuntatamente mia madre non ha intenzione di "buttare soldi" per la manutenzione della sua auto. Già per i tagliandi (assolutamente random e presso un meccanico rumeno che lavora in officina e fa tagliandi in nero per arrotondare, dove porta da casa i pezzi di ricambio che compro io [sic!]) si arrangia in maniera discutibile, per quanto riguarda le gomme si tiene quei trappoloni attualmente montati.

Ora, siccome a me da fastidio la cosa, così come da fastidio la manutenzione approssimativa dell'auto che è stata mia (ma posso farci poco, a parte comprare i ricambi) pensavo ad una soluzione il più low cost possibile. E, fatalità, pensavo proprio a degli all season.

Il problema è trovare un ECCELLENTE compromesso qualità prezzo visto che le gomme probabilmente rimarranno montate fino a fine vita dell'auto per cui cercherei di montare un prodotto il più valido possibile ad un prezzo concorrenziale.

Ps. per ottemperare agli obblighi di legge, al momento teniamo le catene patacca nel baule :disp:

Al conformismo l'ironia fa più paura d'ogni argomentato ragionamento.

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Buona sera, io ho utilizzato su Giulietta le crossclimate Michelin...le ho trovate ottime come durata e come rendimento in tutte le condizioni. 

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Inviato (modificato)
3 ore fa, 1happydream scrive:

@Damynavy: sono pneumatici piu' che altro M*S.. non sono dei veri Allrounder.

Vanno bene per auto prestazionali, ma sulla neve cedono parecchio (e non solo sulla neve)

Feedback , reviews e Test abbastanza modesti



Il problema è, che io, l'auto prestazionale non ce l'ho!!!?


NON la uso per escursioni montane.


Per la neve che trovo in pianura mi bastano.


Sopperisco con la trazione quattro.



È eccezionale ?


Monto i 19"

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Test speciale su pneumatici AllSeason USATI


E qui si vede il reale VALORE del prodotto Michelin CrossClimate+ (e la debacle del Nokian WeatherProof, migliore da nuovo e peggiore da usato)



As this was primarily an all season tyre test, the testers at Auto Bild only considered the all season tyres in the final result, which are noted below. We recommend visiting the Auto Bild website to see the full data from all six all season tyres on test.


Michelin CrossClimate Plus 1st: Michelin CrossClimate+
Overall: Exemplary all-rounder with balanced performance and the least performance degradation throughout the treadlife. One of the highest priced tyres, but the mileage balances with the price as the best wearing tyre on test. Highly recommended.

Read Reviews Buy from £58.60
Goodyear Vector 4 Seasons Gen 2 2nd: Goodyear Vector 4 Seasons Gen 2
Overall: Strong all-rounder with best performance on wet and snowy roads at new and 4 mm. Average dry grip to start with, but improves as the tyre wears. Low rolling resistance, and a good price to wear ratio. Recommended.

Read Reviews Buy from £54.00
Pirelli Cinturato AllSeason 3rd: Pirelli Cinturato AllSeason
Overall: Only good in the snow when new, after 4mm the performance drops. Too expensive for the mileage provided, and high rolling resistance. Conditionally recommended.

Read Reviews Buy from £50.70
Hankook Kinergy 4S 4th: Hankook Kinergy 4S
Overall: Like the Pirelli, the Hankook is only safe when new, with the snow and wet performance dropping with tyre wear. The dry performance increases as the tread wears. Poor wear. Conditionally recommended.

Read Reviews Buy from £63.07
Vredestein Quatrac 5 5th: Vredestein Quatrac 5
Overall: Balanced performance when new, but by 4mm the performance has dropped significantly. Conditionally recommended.

Read Reviews Buy from £46.90
Nokian WeatherProof 6th: Nokian WeatherProof
Overall: One of the strongest performances when new, but weakest when worn. Poor mileage. Conditionally recommended.

Read Reviews

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Altro test recente 225/45 17 (Bmw Serie 1 )






Michelin CrossClimate Plus 1st: Michelin CrossClimate+
  1. Wet Braking: 5th (+6.2M)
  2. Dry Braking: 4th (+2M)
  3. Wet Handling: 4th (+-1.6Km/H)
  4. Dry Handling: 2nd (+-0.6Km/H)
  5. Wear: 1st (+0Km)
  6. Rolling Resistance: 4th (+0.93kg / t)
  7. Noise: 11th (+2.4dB)
  8. Straight Aqua: 11th (+-6.8Km/H)
  9. Snow Braking: 6th (+2.1M)
  10. Snow Handling: 6th (+-23.3s)
  11. Snow Handling: 2nd (+-0.2Km/H)
  12. Value: 4th (+1.02Price/1000)
  13. Price: 10th (+130)
Positive: Convincing all round performance with sporty driving characteristics in all conditions. Precise steering, short wet and dry braking, lowest wear and good comfort.
Negative: None mentioned.
Overall: Test winner.

