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Some guys they just give up living

And start dying little by little, piece by piece

Some guys come home from work and wash up

Then go racin' in the street

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A me l'attuale 1er cabrio e coupè piace perché mi ricorda le vecchie berline 2 porte sportive, come la serie 02 di BMW stessa.

Questa sembra maturare e andare a prendere i clienti che un tempo si sarebbero rivolti a Serie 3 Coupè, visto che Serie 4 è cresciuta e maturata al punto da diventare una piccola 6.

Io credo che una M2 potrebbe essere uno dei prodotti più interessanti del listino di Monaco.

1986 Renault 4 950 TL

1994 Volvo 940 2.0i Polar

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Questa sembra maturare e andare a prendere i clienti che un tempo si sarebbero rivolti a Serie 3 Coupè, visto che Serie 4 è cresciuta e maturata al punto da diventare una piccola 6/QUOTE]

Lo scopo di questa 2 è proprio questo. Aggiungo che verrà anche scelta da chi crede che una cabrio debba avere la tela e non un tettuccio rigido

  • 7 mesi fa...
According to a report issued by CarAdvice, BMW will unveil the 2-Series Cabrio towards the end of 2014.

BMW terminated production of the 1-Series Cabrio back in October 2013 and now they are getting ready to come out with a direct replacement in the form of the first ever 2-Series Cabrio. Our spies already caught on camera prototypes undergoing testing and it seems the model will come out before the end of the year.

It will be a bit larger than its predecessor and will come with a foldable soft top while engine lineup is going to be borrowed from the 2-Series Coupe. A public debut will likely occur in January 2015 at the North American International Auto Show.

Interestingly, BMW Australia product manager told Car Advice the company is working on an additional 2-Series model, besides the existing Coupe and front-wheel drive family-oriented Active Tourer. He didn't get into specifics but mentioned it will be "lining up by going in line with the success of its predecessor." A possible candidate would have to be the rumored range-topping M2 Coupe as a successor of the 1-Series M Coupe which was limited to 2,700 units.


Debutto a fine anno.

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Autobianchi Y10 1.1 i.e. (1992) - Lancia Ypsilon LX BEV (2024)


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