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Toyota Rav4 EV (Notizie)

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Despite being the world’s single largest manufacturer of hybrid vehicles, Toyota has surprisingly never made a hybrid version of their highly-successful RAV4, opting instead for just petrol, diesel and all-electric variants. However, according to, a hybrid version of the all-new model, presented at the Los Angeles International Auto Show is now a distinct possibility.

The information was obtained from RAV4 Deputy Chief Engineer, Yoshikazu Saeki, who said that a hybrid version of their new SUV “would not be difficult to do”, yet it would have to stay in line with the philosophy behind it - “an active exterior design, high interior quality and dynamic handling”. To this, Saeki added that they “are watching the market. After introducing the new RAV4 we will see. There will be a possibility of introducing a hybrid RAV4 and we will respond to what the market wants.

Furthermore, the benchmarks for the new RAV were the Honda CR-V and VW’s refreshed Tiguan, cars which are considered as some of the best-in class, so we expect the car to be much better than its wallowey predecessor.

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