Read Reviews Buy from £92.90
Vredestein Quatrac Pro 2nd: Vredestein Quatrac Pro
  1. Wet Braking: 3rd (+4.1M)
  2. Dry Braking: 9th (+5M)
  3. Wet Handling: 1st (+0Km/H)
  4. Dry Handling: 3rd (+-1.2Km/H)
  5. Wear: 6th (+-18800Km)
  6. Rolling Resistance: 6th (+1.41kg / t)
  7. Noise: 5th (+0.8dB)
  8. Straight Aqua: 10th (+-6.4Km/H)
  9. Snow Braking: 5th (+1.6M)
  10. Snow Handling: 5th (+-23.3s)
  11. Snow Handling: 7th (+-1Km/H)
  12. Value: 8th (+1.87Price/1000)
  13. Price: 6th (+55)
Positive: Excellent year round tyres with impressive qualities on ice and snow, sport handling on wet and dry roads, precise steering response with good feedback, short braking distances in the wet.
Negative: Average wear.
Overall: Exemplary.

Read Reviews Buy from £76.50
Goodyear Vector 4 Seasons Gen 2 3rd: Goodyear Vector 4 Seasons Gen 2
  1. Wet Braking: 4th (+5.1M)
  2. Dry Braking: 11th (+6.5M)
  3. Wet Handling: 5th (+-1.7Km/H)
  4. Dry Handling: 10th (+-3Km/H)
  5. Wear: 3rd (+-6700Km)
  6. Rolling Resistance: 3rd (+0.9kg / t)
  7. Noise: 4th (+0.7dB)
  8. Straight Aqua: 4th (+-3.9Km/H)
  9. Snow Braking: 2nd (+0.3M)
  10. Snow Handling: 2nd (+-23.3s)
  11. Snow Handling: 1st (+0Km/H)
  12. Value: 5th (+1.06Price/1000)
  13. Price: 8th (+90)
Positive: An excellent all season tyre with strong winter characteristics, safe handling and a good balance int he wet, good comfort, good mileage, good price to wear ratio.
Negative: Slow steering in the dry.
Overall: Good.

Read Reviews Buy from £78.70
Continental AllSeasonContact 4th: Continental AllSeasonContact
  1. Wet Braking: 7th (+7.5M)
  2. Dry Braking: 8th (+4.7M)
  3. Wet Handling: 3rd (+-1.4Km/H)
  4. Dry Handling: 5th (+-1.9Km/H)
  5. Wear: 2nd (+-3100Km)
  6. Rolling Resistance: 2nd (+0.19kg / t)
  7. Noise: 7th (+1.4dB)
  8. Straight Aqua: 12th (+-7.9Km/H)
  9. Snow Braking: 3rd (+0.9M)
  10. Snow Handling: 3rd (+-23.3s)
  11. Snow Handling: 6th (+-0.9Km/H)
  12. Value: 3rd (+1.01Price/1000)
  13. Price: 9th (+110)
Positive: A balanced all season tyre with sporty wet handling, low wear, short braking distances and stable cornering on ice and snow, good price / performance ratio, low rolling resistance.
Negative: Slightly extended wet braking.
Overall: Good.

Read Reviews Buy from £88.50
Hankook Kinergy 4S2 5th: Hankook Kinergy 4S2
  1. Wet Braking: 10th (+8.4M)
  2. Dry Braking: 6th (+4.1M)
  3. Wet Handling: 7th (+-2Km/H)
  4. Dry Handling: 4th (+-1.7Km/H)
  5. Wear: 7th (+-20300Km)
  6. Rolling Resistance: 5th (+1.02kg / t)
  7. Noise: 8th (+1.5dB)
  8. Straight Aqua: 5th (+-4.6Km/H)
  9. Snow Braking: 4th (+1.5M)
  10. Snow Handling: 4th (+-23.3s)
  11. Snow Handling: 4th (+-0.3Km/H)
  12. Value: 7th (+1.59Price/1000)
  13. Price: 3rd (+30)
Positive: Strong winter performance, good traction and dynamic handling on snow, good aquaplaning safety, good wet and dry handling, good price to performance ratio.
Negative: Slightly extended wet braking.
Overall: Good.

Read Reviews
Nexen N Blue 4 Season 6th: Nexen N Blue 4 Season
  1. Wet Braking: 8th (+8M)
  2. Dry Braking: 7th (+4.4M)
  3. Wet Handling: 9th (+-2.6Km/H)
  4. Dry Handling: 9th (+-2.9Km/H)
  5. Wear: 4th (+-10900Km)
  6. Rolling Resistance: 11th (+2.57kg / t)
  7. Noise: 1st (+0dB)
  8. Straight Aqua: 8th (+-5.8Km/H)
  9. Snow Braking: 9th (+2.4M)
  10. Snow Handling: 9th (+-23.3s)
  11. Snow Handling: 5th (+-0.8Km/H)
  12. Value: 1st (+0Price/1000)
  13. Price: 1st (+0)
Positive: Low priced all season tyres with a safe balance in all weathers, stable cornering and short braking in the snow, low wear, good price to performance ratio, low noise.
Negative: Slightly extended wet braking, high rolling resistance.
Overall: Good.

Read Reviews Buy from £58.90
Maxxis Premitra All Season AP3 7th: Maxxis Premitra All Season AP3
  1. Wet Braking: 11th (+8.6M)
  2. Dry Braking: 2nd (+1.6M)
  3. Wet Handling: 11th (+-3.9Km/H)
  4. Dry Handling: 7th (+-2.1Km/H)
  5. Wear: 9th (+-22700Km)
  6. Rolling Resistance: 7th (+1.43kg / t)
  7. Noise: 2nd (+0.5dB)
  8. Straight Aqua: 2nd (+-2.5Km/H)
  9. Snow Braking: 10th (+3M)
  10. Snow Handling: 10th (+-23.3s)
  11. Snow Handling: 8th (+-1.2Km/H)
  12. Value: 9th (+2.04Price/1000)
  13. Price: 4th (+35)
Positive: A new all season tyre form a Chinese manufacturer with safe handling on snow and dry roads, good aquaplaning resistance, short dry braking distances.
Negative: Average grip in the wet, long wet braking, average wear.
Overall: Good.

Read Reviews
Kumho Solus HA31 8th: Kumho Solus HA31
  1. Wet Braking: 6th (+7.1M)
  2. Dry Braking: 10th (+5.9M)
  3. Wet Handling: 10th (+-3.3Km/H)
  4. Dry Handling: 11th (+-3.2Km/H)
  5. Wear: 5th (+-11200Km)
  6. Rolling Resistance: 10th (+1.61kg / t)
  7. Noise: 3rd (+0.6dB)
  8. Straight Aqua: 9th (+-6.3Km/H)
  9. Snow Braking: 7th (+2.3M)
  10. Snow Handling: 7th (+-23.3s)
  11. Snow Handling: 9th (+-1.8Km/H)
  12. Value: 2nd (+0.62Price/1000)
  13. Price: 4th (+35)
Positive: Good aquaplaning properties, low wear, short braking distances on snow, low noise.
Negative: Average snow handling, slightly extended wet and dry braking distances, soft dry handling, average comfort.
Overall: Average.

Read Reviews Buy from £63.60
Bridgestone Weather Control A005 9th: Bridgestone Weather Control A005
  1. Wet Braking: 2nd (+3.9M)
  2. Dry Braking: 3rd (+1.8M)
  3. Wet Handling: 6th (+-1.8Km/H)
  4. Dry Handling: 5th (+-1.9Km/H)
  5. Wear: 10th (+-31800Km)
  6. Rolling Resistance: 1st (+0kg / t)
  7. Noise: 10th (+1.8dB)
  8. Straight Aqua: 7th (+-5.3Km/H)
  9. Snow Braking: 11th (+3.8M)
  10. Snow Handling: 11th (+-23.3s)
  11. Snow Handling: 11th (+-2.1Km/H)
  12. Value: 10th (+4.92Price/1000)
  13. Price: 7th (+80)
Positive: Short braking distances and sport handling in the wet and dry, good aquaplaning reserves, low rolling resistance.
Negative: Average performance in the snow, very poor wear.
Overall: Average.

Read Reviews Buy from £78.70
Cooper Discoverer All Season 10th: Cooper Discoverer All Season
  1. Wet Braking: 12th (+10.2M)
  2. Dry Braking: 5th (+3.3M)
  3. Wet Handling: 12th (+-6.4Km/H)
  4. Dry Handling: 12th (+-3.8Km/H)
  5. Wear: 8th (+-20700Km)
  6. Rolling Resistance: 8th (+1.47kg / t)
  7. Noise: 6th (+1.1dB)
  8. Straight Aqua: 3rd (+-3.1Km/H)
  9. Snow Braking: 7th (+2.3M)
  10. Snow Handling: 7th (+-23.3s)
  11. Snow Handling: 10th (+-1.9Km/H)
  12. Value: 6th (+1.35Price/1000)
  13. Price: 2nd (+15)
Positive: Good aquaplaning resistance, short braking distances in the snow and on dry roads, low price.
Negative: Poor cornering and long braking distances in the wet, slow steering and poor balance in the dry.
Overall: Not Recommended.

Read Reviews Buy from £61.10
Reference Summer 11th: Reference Summer
  1. Wet Braking: 1st (+0M)
  2. Dry Braking: 1st (+0M)
  3. Wet Handling: 2nd (+-1Km/H)
  4. Dry Handling: 1st (+0Km/H)
  5. Wear: 1st (+-70800Km)
  6. Rolling Resistance: 12th (+2.72kg / t)
  7. Noise: 8th (+1.5dB)
  8. Straight Aqua: 1st (+0Km/H)
  9. Snow Braking: 12th (+46M)
  10. Snow Handling: 12th (+-23.3s)
  11. Snow Handling: 12th (+-56.9Km/H)
  12. Value: 12th (+-5.34Price/1000)
  13. Price: 12th (+-320)
Read Reviews
Reference Winter 11th: Reference Winter
  1. Wet Braking: 8th (+8M)
  2. Dry Braking: 11th (+6.5M)
  3. Wet Handling: 8th (+-2.1Km/H)
  4. Dry Handling: 8th (+-2.3Km/H)
  5. Wear: 8th (+-70800Km)
  6. Rolling Resistance: 9th (+1.6kg / t)
  7. Noise: 12th (+2.6dB)
  8. Straight Aqua: 6th (+-4.7Km/H)
  9. Snow Braking: 1st (+0M)
  10. Snow Handling: 1st (+-23.3s)
  11. Snow Handling: 2nd (+-0.2Km/H)
  12. Value: 2nd (+-5.34Price/1000)
  13. Price: 2nd (+-320)

Come sempre CrossClimate + VINCE !


Tra le opzioni best buy sempre loro 2

-Maxxis Premitra AllSeason AP3 (il più simile alla filosofia Michelin, ottimo AllRounder per tutto l'anno, anche al caldo e sull'asciutto)

-Nexen N Blue 4 Season ( Best Buy Assoluto...ideale per chi cerca un AllSeason che vada veramente bene anche sulla neve)


PS Deludente Bridgestone WC A005 che, come il Nokia WeatherProof , è buonissimo da nuovo , ma si consuma rapidissimamente

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Le classifiche...(eccone un'altra 2018/19)


  1. Goodyear Vector 4 Seasons Gen-2
  2. Michelin CrossClimate Plus
  3. Continental All Season Contact
  4. Kleber Quadraxer 2
  5. Vredestein Quatrac 5
  6. Pirelli Cinturato AllSeason
  7. Maxxis All Season AP2 

Goodyear o Michelin.

Su queste due "cadrebbe" la mia scelta.



Modificato da Damynavy
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3 ore fa, mikisnow scrive:


E Good Year per @Damynavy.

Piu invernali di Michelin. 

Ma appunto dipende dal tipo di utilizzo. 


Utilizzo principale (molto intenso)


Circa 800m.


Il tratto più impegnativo, sono i 30m di "salitella", che devo affrontare, per attraversare il Sempione.


Con 1cm di neve, in quei 30m, si "piantano" tutti.


Semaforo+Salita+Neve/Ghiaccio=Combinazione Micidiale...


Io, "salgo" anche con le estive, completamente lisce.


Sono soddisfazioni.?

Modificato da Damynavy
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19 ore fa, Damynavy scrive:

Semaforo+Salita+Neve/Ghiaccio=Combinazione Micidiale...


Io, "salgo" anche con le estive, completamente lisce.


C'è rullaggio e rullaggio :D 

- '13 Toyota Auris Hybrid TS Lounge (dal 2024)

-'03 Ford StreetKa 1.6 Leather  (dal 2022)


My wife said to get things done. You'd better don't mess with


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